NARRATIVE OF A MODERN Pilgrimage through Palestine ON HORSEBACK, AND WITH TENTS. BY REV. ALFRED CHARLES SMITH, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford; Rector of Yatesbury, Wilts; Author of " The Attractions PREFACE. To overrate the advantages of a tour in the Holy Land seems to me to be quite impossible. The more I consider the deep interest which every step of that journey awakens, still more the permanent benefits which every thoughtful traveller must derive from it, the more keenly comes home to me the conviction, what exceeding value a pilgrimage through Palestine possesses. I make no allusion here to the medieval palmer, who, returning from his arduous journey with staff and scallop-shell, is popularly supposed to have been therewith content, and to have derived no farther benefit from his wearisome labours; though I for one venture to question such a supposition, and to think that in very many cases the flame of devotion must have been quickened, and the religious feelings elevated and purified, though oftentimes perhaps too much |