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that by an awful MANIFESTATION of the prefence of the DIVINE SPIRIT followed immediately by the forcible and perfuafive eloquence of SAINT PETER, there were added to the number of believers, in the space of one day, about three thoufand fouls.---Then fixing his eyes on me, "Look," said he," my faithful and useful inftructor, to that Sacred Book, in which are recorded the threats and promifes, the terrors and mercies of the Most HIGH GOD, the Poffeffor of Heaven and Earth--What thinkeft thou?--May I hope that Ministers of the word of God, which is contained in that book, can be induced to come to thefe my realms? My people furely would willingly receive them--they would perceive that, if they fhould become real Chriftians, their condition, even in this life, would be bettered, because the laws and government of my empire would be better administered---My people would


be too wife and confiderate not to discern

and embrace the means of enlarging and fecuring their own happiness."

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By the question itself, and by the manner in which it was put to me, my heart became dilated---and rifing fuddenly above the coolness of temper, which nature had originally given to me, and which long habit had increased, I answered with a degree of warmth, which feemed to be not unpleafing to the Prince, that I was very fure many would be found, who would think it a happiness to be employed in fo great and glorious a work, and whose natural inclinations, if they were not under prior engagements, of equal, or perhaps fuperior obligation, would concur with the defign of the commiffion they hold from their Lord and Mafter, which is to fave the fouls of all men.


The noble mind of the Prince paused not a fingle day--an extenfive and liberal commiffion was immediately made out for me, and I departed, without lofs of time, for the purpose of executing it.

All these circumstances, faid the Lady, to whom I had the honour of relating them, are much in favour of your arduous undertaking, and I most earnestly wish you may be fuccessful in it.---Now, fir, if it would not give you too much trouble; you would oblige me, by relating any matters, that may enable me to form an idea of the genius, temper, habits, manners, customs, and government of the people, for whofe converfion you are fo laudably interested and honourably appointed---It is not from curiosity alone that I ask this favour of you.---I have a further and a better motive for it.---It is to enable me to make proper choice of a few moral

moral and religious books, of which I shall request your acceptance, as they may hereafter prove useful to you and your coadjutors in the execution of your commiffion.

I thanked her very fincerely, and proceeded.---In the dominions of my Afiatic Sovereign, which confist of two kingdoms, that have separate councils and jurifdic tions, the code of penal laws and the tem→ per of the government are uncommonly mild---confequently capital punishments are few and feldom inflicted, and when they are inflicted, they are accompanied with every circumftance of humanity, that the fituation of the criminal admits of--The maxim is, to fecure obedience to the law, as much as poffible, by rewarding merit, and rendering vice infamous.I fhall mention two regulations established for that purpose by the prefent emperor.


The one is for the punishment of fuch of the nobility, as have been found guilty of arbitrary or iniquitous conduct in the administration of justice, and is called the THEATRE OF INFAMY.---The other is called the GATE of MERIT, which is always ready for receiving, into the class of gentry, fuch perfons, even of the lowest order of the people, as are eminently dif tinguished by virtuous, and great, and fuccefsful exertions of good natural talents.

The THEATRE of INFAMY is erected occafionally near the habitation of the delinquent.---It confifts of a narrow circular platform, of a very white colour, with low black rails round the edge of it.---It is supported by one maffy pillar, about fourteen feet high, which is made of the blackest ebony, that can be procured, and has in its centre on the top, an upright

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