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LL ye that love the Lord, rejoice
Almighty Ruler of the skies
Amidft thy wrath, remember love
Among th' affemblies of the great
Among the princes, earthly gods
And will the God of grace
Are all the foes of Zion fools
Are finners now fo fenfeless grown
Arife, my gracious God
Awake, ye faints, to praise your King
BEHOLD the lofty fky
Behold the morning fun
Behold the love, the gen'rous love
Behold the fure foundation-ftone
Behold thy waiting fervant, Lord
Blefs, O my foul, the living God
Bleft are the fons of peace
Bleft are th'undefil'd in heart
Bleft are the fouls that hear and know
Bleft is the man, for ever bleft
Bleft is the man whofe bowels move
Bleft is the man who fhuns the place
Bleft is the nation where the Lord
Come, children, learn to fear the Lord 71