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from the difpenfations of Almighty God, as may induce us to add to our faith that "holinefs without which no man fhall fee "the Lord." Those who reproach us as mixing perfuafives to moral purity with the doctrines of the gofpel, furely forget that the most perfect ethical compofition was spoken by our Bleffed Lord to the multitude who stood around the Sinai of the Gospel, and heard our high Priest extend the precepts of the Decalogue to universal holiness and purity of heart. He condemned particular vices; he pronounced the beatitude of particular virtues; and fhall they who labour in the fold that he has fet up in this kingdom, be blamed for following his example? By a moft lively allufion to an ill-erected building, he illuftrated the important truth, that profitable attendance on the word of God confifts, not merely in hear ing, but in doing his will; and if they built

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built but upon a fandy foundation, who only liftened to the Son of God, what term shall we find appropriate to the baselefs fabrics of those who neglect their useful vocations, and fuppofe that religion confifts in collecting a crude undigested mafs of confufed ideas, perplexing their minds with vain inquiries and minute diftinctions, preferring the faftidiousness of the critic to the docility of the pupil, and complaining of unwholefome doctrine, because their lawful teachers strive to improve their stubborn bearts, and to correct their vicious lives, inftead of gratifying their itching ears, or foothing their fantaftic imaginations?

Were we to follow the brainfick inconftancy of enthusiasm in all its deplorable changes, we might lament that the hungry wanderers from our epifcopal church are often fed with the meagre ebullitions of ftrained metaphor, forced conceit, collo

quial impertinence, and irreverent, or, I might fay, frequently blafphemous appli cations of fcriptural language or events to familiar occurrences; fuch as the supposed converfion of the gifted mechanic who harangues them, or the providences and experiences that have befallen a recent convert. It is particularly observable, that this fpecies of feceders from the establishment avoid enforcing the duties depending to the fifth commandment. The reason is evident; for, were they to be explained as they are in that admirable comment upon them which is contained in the church catechifm*, they would bear fo hard upon the diffent of these selfappointed teachers, as would convince their

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"To love, honour, and fuccour my father and "mother; to honour and obey the king and all that "are put in authority under him; to fubmit myfelf "to all my governors, teachers, fpiritual paftors "and masters; to order myself lowly and reverently "to all my betters."

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followers that they greatly finned by that fchifmatical pertinacity to their true fpiritual paftors, which they are now taught to confider as their duty. To preach the fame doctrine with thofe from whom we wish to gain hearers, is but to open a new feminary upon an old plan. Novelty of manner is not fufficient; there must be novelty of matter too. The reafon which illiterate people generally give for deferting their regular minister, is, that he does. not teach them how they are to be faved. Afk them, if he has never faid, that by God's mercy, through Jesus Christ, and through faith in his merits, their fincere though fallible obedience to his laws will be rewarded with life everlasting? and they generally anfwer by a hesitating yes; and then add, that they want to know more. What more than our liturgy teaches?" Yes. More than the Holy Scriptures, which our Church exhorts all her members


to read diligently, reveals? I am grieved to fay, that I was once, by implication, answered yes; and that too by a person who has fince officiated as a lay teacher. What poisonous herbage muft that flock devour, whose fhepherd fancies that man can relate more than God has told him. This more, when ingenuously difcovered, proves to be the dangerous doctrine*, that a finner's acceptance with God does not reft or depend on the conformity of his will to the divine law; but that, as Chrift has done all for us, and as his righteousness is imputed to us, we have nothing to do but to lay hold on him. It must be apparent to you, my dear Miss M+ that rigid Calvinifm is fo totally adverfe to human refponfibility, that it will be difficult to discover any motive which a teacher, who profeffes thofe opi

That this doctrine is eminently dangerous, fee Matthew, 7th chapter, verfes 21ft, 22d, and 23d., E 5 nions,

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