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That we may Immanuel sing,
As we ought, our God and King.

HYMN 14. Second Part. L. М.

The Birth of Christ.

1 TO us a child is

born from heav'n;

To us the Son of God is giv'n;

Gentiles in Jesus' name shall trust,
And of his glories make their boast :
2 His name the Wonderful shall be ;
His wonders heav'n and earth shall see:
The Counsellor of truth and grace,
Who leads in paths of righteousness.
3 The Mighty God, that glorious name,
His works and word join to proclaim :
The Everlasting Father, He-
And the whole church his family.

4 The Prince of Peace, on David's throne:
And nations, yet unborn, shall own
His Sov'reign and his gracious sway;
Glad of the honour to obey.

5 Justice and Judgment he'll maintain-
To everlasting ages reign;
And his blest empire shall increase,
Till time, with all its movements, cease.
6 Our faith in grateful triumph boasts
These wonders of the Lord of Hosts :
And trusts the love, that form'd the plan,
To perfect what that love began.


HYMN 14. Third Part. S. М.
The Incarnation.


E saints, proclaim abroad
The honours of your King;

To Jesus, your incarnate God,

Your songs of praises sing.

2 Not angels, round the throne
Of majesty above,

Are half so much oblig'd as we,
To our Immanuel's love.

3 They never sunk so low,
They are not rais'd so high;
They never knew such depths of woe,
Such heights of majesty.

4 The Saviour did not join
Their nature to his own;
For them he shed no blood divine,
Nor breath'd a single groan.

5 May we with angels vie,
The Saviour to adore ;

Our debts are greater far than theirs,
O be our praises more!


HYMN 14. Fourth Part. C. M.

Jesus came to save Sinners.

HARK the glad sound! the Saviour's come!

Saviour promis'd long!

Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne,
And ev'ry voice a song.

2 On him the Spirit largely pour'd
Exerts its sacred fire;

Wisdom and might, and zeal and love
His holy breast inspire.

3 He comes the pris'ners to release,
In Satan's bondage held;
The gates of brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.

4 He comes from thickest films of vice

To clear the mental ray,
And on the eye-balls of the blind
To pour celestial day.

5 He comes the broken heart to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure ;
And with his righteousness and grace
T' enrich the humble poor.
6 His gospel trumpets publish loud
The jub'lee of the Lord;
His people are redeemed now,
Their heritage restor'd.

7 Our glad Hosannas, Prince of peace,
Thy welcome shall proclaim;
And heav'n's eternal arches ring
With thy beloved name.

HYMN 14. Fifth Part. С. М.
God reconciled in Christ.

1 DEAREST of all the names above,

My Jesus, and my God,
Who can resist thy heav'nly love,
Or trifle with thy blood?
2 "Tis by the merits of thy death
The Father smiles again;
'Tis by thy interceding breath,
The Spirit dwells with men.
3 Till God in human flesh I see,
My thoughts no comfort find;
The holy, just, and sacred Three
Are terrors to my mind..
4 But if Immanuel's face appear,
My hope, my joy begins;
His name forbids my slavish fear,
His grace removes my sins.
3 While Jews on their own law rely,
And Greeks of wisdom boast

I love th' Incarnate Mystery,
And there I fix my trust.


HYMN 15. First Part. L. M.

He suffered.

LORD, when faith with fixed eyes
Beholds thy wondrous sacrifice,

Love rises to an ardent flame,

And we all other hope disclaim.

2 With cold affections who can see
The thorns, the scourge, the nails, the tree,
The flowing tears, and crimson sweat,
The bleeding hands, and head, and feet !
3 Jesus, what millions of our race
Have been the triumphs of thy grace !
And millions more to thee shall fly,
And on thy sacrifice rely.

4 The sorrow, shame and death were thine,
And all the stores of wrath divine !
Ours are the pardon, life and bliss :
What love can be compar'd to this!
L. M.

HYMN 15. Second Part.

He was crucified.

1STRETCH'D on the cross the Saviour dies,

Hark! his expiring groans arise !
See, from his hands, his feet, his side,
Runs down the sacred crimson tide !

2 Believers now, behold the man !
The man of grief condemn'd for you,
The Lamb of God for sinners slain,
Weeping to Calvary pursue.

3 His sacred limbs they pierce, they tear,
With nails they fasten to the wood-
His sacred limbs! expos'd and bare,
Or only cover'd with his blood.

4 See there! his temples crown'd with thor
His bleeding hands extended wide,

His streaming feet transfix'd and torn,
The fountain gushing from his side.
5 Thou dear, thou suff'ring Son of God,
How doth thy heart to sinners move !
Sprinkle on us thy precious blood,
Constrain us with thy dying love !



HYMN 15. Third Part. L. M.
It is Christ that died.

INNERS rejoice, 'tis Christ that died :
Behold the blood flows from his side!
To wash your souls, and raise you high,
To dwell with God above the sky.

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2 'Tis Christ that died, O love divine !
Here mercy, truth, and justice shine;
God reconcil'd and sinners bought
With Jesus' blood-how sweet the thought!

3 'Tis Christ that died, a truth indeed,
On which my faith would ever feed :
Nor let the works that I perform
Be nam'd, to swell a haughty worm.

4 'Tis Christ that died, 'tis Christ was slain;
To save my soul from endless pain;
'Tis Christ that died shall be my theme,
While I have breath to praise his name.

HYMN 16. First Part. L. М.

Christ must die to satisfy for our sins.

1IMMORTAL God, on thee we call,
The great original of all;
Thro' thee we are, to thee we tend,
Our sure support, our glorious end.
We praise that wise mysterious grace,
That pitied our revolted race,

nd Jesus, our great cov'nant-head,
he captain of salvation made.

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