THE TONGUE OF FIRE: OR, THE TRUE POWER OF CHRISTIANITY. AUTHOR OF BY WILLIAM ARTHUR, A.M., A MISSION TO THE MYSORE," THE SUCCESSFUL LONDON: HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO.; AND JOHN MASON. NEW YORK: HARPER AND BROTHERS. 1856. 141. C. 8. PREFACE. THE following pages are the fruit of meditations entered upon with the desire to lessen the distance painfully felt to exist between my own life and ministry and those of the primitive Christians. This fact may, in some measure, account for the plan of the work. Many topics which would have been fully discussed in a treatise on the work of the Holy Spirit, or on the character and usages of the primitive Christians, are passed by, or very slightly touched: while some others have greater prominence than would have been given to them in such a work. As to the mode of conceiving of events and characteristics, nothing has been adopted without deliberation. In several cases I should have felt interest in discussing other modes of conceiving |