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"Gentlemen, I give you joy, and I feel my pride as an Englishman, and as Chamberlain of this great city, highly gratified in the honour of communicating to two brave and illuftrious commanders in the fleets and armies of my country, the unanimous refolution of thanks from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the city of London, in Common Council affembled:

"The glory of the British arms has not only been fupported by you, Gentlemen, both by fea and land; but your able, gallant, and meritorious conduct in the Weft-Indies, achieved brilliant conquefts, rendered us fignal fervices, and acquired the moft folid advantages, in an important and critical æra, and over a powerful and perfidious enemy.

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"We reflect with fingular fatisfaction on thofe wonderful exertions of wisdom and policy, continued during the whole period of your command, by which you preferved between the naval and military forces an happyunion and perfect harmony. This object you faw to be of the first neceffity for the accomplishment of all arduous enterprifes, and to the want of which, and difgrace of fome former pe riods, the recording page of the English hiftory afcribed the failure of bold and grand undertakings, your excellent conduct and intelligence fecured a regular

co-operation of the whole British force, Victory followed your standards, and carried a series of fucceffes through an extended variety of attacks of difficulty and danger.

"Permit, Gentlemen, the city wreaths to be mixed with the laurels you have fairly won, and which a general applause muft more and more endear to you.Thefe fentiments of gratitude pervade the country in which we live, while they animate the metropolis of our empire. They give a full indemnity against the flanderous breath of envy, and the foul calumnies of the invenomed ferpent tongue of malice, which, in these latter times has fcarcely ceased to detract from, and endeavour to wound, fuperior merit."

The flanderous breath of envy to which the Chamberlain alludes, had about that period began to attempt to fully the laurels of our gallant Commanders. It began to diffuse itself in indirect infinuations and obfcure hints; but vanished at the defiance held out by the friends and relations of the heroes calumniated.

On the 3d of May 1796, Sir Charles Grey was advanced to the rank of General; and during the last month he has been appointed Governor of the Island of Guernsey.


(EXTRACTED AND TRANSLATED FROM THE "MULFOOZAT TIMOORI; OR, LIFE OF TIMOUR," WRITTEN BY HIMSELF.) WHI HEN the tents and feraperdahs were erected, and properly decorated with magnificent furniture, with carpets of coftly filk, with golden thrones and chairs of ftate, with veffels of gold and filver, rich cups of agate and crystal, adorned with diamonds and emeralds, and all other neceffary apparatus, I (the Ameer), in a fortunate hour, repaired to the royal tent, which was built for the occafion, and fupported by twelve poles, richly inlaid with gold and filver, and adorned with the utmoft magnificence. Here I feated myself on the throne of Empire, whilft my fons and grandfons, my Emirs and Sirdars of high renown, each took up their refpective places, furrounding me on all fides; next I directed the Siends, defcendants of the prophets, the learned men of the realm, the Carzies,

Mufties, and others, to take up their proper places in this illuftrious affembly. In the fame manner the Ambaffadors of Foreign Powers *, from Kepehak, from Egypt, Syria, and Afia Minor, from Hindoftan and Europe, were allotted their respective stations. Next the Commanders of Herzar Jauts, or regiments of a thousand, thofe of the Sud Jauts of a hundred, the Magiftrates of the City of Samarcand, and Judges of the Police from different parts of the empire, were introduced, clothed in royal khelauts, or dreffes of honour, and took their places accordingly. Before the door of the royal tent were drawn up the elephants brought from India, of enormous ftature, and decorated with the most magnificent trappings of filk, velvet, and curious embroidery, with Howdahs flames, with gold

* By European Ambassadors are meant those of the Kings of Caftile and Arragon, who, it appears, were prefent on this occafion.


