DUCT IN HLIFE. ish'd from her AL PAPERS. hich are prefix'd, LOUS LETTERS written tor on the Subject. NDON: RD and CHANDLER, at the OODWARD, THE DUCTION. D last Night the Honour of g in Company with your Spouse, Conversation happening to turn the excellent Character of Pa 4, (now made publick) he faid The House-keeper, mentioned in was Aunt to his Wife, who had Found among the Papers of Mrs.. n by Pamela to her Aunt, Codifferent People, and Originals h she herself had receiv'd, suffia a Volume, if not more, and to Life. unt, Madam, occasions you the y Address, as it would be an Inemory of that incomparable Lady, Publick, which stands in need of es of Virtue, to let them longer le A 2 תו "in Oblivion befide, Madam, you may make "the pious Pamela be a Relief to to the modeft "Poor (even after her Death) by fuffering these "Pieces to be printed: A Profit will certainly arife from their Sale, the Town being fo fur" prizingly (confidering our present Degeneracy) " prepoffefs'd in her Favour by the two Volumes " of Letters which are publish'd, and as your easy. Fortune sets you above applying to your " own Use such unexpected Money, you may " fucceed your Aunt in the Poft of Almoner, as "you did in that of House-keeper to the illustrious Pamela. To Mrs. Mary I am, Madam, Your very humble Servant, B. W. SIR IN Anfwer to the Favour of yours, I affure you I shall readily come into any Proposal "which may contribute to the perpetuating the fweet Odour of my late ineftimable Lady's Mc"mory. Mr. Brenville informed you truly, with re"gard to the Letters I have by me, but I am " no Judge as to their making either one or more « Volumes. " I did indeed succeed my Aunt in the Care " of the Family in Bedfordshire, but you will " observe in perusing the Letters in my Poffef"sion, that I had the Honour of being admitted to that exemplary Lady's Service some Time "before the Death of my Aunt fervis. I am mentioned y Maiden Name, Vaughan, the Lincolnshire Estate after s dismiss'd. ters you mention in yours I Notes, which, poffibly, with able to recollect of Passages vice, to her Death, (a Period, my Memory, which will still call may enable you to compile the ern of Humility and Piety. u please to fix a Day, I will ers I have into your Hands for nd if you think they may be of ck, and an Advantage to the mall chearfully resign them to .. t of Opinion that they will anws, I must insist on your re prize these Papers greatly, and better for often reading them. my Acquaintance who have read orrefpondence, have faid it was and Profit, that they contain Instructions for our Conduct in f follow'd, may fecure our Hape and hereafter. end Mr. M, to whom faid, for he knew my Lady, at herself could fo well have ture: She was what the apWritings, a dutiful and loving moft obfervant and obliging ane and confiderate Mistress, and to the Poor. I do not tinued the Divine, her Prudence, to her Children, though I was. ther A3 こ |