Grace, the Power of the Gospel: It's Not What You Do, But What Jesus DidPopular television host and minister, Andrew Wommack shows that the power of God's grace brought complete redemption, allowing readers to release guilt and condemnation and receive the freedom of a life of peace, joy, and success. Andrew Wommack, seen nationwide on his television broadcast. The Gospel Truth, brings a remarkable revelation of God's grace for readers today! Digging deep into the book of Romans, Andrew shows that the Gospel, or "good news," is that despite our sins and the judgment we deserve, God has provided complete redemption for us. Complete redemption or salvation includes provision for everything we need. Readers will learn that the power to live a holy life does not come from their works, but only through His grace. They will discover a rest in knowing that Jesus wants them to live in peace, not condemnation. Realizing the standards of God are not the standards of men, readers can "measure up" just by receiving salvation through Jesus Christ. As they release the guilt and shame of not being good enough for their church, their friends, or their job and receive God's grace, they can relax to live a life of joy and success! |
From inside the book
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Chapter 1Good News | 1 |
Chapter 2Without Excuse | 13 |
Chapter 3The Purpose of the Law | 23 |
Chapter 4Faith Accesses Grace | 35 |
Chapter 5Gods Free Gift | 47 |
Chapter 6Why Live Holy? | 63 |
Chapter 7Dead to Sin | 75 |
Chapter 8Renew Your Mind | 87 |
Chapter 12Your New Husband | 135 |
Chapter 13The Schoolmaster | 145 |
Chapter 14In and After the Spirit | 155 |
Chapter 15The Righteousness of God | 163 |
Chapter 16Grace and Works Dont Mix | 175 |
Chapter 17Heart Belief and Mouth Confession | 187 |
Receive Jesus as Your Savior | 201 |
Receive the Holy Spirit | 203 |
Chapter 9Whose Servant Are You? | 101 |
Chapter 10Desiring Purity | 111 |
Chapter 11You Are What You Think | 121 |
Endnotes | 205 |
Other editions - View all
Grace, The Power of The Gospel: It's Not What You Do, But What Jesus Did Andrew Wommack Limited preview - 2007 |
Common terms and phrases
____________ CHAPTER Abraham accept already Andrew Wommack anymore believe Bible body book of Romans born-again spirit brand-new can’t Christ Jesus Christ our Lord Christian church circumcision commandment condemnation dead devil doesn’t dominion earn Emancipation Proclamation everything faith flesh forgiveness free gift Galatians give go live God’s grace God's Word Gospel Greek Lexicon entry guilty Hamartia hath healing heart hell Holy Spirit inside intuitive knowledge isn’t Jesus Christ Jewish Jews law was given live holy live in sin Lord Jesus Christ lust mercy mouth ness never old nature old sin nature Paul was saying Paul’s peace perfect performance person pray prayer preached prosperity reign relationship religious renew your mind revealed right standing righteous nature righteousness that comes salvation Satan scripture sick sinner someone soul talking teaching there’s they’re things Thou shalt trusting truth trying ungodly unrenewed verse walk wrath wrong you’ll you’re