and filver, and chains of the fame precious. After the marriage-ceremony had been metal. In order to render this festival as thus concluded, agreeably to the ordifplendid as poffible, I had collected from nances of Huneefab, I commanded the every part of the empire the most skilful drums and trumpets, and the koorah of artificers of every kind. Thefe, with the the Imperial mufic, to ftrike up. After affiftance of the different Companies of which, veffels filled with gold and filver, Tradefmen within the city of Samarcand, with jewels and precious ftones of all and thofe of the Imperial Camp, fuch as forts, were brought forth, and I directed jewellers, goldfmiths, mafons, carpenters, the Nifan to be performed, which was bricklayers, embroiderers, weavers, &c. done agreeably to established custom, and had erected upwards of one hundred char- a profufion of wealth was poured upon takees, which are pavilions fupported by the heads of this auguft Affembly. four poles each, and containing as many When the marriage was concluded, I ordoors to each. The infide of these pavi- dered a fumptuous repaft to be served up, lions were elegantly decorated with car- at which the Ameer Zadahs, the Omrahs, pets of the richest kind, embroidered with the Nuwezans *, Foreign Ambaffadors, ipangles of gold and filver, with velvets and all the Nobility of the Court, affifted. and the finest stuffs from China and Eu- Dishes of gold and filver, replenished with rope, with magnificent chairs, and each a variety of the most coftly viands, were ornamented with the particular badge of ferved up to the Affembly; nor was there the artificer who erected it. They were wanting wines of the firft quality, prelikewife furnished with paintings done in fented by cup-bearers of graceful shapes. the most exquifite tafte,and exhibited with- To this banquet, likewife, were affembled in and without fide a most glorious specta- companies of the most eminent feigers in cle, fuch as the eye of mortal had never the empire, and dancers of approved skill, before beheld, and which caufed the fpec- to the amount of many thousands, who, tator to place the finger of astonishment by their excellence in their respective prowithin his mouth on beholding! To feffions, afforded delights to the spectaenhance the pleafures of this auguft tors. Among the foremost of these perAffembly, performers of all kinds and formers was Khaja Abdalladine, who bore defcriptions had been collected from far the palm of pre-eminence from all his and near mimics, buffcons, fingers, competitors, and whofe equal was not to dancers, and every profeffion which con- be found on earth. There came likewife tributes to the amufement and entertain- reciters of poetry and ftory-tellers from ment of the great. When this feftival, all parts of my dominions to this folemthan which the eye had not beheld one nity; and among them were Turks, more fplendid, or the ear had not heard of Moguls, Chinese, and Ruffians. When one equal, became complete, I, in a for- the hearts of this Auguft Company betunate moment, directed men learned in came warm with wine and good cheer, I the ftars, and fkilled in the evolutions of ordered the khelauts to be brought forth the heavenly bodies, to extract from the and distributed first to the Ameer Zadahs, almanacks, and by the aftrolabe and qua- the Omrahs, the Nuwezans, and the drant, to infpect the fituation of the pro- learned men of the realm: and, fecondly, pitious and unfortunate ftars, that they to the whole body of the Nobility, Foreign might with precifion draw forth a happy Ambaffadors, and others. Thefe khemoment for the celebration of the nuptials lauts confifted of dreffes of gold and filver of my beloved grandfons, who had long tiffue, filks and velvets of various kinds fince been betrothed to virgins dwelling and patterns, embroidered caps, and in the Afylum of Chastity; which being fafhes for the waist, scymitars inlaid with done, I ordered that the ceremony fhould gold, and fet in precious ftones; horfes be performed agreeably to the established from the best breeds of Arabia and Perfia, faith of Mahomed and the ordinances of with faddles and houfings of gold and filour holy religion. These things being ver; in short, fuch a profufion of wealth performed, a prayer for the health and was diftributed on this moft aufpicious profperity of my illuftrious progeny was occafion, that no one prefent had any care recited in public by the venerable Sheick for the remainder of his days. Nor on Shemfeddaz Mahomed Jerzee, an Imaum this occation were the poor and needy of much celebrity; likewife the Moulana without forgot, for I directed my almo Sullah Uddeen; the Carzi Allazat of ners to provide for them in the most amSamarcand, a perfon eminent for his piety ple manner, and to furnish them with and learning, beftowed his benediction in things neceffary, both of apparel and public upon the fortunate bridegrooms, provifion. When the repaft was finished,

