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duced rate, and thus afford to our connexion the same facility of establishing Schools, as that enjoyed by other churches.

Were such an association incorporated with the Tract Society, it would give new life to the latter, and supersede the necessity of two distinct societies.



THE twenty-third anniversary of the West-Riding Unitarian Tract Society, was held at Wakefield on Wednesday, May 9th. After hearing a truly eloquent and original discourse from the resident minister, the Rev. J. Cameron, the members and friends of the association partook of a refreshment at the Bull Inn. They then adjourned to Willis's large room to hold the meeting for business. The heartstirring appeals of the only consistent advocates of the great Protestant principle, the "right of private judgment in matters of conscience" -of the only Christian ministers who are unshackled by articles of faith, and creeds of human invention, and who can truly say that the Bible, and the Bible only, is their rule of faith and practice, presented indeed a most refreshing contrast to the wretched sophistries by which, in nearly the middle of the 19th century, it is attempted to gild that bitter pill, the Athanasian creed. Although to outward appearance the Unitarian "corpuscle of theology," as it has been sneeringly called, numbers but few amongst its open professors, yet it has evidently done much to liberalise and soften the dogmatic spirit of orthodoxy, and no doubt numbers among its timid friends many in all sects, who have not the moral courage to brave the persecution and absurd odium which attaches to its open profession. Its most eloquent and effective advocates have ever been found amongst those master minds that have had the courage to pursue truth wherever she may lead, such as Priestly, Lindsey, Belsham, Cameron, &c., and it is a curious fact that they have all been converts from the ranks of orthodoxy.

SETTLEMENT OF THE REV. B. T. STANNUS AT SHEFFIELD. ON Monday evening, May, 14th, 1838, the congregation at Sheffield belonging to the Unitarian interest, held a social tea meeting to welcome their newly elected pastor, the Rev. B. T. Stannus, who commenced his ministry at Sheffield on the preceding day. The company met at the large Saloon in the Baths, and amounted to between three and four hundred, amongst whom, besides avowed friends to the cause, were many strangers,-Dr. Philipps, the late pastor, presided.


He opened the business of the meeting by several appropriate remarks, and by expressing his cordial wishes for the prosperous career of his successor. He then gave out a hymn, and the Rev. H. H. Piper offered a short introductory prayer. Mrs. Palfreyman then rose, and in a very neat speech, which we regret was not more generally heard in so large a room, welcomed their new minister; and expressed the deep interest she felt on such an occasion, on her own account, and especially on account of her's, and the rising families of the congregation. The manner she dwelt on this part of her address, conveying her maternal feelings for the best interests of her children, was very beautiful and touching. She then presented to Mr. Stannus a very handsome surplice, the gift of the ladies of the congregation. Mr. T. A. Ward then read a short address on the occasion of presenting the minister with a pulpit Bible and hymn-book. Mr. Ward eulogised the stile of the now venerable version, but referred with regret to the spurious passages and other imperfections which are allowed to remain and tarnish this important work. this he was glad that their pastor would be fully aware; and with the expression of affectionate wishes for his health and happiness, and of confidence that he would faithfully expound the word of God, concluded by presenting the Bible and hymn-book. Mr. Stannus responded to these addresses in a manner that interested all the company. He was deeply affected, and a general sympathy pervaded the He spoke of the solemn importance of the work he had undertaken, and of his confidence in the sincere and hearty co-operation of his people. His reception had filled him with gratitude, and his life, with the blessing of God, would be devoted to the interests of his flock. The Rev. Peter Wright then shortly addressed the assembly-hailed the arrival of this able and honest champion of liberal views of Christian truth, and concluded with offering him publicly the right hand of fellowship. The effect of this truly Christian and simple act, was quite electric. Mr. Piper then briefly addressed the audience. He regarded the meeting as having all the solemnity of an ordination, with none of the superstition with which, in modern times, that ceremony is too frequently accompanied. He expressed his wish that the pleasures of anticipation, such as belong to a Christian's faith, as well as the pleasures of retrospect, might sooth the evening of the venerable chairman's days; and he spoke of the merciful provision of a new race of advocates springing up, when the growing infirmities of life removed the aged from the active scene. He then followed the example of Mr. Wright, in welcoming their new brother to the important sphere in which he is now about to



