CHRIST VISITS PEREA, 154; Question of Divorce, 155; CHRIST blesses little Children, 156; The rich young Ruler, ibid.; CHRIST returns to Judea, 158; LAZARUS RAISED TO LIFE, ibid; CHRIST retires to Ephraim, 161. His last Journey towards Jerusalem, 161; He passes through Jericho, ibid.; HARMONY OF THE PASSION WEEK, 164. CHRIST's feet anointed, 168; Public procession to Jerusalem, ibid.; the barren fig tree cursed, 172; the Temple purged again, 173; Pharisees and Sadducees silenced, ibid.; Sadducees silenced, 174; OUR LORD'S PROPHECIES ON MOUNT OLIVET, 176; CHRIST'S head anointed, 177; HE CELEBRATES THE PASSOVER, 179; INSTITUTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER, 183; THE NEW COMMANDMENT, HIS LAST DISCOURSE, 187; HIS INTERCESSION, 190. He goes to Gethsemane, 197; His AGONY, ibid.; CHRIST apprehended, 202; Peter's first denial, 205;-Second denial, ibid.; -Third denial, 206; CHRIST examined before the High Priest, 207; His trial before the Council, 208; Judas hangs himself, 211; CHRIST brought before Pilate, 213; His trial before Pilate, 218; He is sent to Herod, 220; -Sent back to Pilate, THE CRUCIFIXION, 226; CHRIST'S INTERMENT, 238; The Tomb guarded by HARMONY OF THE RESURRECTION AND OF OUR LORD'S APPEARANCES AFTERWARDS, 241. The Resurrection Day, 245; The Sunday following, 258; The Mountain in Galilee, 262 The Sea of Tiberias in Galilee, ibid.; Jerusalem, 265: THE ASCENSION, 267; CHARACTER OF CHRIST, 268. THE SPIRIT OF THE GOSPEL, 283. I. THE MYSTERIES OF THE GOSPEL. THE TRINITY, 286; REGENERATION by BAPTISM AND THE SPIRIT, 295; RENOVATION AND SANCTIFICATION BY THE LORD'S SUPPER AND THE SPIRIT, 299; JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH, 311; JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH II. THE DUTIES OF THE GOSPEL, 322; THE LORD'S PRAYER, 323. III. THE SANCTIONS OF THE GOSPEL, 356; THE TWO RESURRECTIONS, IV. THE EXTRAORDINARY AIDS OF THE GOSPEL, 375; 1. The expulsion of Demons, 375; 2. The gift of Tongues, 376; 3. Handling Serpents, 379; 4. Drinking deadly potions, 380; 5. Curing Diseases, ibid.; their dura- V. THE ORDINARY AIDS OF THE GOSPEL, 383; The Fruits of THE SPIRIT, SKETCH OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH, 388, MAINTE- THE CHRONOLOGY VERIFIED, 414; THE CANONICAL ACTS AND EPISTLES mothy, 428; Romans, 429; Ephesians, 430; Colossians, 431; Philemon, ibid.; Philippians, 432; Hebrews, 433; 2 Timothy, 441. THE CATHOLIC EPISTLES, 446. James, 447; Jude, ibid.; Peter, 448; John, 451; Apocalypse, 456; CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE EPISTLES, 462. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE CHURCHн, 463. Matthias elected an Apostle, 463, THE DAY OF PENTECOST, 466; The cripple cured, 470; Trial before the Sanhedrim, 471; SECOND EFFUSION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, 472; Charitable contributions to the Church, ibid.; Ananias and Sapphira, 473; Proceedings of the Sanhedrim, 474; The election of Deacons, 476; Stephen's trial and Martyrdom, ibid.; First Jewish perse- cution, 481; Baptism of the Ethiopian Chamberlain, 482; CONVERSION OF SAUL, 483; Saul retires to Arabia, 487 ;-His first visit to Jerusalem, 488; Rest of the Churches in Judea, 490; CONVERSION OF CORNELIUS, 491; Saul's second visit to Jerusalem, 499; Second Jewish persecution, ibid.; Saul's vision and Revelations, 501; First Mission of Barnabas and Saul, 508; First Council of Jerusalem, 513; Paul's third visit to Jerusalem, 514; Paul's Second Mission, 516; Paul visits Athens, 519; His first visit to Corinth, 531; His Fourth visit to Jerusalem, 532; Paul's Third Mis- sion, 533; His Fifth visit to Jerusalem, 536; Paul's First visit to Rome, 545; His Second visit to Rome, 546; First Roman persecution, 549; JEWISH WAR, 552; Siege of Jerusalem, 555. X. PERIOD. PROPHETIC HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, 558; CHRIST'S PRO- PHECIES, 560. I. Signs of the destruction of Jerusalem, 563. II. Signs of CHRIST's presence, at the Regeneration, 567; Parables, 570. III. Signs of the conclusion of the World, 574. THE APOCALYPSE, 576. DESIGN, 578; INTRODUCTORY VISION, 579; EPIS- TLES TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES, 582; GRAND CELESTIAL VISION, 585; First Scene, 586; Second Scene, 588; Third Scene, 590. SCHEME OF THE PRIMARY SYMBOLICAL PROPHECIES, 592. SECONDARY SYMBOLICAL PROPHECIES, 595. SEVEN SEALS, 597; Fourth Scene, 602; Fifth Scene, 604. FOUR WAR TRUMPETS, 608; DANIEL'S FOURTH VISION, PART III. 611. THREE WOE TRUMPETS, 615; SEVEN VIALS, 619. THE CODICIL, 633; Milton on Toleration, 648. APPENDIX, 653. ANALYSIS OF SACRED CHRONOLOGY. CONTAINING A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Των παντων κακων αιτιον, μη αναγινωσκειν ΒΙΒΛΙΑ, ΨΥΧΗΣ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΑ. CHRYSOSTOM. THE SACRED Books, those MEDICINES OF THE SOUL." |