Ignatius, (St.) mistranslation of a passage in one of the epistles of, detected, 386, 387.
Inquisition, terrors produced by, 100. Ireland, notice of parliamentary enact- ments for promoting education in, 492. -account of the charter schools, 493- 497. of the association for discounte nancing vice and promoting the know- ledge and practice of the Christian reli- gion, 498-500.-of the parochial school, 500.-of the schools established by the Kildare-street society, 500-504.-of the Lord Lieutenant's School Fund, 504.- of the Sunday School for Ireland, 504, 505. of the London Hibernian Society for establishing schools and circulating the Holy Scriptures in Ireland, 505-507. -of the Baptist Society for promoting the Gospel in Ireland, 508. of the Irish Society for promoting the education of the native Irish, through the medium of their own language, 508.-account of Roman Catholic Institutions for the in- struction of the Irish, 508.-the brothers of the Christian schools, 509.-the so dality of the Christian doctrine, 509, 510. -Roman Catholic free schools, 510.- suggestions of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of education in Ireland, 510-512.-number of schools in Ireland, 512.-demands of the Irish Ro- man Catholics, 111, 112.
Jacob's well, notice of, 477, 478. James I. prohibition of, against preaching on predestination, 396. Jerusalem, population of, 141. Jesus Christ, why termed the Lamb of God, 229.-explanation of his conversation with Nicodemus, 232, 233.-with the woman of Samaria, and the Samaritans, 479-483.-and of his teaching in the sy- nagogue at Nazareth, 485.-his divinity the turning point of the Scriptures, 287, 288.-observations on the gradual deve- lopement of his person, offices, and cha- racter, in prophecy, 293, 294, 295.-why his instructions were levelled so much against pride and self-sufficiency, 443, 444.-how he is to be remembered in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 461, 462.-nature of Christ's presence in, 462. Jems, considerations on the state of, 35, 36.-at Jerusalem, 141.-in Abyssinia, ibid, 142.-their number at Tunis, 142. --and condition, 143.-hatred between the Jews and the Samaritans, 479, origin of their synagogues, 485.
John, (St.) First Epistle of, ch. v. ver. 7. -argument against the genuineness of, from the context, 331.-argument for its genuineness, from a reference to it in the second Symbolum Antiochenum, 332- 334.-extravagant hypothesis of Ben David, (i. e. Dr. John Jones), that this epistle was written to prove the simple humanity of Jesus Christ, 336.
Justification by faith, mistaken statement of, corrected, 182, 183.-the doctrine stated, 185-188.
Kildare Street Society, account of, for pro- moting the education of the poor, in Ire- land, 500-504.
Lord Lieutenant's School Fund, for Ire- land, notice of, 504.
Lord's Supper, solemnity of the sacrament of, 460.-universality of its obligation, ibid.-how we are to remember Christ in it, 461, 462.-nature of Christ's presence in, 462.-Address to persons who ab- sent themselves from it, 463.
Macknight's Harmony, notice of, 22. Marriage at Cana, circumstances of ex- plained, 230, 231. Messiah, expectation of, among the Sama- ritans, 482, 483.
Milner, (Dr.) misrepresentation of, detect- ed, 386, 387.
Milton's treatise on Christian doctrine cha- racterized by mildness and moderation, 44.-and by piety, 45.-his sentiments on moderation and temperance, 45, 46.- on falsehood, 47.-on the divine decrees, 48.-on predestination, 49, 50.-errors of his doctrinal scheme concerning the Trinity, 52-54.-his erroneous views re- specting polygamy, 56.-ministerial au- thority, 57.-and the government of the Church, 58.-on public worship, 60, 61. -estimate of his theological learning, 62, 63.
Missionaries, causes of the want of success of, 373.-character of the Moravian mis- sionaries, 370.-appeal to the Quakers, to join in missionary undertakings, 369. -address to Protestant ministers con- cerning, 371.-sums raised for mission- ary purposes, 372.-encouragement to missionary exertions, 373.-qualifica- tions for missionaries, ibid.
Moderation, nature of, 45, 46.-moderation of the Church of England, 64. Morality, mere, how distinguished from practical Christianity, 135. Moravian missionaries, character of, 370. Morehead (Rev. R.), strictures on the style, &c. of the sermons of, 440, 441.-fine passages from two of his discourses, 441, 442.
Mysticism, evils of, to the Christian Church, 289,290.