Nureezan. An order of Tartarian Nobility.


the whole company changed their dreffes: during which ceremony the musicians and dancers exerted themselves to charm by their melodious voices and the gracefulnefs of their actions; at length the fortunate moment being arrived, the Ameer Zadahs, who had been married, each retir ed to his refpective Mabal, which had been prepared for the occafion with the utmost magnificence and fplendor. After which I arofe myself, and retired into the apart ments of privacy, where I was met on my entrance by the whole of the Sultaneffes and Princeffes of inviolable chaltity, who, wishing me joy on this aufpicious feftival, thowered down upon my head trays full of the most precious jewels. In the morning I waited upon every one of the Ameer Zadahs, and paid them the compliments of congratulation on their marriage (Mubarik bâdee), wishing them a long and profperous life. I directed the Nizan to be performed a fecond time, and was followed by the Sultaneffes, the Omrahs, the Nuwezans, and the whole of the Nobility and great men of the city of

Samarcand. When the ceremony was performed, I returned to the royal Bargab, and feated myself on the throne of empire; and directing the Ambassadors to be called in, who had arrived from Egypt, Syria, Europe, the Defert of Cupchak, Moguleftan, Hindoftan, and Room (Afia Minor), I directed them to be invested with khelauts of the utmost magnificence, and prefented them with fine horfes with embroidered houfing, with fcymitars inlaid with jewels, with golden poniards, and caps and fathes of the finest Caflimerian wool; and in honour of these aufpicious marriages, I commanded the feftival to be held for two months in that agreeable and delicious valley, where every thing that art and nature could afford was introduced; and the whole time was a feafon of mirth, joy, and gladnefs. At the conclufion, every one was difmiffed with fuitable prefents, and I then turned my thoughts to the management of the affairs of my empire, and my long-meditated projects of conquering the kingdom of Khutaï *. VIATOR.

From Sir George Staunton's Account of Lord Macartney's Embassy to China.


ST. HELENA lies in the fouthern

part of the Atlantic ocean, diftant many degrees of longitude and latitude from any continent or other ifland; and may be confidered as the fummit of a great mountain, whofe roots are buried in the bottom of the fea. Above its furface the island rises in towering eminences, hid frequently in the clouds. The afhes of a volcano cover ftill fome parts of it; and the whole has probably been protruded upwards by the immenfe power of fubaqueous fire. However, no part of the island hitherto examined feems to have undergone any degree of liquefac tion. No layers of minerals, and few of ftone, have been difcovered in its bowels. The fummit of the island is wooded; but is fo cold, that fruits will fcarcely ripen in it. Clear rills of water iffue from the higher peaks, and take their courfe abruptly down towards the vallies, which they contribute to fertilize. Storms are little known in the immediate neighbourhood of this ifland. Thunder is rarely heard, or lightning perceived in it; from whence it is conjectured, that little electric matter is fcattered in its atmosphere.

The circumference of St. Helena meafures fomewhat lefs than twenty eight miles. Along the whole coaft to leeward, or to the northward, fhips may anchor in perfect fecurity in all feafons of the year; but the bank shelves fo abruptly afterwards, that the anchorage, being in deep water, is infecure. The tide feldom rifes above three feet and a half; but the furge of the fea is fometimes tremendous; and feveral accidents happened in approaching or quitting the fhore, until a wharf was erected lately, which renders the arrival there, and departure from it, perfectly fafe.


This little fpot was difcovered upwards of two centuries ago by the Portugueze. It was taken from them by the English; furprifed from the latter by the Dutch; and lastly, recovered by the English, likewife by furprise. fteep eminences which intervene between the vallies, that are the chief feats of po、 pulation, render the communication from one part of the ifland to another flow and difficult. Planters on the windward fide of the ifland confider a journey to the leeward, or feat of government, as a ferious undertaking. Several of them take

* Kbutaï is China. The Emperor actually set forth on this expedition, but died on the frontiers of Tartary, in the neighbourhood of Otrar, on the banks of the Jaxartes.


that opportunity of paying their respects to the Governor, which is called there, fometimes, going to Court. There are St. Helena planters who have not travelled so far. At prefent, by order of the Governor, there are fignals fo placed all over the island, as to give inftant notice of the approach of veffels to any part of it.

