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and likewise in too small sizes, which are by no means so elegant, so convenient, or so well adapted to the importance of so valuable a work, which should not be cut short and mangled to suit any private purpose whatever. Some of these publications have been compiled by persons, whose names, characters, and private sentiments, would have done no honour to a work of the kind, and were therefore ushered into the world under the names of fictitious persons who never existed; and others of them have been so wretchedly executed, that Christian people have only parted with their money, without having their expectations at all answered. To remedy all these defects, by which the public have been long materially injured, I was applied to by my numerous friends to publish this NEW AND COMPLETE LIFE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, the diligent labour of many years, and which, by the blessing of God, I have now commited to the press, in order, that it may be of real benefit and use to pious and sincere Christians of every denomination. It is calculated to convey divine knowledge to all ranks of people, rectify errors which too many are apt to run into, represent real religion in its native colours, as taught by CHRIST himself, and enable even the most ignorant Christian to give an account of the faith that is in him, when called upon any occasion. The sacred writings of the Evangelists, &c. have not only been carefully consulted, and the respective accounts systematically arranged, so as to make this work a complete Harmony of the Gospels, but prophane authors of undoubted authority, who were co-temporaries with the Evangelists and Apostles, have furnished us with a variety of useful particulars relating to our Blessed SAVIOUR, not included in the Scripture History. The evidence which Josephus bears to different parts of our REDEEMER'S LIFE has also been faithfully preserved, together with an account of the Jewish customs, offices, and sects; every other writer (ancient and modern) on the subject, has also been diligently perused; and no trouble or e expence spared to render this work, in every


respect, the most complete and perfect of the kind: being happily calculated to convey to the inquisitive mind, a perfect knowledge of our holy religion, to promote a firm faith in the merits of our Blessed Re deemer, and to recommend the practice of every Christian virtue. The Chronological and Geographical parts are likewise minutely attended to, and the errors which others have fallen into, are most carefully avoided. In this Preface, I shall only mention a few things more; and may they be attentively considered by all persons of both sexes, old and young. Let it be your care to make the evidences of Christianity the subject of your serious reflection and converse, wherein such marks of truth and divinity are to be found. The subject of the Life of our Blessed Redeemer, is of the utmost consequence to every one, and demands our most serious regard; for, as the great Apostle says, Christ hath suffered for us, leaving an example to us, that we might follow his steps: He declares himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life: He not only redeems our souls from death to life, but enlightens and leads all his faithful followers in the paths of safety, to a happy eternity. The answers which I have given to Atheists, Deists, and Infidels in general, I hope will be found of the most satisfactory nature to my numerous readers, and such as will build them up in their most holy faith. The examples of the holy Apostles, Evangelists, Disciples, and other eminent persons and primitive Christians (also given in this work) will likewise afford great instruction to every reader: and the practical improvements and doctrinal remarks, interspersed throughout the whole, will be carefully applied to the faith and duty of every Believer.



Author of the Christian's Complete
British Family Bible, &c.

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