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Walter, (Rev. H.) King Edward VI.'s Primer, 89.

Ward, (William) Reflections on the Word of God for every day in the year, 121. Waugh, (Alexander) Sermons, 220. Whateley, (Rev. Dr.) Essays upon some of the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion, 277.

White, (Rev. Joseph Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism, 93.

Whittaker, (Rev. William) Sermons on

Justification by Faith, 181.

Wood, (Thomas) The Parish Church, 224.



N. V.


I. A Dissertation on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel the Pro-
phet. By the Rev. John Stonard, D.D. Rector of
Aldingham, Lancashire

II. The New Testament, arranged in Chronological and
Historical Order, with copious Notes on the principal
Subjects in Theology. The Gospels on the Basis of
the Harmonies of Lightfoot, Doddridge, Pilkington,
Newcome, and Michaelis; the Account of the Resur-
rection on the Authorities of West, Townson, and
Cranfield: the Epistles in their Places, and divided
according to the Apostles' Arguments. By the Rev.
George Townsend, M.A. Prebendary of Durham, and
Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Durham
III. A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the
Holy Scriptures alone, by John Milton. Translated
from the original by Charles R. Sumner, M.A. Libra-
rian and Historiographer to his Majesty, and Preben-
dary of Canterbury ...


IV. Jesus Christ the true God and eternal Life, by the con-
current Voice and Testimony of the Sacred Scriptures,
more particularly illustrated and proved by the four
Gospels, the Book of the Acts, the Apostolical Epis-
tles, and the Apocalypse. Establishing upon evan-
gelical and rational Inference, the sole supreme Divi-
nity of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, in
whose glorified Person centres the Divine Trinity of
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And as a necessary
result, that He alone is entitled to the Worship and
Adoration of Men and Angels. Most seriously ad-
dressed to all, of whatever Sect or Party, who refuse
to acknowledge Him as the only God of Heaven and
Earth. By Thomas F. Churchill, M.D...

V. Formularies of Faith put forth by Authority during the
Reign of Henry VIII; viz. Articles about Religion,
1536. The Institution of a Christian Man, 1537.
A necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian
Man, 1543








VI. The Primer.

A Book of Common Prayer, needful to be used by all Christians, which Book was authorized and set forth by Order of King Edward VI. to be taught, learned, read, and used, of all his Subjects. Edited by the Rev. Henry Walter, B.D. F.R.S. late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge..... VII. Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism,] with occasional Strictures on Mr. Butler's Book of the Roman Catholic Church: in six Letters, addressed to the impartial among the Roman Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, M.A. B.D. in the University of Seville; Licentiate of Divinity in the University of Osuna; formerly Chaplain Magistral (Preacher) to the King of Spain, in the Royal Chapel at Seville; Fellow, and once Rector, of the College of St. Mary a Jesu of the same Town; Synodal Exa-> miner of the Diocese of Cadiz; Member of the Royal Academy of Belles-Letters of Seville, &c. &c.; now a Clergyman of the Church of England; Author of Doblado's Letters from Spain .... The Poor Man's Preservative against Popery; addressed to the Lower Classes of Great Britain and Ireland. By the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, formerly Chaplain to the King of Spain, in the Royal Chapel of Seville; now a Clergyman in the Church of England.....


VIII. Popery and the Popish Question; being an Exposition
of the Political and Doctrinal Opinions of Messrs.
O'Connell, Keogh, Dromgole, Gandolphy, &c. &c.
By the Rev. George Croly, A.M. F.RLS.





IX. The Semi-Sceptic; or the Common Sense of Religion
Considered. By the Rev. J. T. James, M.A....... 113
X. Reflections on the Word of God for every Day in the
Year. By William Ward, of Serampore.


XI. Two Essays, by the late Rev. Richard Raikes, of Glou

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XII. Aids to Reflection in the Formation of a manly Charac-
ter, on the several Grounds of Prudence, Morality,
and Religion; illustrated by select Passages from our
elder Divines, especially from Archbishop Leighton.
By S. T. Coleridge

XIII. Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land in
1823 and 1824, in furtherance of the Objects of the
Church Missionary Society. By the Rev. William
Jowett, M.A. one of the Representatives of the So-




ciety, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. With an Appendix, containing the Journal of Mr. Joseph Greaves, on a Visit to the Regency of Tunis... XIV. The Cathedral Antiquities of England; or, an Historical, Architectural, and Graphical Illustration of the English Cathedral Churches. By John Britton, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Honorary Member of the Antiquarian Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Honorary Treasurer and Secretary to the London Architects' and Antiquaries' Society, Honorary Member of the Norwich Society of Artists, &c.

XV. Hints to some Churchwardens; with a few Illustrations,
relative to the Repair and Improvement of Parish
Churches. With twelve Plates

XVI. Some Account of the Life and Writings of the late
Rev. Thomas Rennell, B.D. F.R.S. Vicar of Ken-
sington, and Prebendary of Salisbury ....
Sermons on various Subjects. By the late Rev.
Thomas Rennell, Vicar of Kensington, &c..............
XVII. Justification by Faith: a course of Sermons preached
before the University of Cambridge, in the Month of
January, 1825. By the Rev. William Whittaker,
B.D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Vicar
of Blackburn, and lately Domestic Chaplain to his
Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury





... 181

XVIII. The Scheme of Divine Revelation considered, principally in its Connection with the Progress and Improvement of Human Society; in Eight Sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1825, at the Lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. Canon of Salisbury. By the Rev. George Chandler, LL.D. late Fellow of New College, Rector of Southam, Warwickshire, District Minister. of Christ Church, St. Mary-le-bone, London, and Domestic Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry ...


XIX. Sermons. By the Rev. Robert Gordon, D.D. Minister
of Hope Park Chapel, St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh.. 210
XX. Sermons, Expositions, and Addresses at the Holy Com-

munion. By the late Alexander Waugh, A.M. Minis-
ter of the Scots Church, in Miles Lane, London. To
which is prefixed, a short Memoir of the Author.... 220




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