The fituation of St. Helena, in the track of the ships from India and China to Europe, induced the Directors of the East-India Company to turn their attention towards rendering it a place of convenient and comfortable refreshment, particularly in their paffage home. This has been effected at no inconfiderable expence. Before the iДand was inhabitd, the fpontaneous productions that it yielded which could be of any ufe to man, are faid to have been little more than celery and purflain. Cattle, fruits, and vegetables have fince been introduced into it from India, Africa, and Europe; and human industry has, in a little time, enabled it not only to fupply fufficient provifions for its ordinary fojourners; but to afford refreshments of moft kinds to the various visitors that ftand in need of them after landing from a long voyage. The numbers of fuch vifitors, including the crews as well as paffengers of the hips lying there at anchor, is fometimes equal to the whole number of the fettlement. The chief officers, paffengers, and invalids, refide generally afhore during the ftay of their respective fhips. There are no inns; but every houfe is open for the reception of ftrangers, who are confidered, for the time, as a part of the family. A moderate compenfation is fixed for the hoft, in return for all the comforts which he minifters to his guests. For thofe who remain chiefly on board, quantities of fresh meat and vegetables, fo grateful and fo wholefome after a long marine diet, are fur nished at regulated prices to the fhips. Supplies of fresh water and fuel are alfo provided for the remainder of their voyage. In the year 1794, the island had not long recovered from a great calamity, a fevere drought. Of the stock alone of horned cattle, the lofs was computed at 3000, through the want of food and water. The evil raged the fame length of time, about three years, as it did nearer to the coaft of Africa; but partly from the natural refources of the country, and partly from the management of Government, it was much lefs fatal in its effects at the idland of St. Helena than at those

of the Cape de Verd; and few traces of it appeared in the former, when the Embaffy paffed there. Verdure was restored to the vallies, and to fuch higher grounds as were not too steep to retain the moifture with which they had been blessed. Lands laid out in gardens were improved with confiderable advantages to the proprietors. Thofe of the garrison were fufficient to provide plenty of wholefome vegetables for the fick as well as healthy foldiers. For this purpofe the humane Governor, defirous to derive public advantage from private offences, allowed the delinquent foldiers to commute, for labour at the military gardens, the punishments to which they were condemned.

Several forts of fruit trees imported into the island had been deftroyed by a particular infect; but encouragement has been given for the cultivation of thofe which that mischievous animal is known to fpare, fuch as the apple, for example, with all the varieties of which it is fufceptible. The plantain and banana, or the two fpecies of the musa, thrive alfo remarkably well. The ground is fertile, and in favourable feafons produces, in fome inflances, double crops within the year. Plantations, however, of cotton, indigo, or canes, were not found to anfwer: though fome good coffee has been produced in it. A botanic garden has been established near the Governor's country-house. An intelligent gardener has been fent to take care of it by the Company; and a vait variety of trees, plants, and flowers of different, and fometimes oppofite climates, are already collected in it. The furrounding fea abounds in efculent fish; and seventy different fpecies, including turtle, have been caught upon the coafts. Whales are feen in great numbers playing round the island, where it is fuppofed the fouthern whale fithery might be carried on to great national advantage.

The country is chiefly cultivated by blacks. Perfons of that colour were brought in a ftate of flavery to it by its firft European fettlers; and it feldom happens that white men will fubmit to common work where there are black flaves to whom it may be transferred. Thefe were for a long time under the unlimited dominion of their owners, until a reprefentation of the abufes made of that power induced the India Company to place them under the immediate protection of the magistracy, and to enact various regulations in their favour; which have contributed to render them, in a


great degree, comfortable and fecure. Thefe regulations may have hurt, at firft, the feelings of the owners of flaves, but not their real interest; for it appears, that before their introduction there was a lofs, upon an average, of about ten in a hundred flaves every year, to be fupplied at a very heavy expence; whereas, under the prefent fyftem, they naturally increase. All future importation of flaves into the Ifland is prohibited.

