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To prevent frequent quotations and a repetition of names, the reader is informed, that this volume is compiled from the highly esteemed and very useful works of Messrs. S. TOWN, ROLLIN, PRESTON, T. S. WEBB, DR. DALCHO, REV. J. SAURIN, and T. M. HARRIS, and the BOOK OF CONSTITU. TIONS. Should this performance afford useful instruction to any; refreshment to the experienced in the craft; obliterate the prejudices of those who have not known our sentiments; render luminous the paths of thousands who are coming to our temple; and finally, should the Father of lights, who has condescended to crown with his smiles the virtuous transactions of Masons, in every age, nation, and clime, grant his benign influences to those who may read this book, that they may receive the truth and be saved through the merits of Jesus, the author will have an ample reward and the unspeakable satisfaction of believing that his undertaking this work has originated in righteous


"If I am right, thy grace impart,
Me in the right to stay;

If I am wrong, O teach my heart,




PTER 1.-On the antiquity and utility of Free Masonry 19


Degree of Master Mason


CHAP. XVL-Another, at the constitution of a Lodge




-Another, to be used at the constituting and
opening of a Grand Lodge


Another, made during the ceremony of exalta-
tion to the Seventh Degree


-Another, made at the opening of the Sublime
Grand Lodge


[blocks in formation]

-Charge, to be read at opening a Mark Mas-


ter's Lodge


-Charge. to be delivered when a Candidate is ad-
vanced to the Fourth Degree



-A parable to be read previous to closing a


[blocks in formation]

-Address to a Grand Master at his installation

to a Clergyman at bis initiation

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]





ter Masons

XVII.-The manner of Constituting a lodge of Mas-

-Ceremony of Constitution and Consecration

XVIII.-Remarks on the order of High Priest

XIX.-The manner of constituting new Chapters
XX. On the conduct of Masons

XX.-On Funeral Ceremonies

XXII-Masonick Songs


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As many individuals in every part of community entertain different opinions of Masonry, and some christians feel injured when any of their relations, friends, and brethren join the lodges; the writer wishes, if possible, to remove the objections which they bring against the order, that they may no longer disrespect a system that is founded in truth, and cannot be destroyed. To make the attempt he has discussed those objections in the following brief. catechetical manner.

1st. "How is the secrecy of Masonry consistently kept when the principles of the institution are professedly drawn from divine revelation?"

"The principles and privileges of the institution are open to all such as are qualified to receive them; but of

these qualifications we must reserve the power of judging for ourselves. Every trade of importance, every art and occupation, has its secrets, not to be communicated but to such as have become proficients in the science connected with them, nor then but with proper caution and restriction; and often times under the guard of heavy penalties. Charters of incorporation are granted by civil governments for their greater security, and patents for their encouragement. Nay, every government, every statesman, and every individual, has secrets which are concealed with prudent care, and confided only in the true and trusty."

"We only claim a like indulgence; that of conducting ourselves by our own rules, and of admitting to a participation of our secrets and privileges such as choose to apply for them up. on our own terms. So far from wishing to deprive any one of the light we enjoy, we sincerely wish all the race of men were suitably qualified to receive it; and if so, our doors shall never be shut against them, but our

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