riod, with the design of employing her as the herald of mercy to mankind? Where, then, is our love to our fellowcreatures, if we do not rise to communicate to them that unspeakable blessing, which has first visited us, that it may be sent on to others? Where is our humanity, our benevolence, our compassion, if we spring not forth in this office of grace? What! shall the unhappy widow still perish on the funeral pile-shall the helpless infant still sink under the hand of its parent-shall the deformed orgies of Juggernaut continue to prevail, and the bones of the wretched pilgrim whiten its plains-shall the horrid rites of cannibalism yet subsist, and temples for the worship of devils be openly reared-shall all the disgusting ceremonies of impurity and blood remain in undiminished force-shall ignorance and vice, and despair, brood over the fairest portion of the globe, and the prostrate understanding and savage passions of man bind him a slave to earth? and shall Britons hesitate to convey to the several sufferers, the knowledge, and grace, and life, of an eternal redemption? We plead, it is true, the cause of unknown strangers, in urging this great question; but of strangers who are children of the same common parent with ourselves, and who might now, if God had pleased, have been in circumstances to communicate to us the very blessings which they supplicate at our hands. Englishmen do not know enough the state of the heathen world: they do not enough consider the immense obligations which their religious blessings bring with them; or they could not be unmoved, in the degree in which they still are, at the sorrows of mankind. Where is our love to our dying Redeemer, if we remain indifferent to the communication of that grace which he came down from heaven and expired on the cross to purchase? Where is our most ordinary wisdom, if we neglect the opportunity which the Providence of God affords us, of consecrating our national greatness to the Divine Glory? Where is our regard to our own church, if we labour not to plant her more deeply in the affections of our own people, by diffusing her mild and parental sway over the heathen lands? Where is our very sense of shame, if we allow other confessions of Christians to outstrip us in this holy race; and consign to a doctrine and discipline which we profess not wholly to approve, that task of conversion which should in all reason be our own? Where is our patriotism, if we desire not to involve and bind up our country with the prayers and benedictions of mankind? Let us awake, then, from our sloth. The indolence and selfishness of Christian nations have too long impeded the tide and current of life. Unnatural quarrels, the magnifying of small matters, and interminable disputes on subordinate points, have too much absorbed their attention. Now, at length, let all the Protestant communities come forward to take their share in this work of the Lord. Let our own church, the glory and bulwark of the Protestant faith, lead the way. Let the members of our two venerable Societies occupy the foremost ground. The friends of the Church Missionary Society are actuated by no undue partiality for their own particular plans. Human judgment-fallible in its most unbiassed operations-will lead the best of men to different conclusions as to the comparative merit of this or that missionary institution. Let only the great work be wisely and vigorously prosecuted, and none will more sincerely rejoice than ourselves. Let, then, our two revered Societies redouble their efforts. Let them fairly appeal to the good sense, feeling, piety, and gratitude of the nation. Let them no longer confine themselves to their present limits, but boldly enter on new spheres of action. Let one or two, or more distinct missionary establishments be formed for the different quarters of the world. There is room enough for all. Charity would hail and bless the day. Then, engaged in the actual work of missions, minor objections would fade away, and unnumbered difficulties would be removed. Every thing would be practicable, under God's blessing, if we were fairly in earnest. A more copious effusion of the grace of the Holy Ghost might be expected to descend. Our parishes and congregations at home would feel the sacred influence: a general revival of pure and scriptural piety would take place: prayer would be more abundantly and more fervently offered up at the Throne of Mercy: a holy unity and order would accompany and strengthen the warm emotions of love and zeal; the glory of our reformed and apostolical church would break forth all around; and the cause of missions, undertaken by its members as by one man, might usher in, perhaps, that day of prophetic rapture, when all the kingdoms of the earth shall become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. APPENDIX I. Address from the Committee of the Bath Association. "BATH CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. " IT is with the deepest pain and regret, that the Committee feel themselves called on to take this public notice of certain circumstances which occurred at the Meeting held for the formation of this Society, on Monday last. They deprecate from the very bottom of their hearts, as Christians and as Churchmen, the remotest approaches to strife or contention in a cause, in which nothing but the purest Christian love and harmony should be seen to prevail; and they trust, both individually and collectively, their conduct will ever be found in unison with their professions. But they regard it as a duty they owe to the Meeting itself; to the Honourable and Right Reverend Prelate who filled the chair; to the public at large; as well as to themselves, not to remain silent on the occasion. "The Committee scarcely need observe, that they refer to the very unexpected and extraordinary interruption given to their proceedings by the Archdeacon of Bath, and the written Address he chose to deliver to the Meeting. As the Archdeacon, for reasons best known to himself, withdrew instantly on concluding his Address, and would not remain to hear a single word in explanation or reply, it was deemed the fairest and most proper course to him, as well as the Meeting, not to pursue the subject, but to pass to the business of the day. "As it might be thought, from the Archdeacon's conduct and Address, that no communication had been made, either to the bishop of the diocese, or the clergy of Bath, respecting the formation of this Society, the Committee beg to observe, that, as soon as the measure was resolved on, a letter, of which the following is a copy, was sent to the Bishop : |