The several parts of the Holy Land are compared with the accounts given thereof by modern BY DAVID COLLYER, LATE VICAR OF GREAT COXWELL, BERKS. A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED. VOL. II. OXFORD, PRINTED BY W. BAXTER; For LAW and WHITTAKER; F. C. and J. RIVINGTON; LONGMAN, THE SACRED INTERPRETER. PART II. CHAP. I. Concerning the New Testament in general. THE books of the New Testament were written by the Apostles, and other inspired persons; who were stirred up, directed, and assisted by the Spirit of God so to write, as a means to preserve the doctrine of the Gospel to the world's end. Christ often promised to the Apostles the Holy Ghost for their guide, and this promise he performed, when they were all filled with the Holy Ghost; of which he had told them, this was to be one effect", He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Again, He shall guide you into all truth. And not only the Apostles, but many of them also who were afterwards converted, were filled with the Holy Ghost. And if they had this assistance and guidance of the Holy Spirit as to what they said, much more as to what they wrote; for their words were spoken to few, and might be forgotten, but their writings are for the use of all Christians, and still remain: so that they both taught the people then living, and wrote a Acts ii. 4. VOL. II. John xiv. 26. c. John xvi. 13. for the instruction of the church in after-ages, by the special providence of God, and the assistance of the divine Spirit; which both refreshed their memories, as to what they had seen and heard, and revealed, or suggested what they knew not before. And though St. Paul was not among them when the Holy Spirit was sent down at first, yet, at his conversion, he was filled with the Holy Ghost; and besides, he was caught up into heaven, and had abundance of revelations". As to what he says, To the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord; this is not to be understood as if what the Apostle spake or wrote was according to his natural reason, not of divine inspiration; but when he says, I command, yet not I, (or, according to the original, Command not I) but the Lord; he might mean, that not only. he so directed, but also it was founded on what Christ himself, whilst on the earth, taught against divorces1.. So to the rest speak I, not the Lord; that is, thus I give my advice, not as a commandment of the Lord, or, although there is not any former express Scripture or revelation of Christ concerning the marriage of a believer with an infidel, CHAP. II. Concerning the Four Gospels. THE first of these books are the holy Gospels. The word Gospel is derived from the Saxon Godspel which signifies a good word, or good tidings; because the Gospels contain the account of our Lord. Jesus Christ's coming into the world to save mankind from eternal wrath and misery in hell, and to e Ephes. iii. 3, 5. d 1 John i. 3. f Acts ix. 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 37. 8 2 Cor. xii. 4, 7. see also 1 Cor. xi. 23. and xiv. 37. 1 Cor. vii. 10. i Matt. xix. 9. |