Befides the blacks in a state of flavery, there are fome who are free. The labour of thefe tending to diminish the value of that of flaves, the free blacks became once obnoxious to fome flave owners; who had fufficient influence, in a Grand Jury, to prefent them as without vifible means of gaining a livelihood, and liable to become burdenfome to the commu. nity; but upon examination it appeared, that all free blacks of age to work were actually employed; that not one of them had been tried for a crime for feveral years, nor had any of them been upon the parish. They are now, by the huniane interpofition of the Company, placed under the immediate protection of the Government, and put nearly upon a footing with the other free inhabitants, who, when accused of crimes, have the privilege of a Jury, as well as in civil caules.

While fhips are riding in the roads, and the inhabitants bufy in fupplying their wants, or eager to entertain their guests, their minds occupied also with foreign events, of which the ftrangers bring accounts to them, any diffenfions fubfifting among individuals in the place are fufpended for the time; but it is faid, that when the fhipping feafon is over, and the settlement is void of bufi. nefs, as well as of topics of difcuffion on distant incidents, inteftine divifions fometimes revive; it is, however, an object of Government to divert their minds from private feuds, by engaging them in military exercises, or even in domeftic amusements and dramatic entertainments.

The principal fettlement of St. Helena has the peculiar advantage of uniting the felter of a leeward fituation with the coolnefs of windward gales. The fouth-east wind blows conftantly down the valley, rendering a refidence in it pleasant as well as healthy. The country is fo fertile, and the climate fo congenial to the human feelings, that perhaps it would be difficult to find out a fpot where perfons, not baving acquired a relish for the enjoyments of the world, or already advanced in life, and furfeited with them, could


have a better chance of protracting their days in eafe, health, and comfort.

The hills on each side this happy valley, like those which prefent themselves to the fea, are extremely steep, and require several alternate traverfes to render the afcent along them practicable. From the Heights the view downwards to the fea is indeed tremendous. It is related upon the fpot, that an unfortunate mariner, willing, in the gaiety of his humour, to throw from thence a pebble on the deck of his ship, lying at anchor at a distance in the road, he launched it from the overhanging precipice with fuch unrestrained exertion, that his own body obeyed the impulfe, and he flew headlong into the wide gulf below. A man on board the Lion, while at anchor in twenty fathoms or one hundred and twenty feet water, made at this time fome bold but successful experiments. This man, who was a native of the Sandwich Islands, plunged frequently from the gunwale of the veffel into the fea, to catch dollars thrown into it for that purpose. He caught them before they reached the bottom; as from their two oppofite flat furfaces they defcended in fo vibratory a direction, that he had an opportunity of overtaking them. He would alfo bring up two dollars at once, one thrown towards the head, and another towards the ftern of the ship. His activity was indeed furprizing in every inftance where he had occafion to fhew it. He would fuffer two Europeans to throw fpears at him at the fame time, both of which he would divert with, or take in his hands as they approached him. This man, so extraordinary for his agility, was found in the Republican brig Amelie, when captured by Sir Erafmus Gower. He paffed with apparent willingness on board the Lion, perhaps as the larger veffel, where he had been some months, but could not utter one word of French or English; and probably he was not fenfible what Powers he had ferved, or that he had altered his allegiance. He was of an open countenance, not unpleasing features, and of a good-natured difpofition. Had the powers of his mind been exercised as those of his body were, it is poffible that the former might have acquired as remarkable a proficiency as the latter had done. Man is formed, probably, by his nature and his organization, to excel other animals equally in mental and corporeal faculties.

[See another AccOUNT of this ISLAND, by IYLES IRWIN, Efq. fee Vo!. xxvi. page 324, c.]

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