Natural Religion, on the study of, 277, 278. Nazareth, population of, 139.-Christ's preaching there, elucidated, 485.
New Testament, proofs of, that it was ori- ginally written in Greek, 316-320.-stric- tures on Ali Bey's Turkish version of it, 297-305.
Palæoromaica, fanciful hypothesis of, 315, 316.-examined and refuted, 316-320. Palladio, fine passage of, on architecture, 146, 147.
Park (Mr.), anecdote of, 406. Parkhurst's Greek Lexicon, defects of, 410.
Parochial Schools in Ireland, notice of, 500. Paul (Saint), character of, 375, 376. Pelagian controversy, notice of, 338. Pilkington's Harmony, notice of, 22. Polygamy, Milton's erroneous views re- specting, 56.
Population of Beirout, 138.-of Acre, 139. -of Nazareth, ibid. Prayer, directions for, 91, 92. Predestination, remarks on Milton's senti- ments concerning, 49, 50.-sentiments of Arminius on, 342. - King James I's prohibition of certain persons from preaching on it, 396.
Presence. (real) of Christ in the Lord's Sup- per explained, 462. Priestley's Harmony, notice of, 23. Primer of King Edward VI., importance of, 89, 90.-its beautiful directions re- specting prayer, 91, 92.
Prophecy, requisites for the right interpre- tation of, 2, 3.-on the gradual develope ment of the offices, &c. of Christ, on the prophecies, 293, 294.
Psalm 150, translation of 222, 223.-ob- servations on mistranslations of the titles of, 307-314.- Impropriety of sitting, while the Psalms are sung, 451. Publications (Quarterly), lists of foreign theological, 543.
Quakers, appeal to, in behalf of missions, 369, 370.
Regeneration, work of the Holy Spirit in, 215.
Religion, consolations of, 221. Remembrance of Christ in the Lord's Sup-
Rennell, (Rev. Thomas), biographical ac- count of, 167-172.-his death and cha- racter, 173.-his eloquence in the pulpit, 174.-extract from one of his sermons on the conformity of the Established Church to the gospel of Jesus Christ, 175-177.- a death-bed repentance, 178.
Revelation, sketch of the gradual develope. ment of, 197-203.
Roman Catholic free schools in Ireland, no- tice of, 510.-demands of the Irish Ro- man Catholics, 111, 112.
Romish Church, iuerrancy of, refuted, 470. Rule of faith, 472.
Sabbath, history of, 323-325.-its obliga- tion, 326-328.
Sacrament. See Lord's Supper. Salvation, on working out, with fear and trembling, 216, 217.-mistake concern- ing, corrected, 218.
Samaritan Woman, Christ's discourse to, explained, 477-483. Schools, number of, in Ireland, 512. Scriptures, paramount importance of, 286, 287.-opposition of the Romish Clergy in Ireland to the circulation of, 490, 491.
Seals, allusion to, explained, 235. Semler's Writings, character of, 427. Senses, classification of, 409. Sermons, influence of, on the mind, 210. Sichar, import of the name, 477. Sin, evil influence of, 219-220.
Sitting, impropriety of, during the singing of Psalms, 451.
Sodality of Christian doctrine, account of the Irish Society of, 509, 510. Stem of trees, office of, 407, 408. Stiyand (Archbishop of Canterbury), bio- graphical account of, 245-251. Sunday School Society for Ireland, account of, 504, 505.
Symbolum Antiochenum, reference to 1 John v. 7. in, 332-334.
Symposiarch, or Governor of the Feast, office of, 231.
Synagogues (Jewish) origin of, 485,
Tax-books of the Romish Church, observa- tions on, 469.
Temperance, Milton's sentiments on, 45, 46.
Temptation of Jesus Christ, circumstances of, explained, 227, 228. Testament. See New Testament. Titles of the Psalms, observations on, 307- 314.
Toinard's Harmony, notice of, 22. Trinity, strictures on Milton's theory of the, 52-54.-a mystery, 66.-probable design of this doctrine, 67.-examination of Dr. Churchill's View of the Trinity, 68-82.
Tunis, notice of the present state of, 143. Turkish version of the New Testament, strictures on the errors and defects of, 297-305.
Union (Christian) importance of, 378. Universities, proceedings of:-Oxford, 267, 270, 537,538.-Cambridge, 271-274, 539-542.
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