Mr. Palfreyman, solicitor, then addressed the audience, and after some lively remarks on his lady having been persuaded to become the public orator on this occasion, said, he hoped it would be 'long before we had such another meeting as this again.' His anticipations were of an exhilarating character; and he earnestly wished that Mr. Stannus might, more years than his predecessor, labour in this interesting field. Mr. Ryalls, a brother lawyer, disagreed, as is not uncommon, with the last speaker, and hoped that the success of Mr. Stannus would spread Unitarian opinions so widely, that another chapel, and another pastor would be soon necessary, and that we should meet to welcome him, as we now meet to give a cordial reception to our friend from the north. Mr. Francis Fisher, a young gentleman who has kindly and ably assisted the neighbouring minis ters with his lay services, made a suitable address; and Mr. Hinde, who has long been an effective occasional lay preacher, spoke to the importance of the people strengthening the hands of the minister, by assisting him, especially in the important duties of visiting the poor and the sick. Dr. Holland was anxious that by a liberal support of their minister, the necessity of dividing his attention between his pastoral duties, and the drudgery of keeping a school, might be avoided. Mr. Charles Fox responded to the sentiments of respect and admiration for Mr. Stannus; and Mr. James Fox, as a trustee, spoke of the unanimity of the trustees, in compliance with the wish of the congregation, in electing him. Mr. William Renton was thanked for his efficient services, and Mrs. Robert Renton for the management of the feast, and the venerable Dr. for his able and impressive conduct in the chair. The evening was truly serious and delightful. One feeling of cordial welcome pervaded the people and the minister. In writing this hasty sketch, several occurrences that added to the interest of the meeting, have been omitted, particularly that the Rev. George Hutton (now supplying Thorne, Stainforth, and Doncaster,) shortly addressed the meeting, and Mr. Palfreyman spoke in high terms of Mrs. Stannus, which Mr. Stannus acknowledged. In the course of the proceedings, a complimentary reference was made by one of the trustees, to the talent and character of the Rev. Dr. Montgomery, of Belfast, on whom the new appointed minister took occasion to pass a warm and deserved eulogium. A hymn, and a concluding prayer from Mr. Stannus, ended the service of one of the most delightful evenings ever spent in this or any other congregation-an evening that will not soon be forgotten, and that will, we trust, diffuse the odour of benevolence, cordiality, and zeal, over the many coming years, during which we pray that Mr. Stannus may be the happy and successful pastor of a large and united flock.


ON Monday Evening, April 9th, 1838, the Society held its annual Genera Meeting in the Royal Exchange, Dublin, the Chair was taken by the President, JAMES HAUGHTON, Esq., at half past Seven o'clock; there was a large and respectable assembly of members and strangers. The Rev. JOSEPH HUTTON opened the meeting with prayer.

The usual sermons on the previous Sunday in behalf of the Society were preached by the Rev. Henry Acton of Exeter.

We regret that we were not furnished with some report of the Speeches delivered at the meeeting. Among the resolutions which were passed, we are glad to find the following:

"That notwithstanding the very useful exertions of the Committee in the book department, this Society, deeming it of the utmost importance to bring before the public in every practicable way, the vital truths it has been associated to preserve and to diffuse, is of opinion that quarterly meetings should be held during the year, at which the clergymen of Eustace-street and Strand-street congregations, together with any of their brother ministers who may be prevailed on to favour them with their assistance, be requested to preach upon some prominent matters of Unitarian Christianity, and that the details necessary to carry this plan most effectually into execution be referred to the Committee."

In another of the resolutions it is suggested that means should be adopted to connect in one consistent plan of zealous and effectual cooperation the various Unitarian sections of this country. Such a union is practicable, and we believe it would be most beneficial in promoting the first principles of Unitarian Christianity.


DIED-At the house of his father, James Andrews, Esq. of Comber, Thomas Andrews Esq. in the fortieth year of his age. He was a ɖutiful son, a most affectionate brother, a kind neighbour, and a sincere Christian He exhibited to the world an example of the power of Unitarian Christianity to preserve the heart pure amidst the temptations of the world, to console in suffering, and support in the hour of Death. His remains were attended to "the place appointed for all living," by a large and highly respectable company of his relations and friends. The Rev. W. H. Doherty delivered an address at the grave on the important subjects of death, judgment, and im, mortality.



No. VII.

AUGUST, 1838.


INGENIOUS DEVICES OF ORTHODOXY. OUR readers are well aware of the forged letter from the Court of Rome which was read at one of the Church Militant meetings in Exeter Hall, by one of those itinerant ecclesiastical declaimers who have been for some years inflaming the public mind, and sowing discord in these countries. When this shameful imposture was detected and exposed, its enormity was softened down amongst the orthodox, and palliated under the gentle epithet of "an ingenious device." A similar contrivance on a smaller scale was played off lately in Dublin, the particulars of which may be interesting to our readers, especially as the non-subscribing Presbyterians in that city were intended as the victims of the plot.

The Synod of Munster held its annual meeting in Dublin on Wednesday, the 4th July. On the evening before the meeting a forged handbill misrepresenting the objects of the meeting, and announcing a controversial discussion, in very gross and offensive terms, was placarded and widely circulated through the city. This, (as was no doubt expected and intended,) attracted a great crowd of people to Eustace-street Meeting-house, where the Synod assembled. As these people appeared in a state of great excitement, which was not unnatural, considering the terms of the handbill, and the present inflamed state of the public mind in consequence of the recent theological discussion, Dr. Drummond and Dr. Armstrong thought it right to explain to them the real objects of the Synodical meeting, to inform them that no controversial discussion was ever entered into by their Synod, and to disavow the handbill as a malicious and shameless imposture. Upon hearing this, fortunately the crowd quietly dispersed. Before they separated, however, some of the persons who seemed to act as the spokesmen of the mob, challenged these Rev. gentlemen to a vivấ


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