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"When this propofal was taken into confideration by the two parties, it appeared that the ArchDake's commiffioners would agree to a fimple truce only, for eight, ten, or twelve years, as a continuation of the prefent ceflation of hoftilities, without repeating the declaration of the independence of the General Eftates. The State's deputies, on the other hand, agreed to the terms propofed, and required, that the declaration fhould be repeated, and extend to an acknowledgment of their independance not only du ring the truce, but for ever. The difpute was fo keenly maintained, that the Spanish commiffioners begged time to confider this point, and craved a delay until the end of September, when the Arch Dukes, who had fent a meffage to Spain, would know his Majefty's fentiments.

"This requeft caufed violent debates in the affembly of the General Eftates, and which lafted two days. Many thought, that an end should be immediately put to all farther conferences, as fuch a demand was another proof of the artifices of the Spaniards. Maurice, particularly, not only fupported this opinion with great heat and paffion, but reprefented a truce as ruinous to the state, because it would be no fooner made than Henry and Philip would enter into close friendship, and ftrengthen their alliance with the projected marriages. He afferted that the only method to hinder a conjunction which would prove deftructive to those of the reformed religion, would be to break off the treaty, and renew the war, in which Henry would be obliged in honour to fupport them, and in order to prevent an increase of the Spanish power, to give them effectual affiftance. Though his arguments did not prevail, and a majority of the affembly agreed to grant the delay that was afked, yet the deputies of the province of Zealand were fo offended with this refolution, that they declared they could not join in any conference or deliberation, as long as the Spanish commiffioners remained at the Hague, actually left the affembly, and returned to their own province. In Holland, there were different fentiments, occafioned, in a great measure, by the influence of Maurice; and though the bulk of the people were inclined to the truce, yet they demanded, that the fovereignty of the ftates fhould be acknowledged to be perpetual. It was indeed to be expected, that after all hopes of peace had vanifhed, the confederates would not readily hearken to a long truce, because it was probable that the fame conditions which they had rejected in the one cafe, would be required in the other. The advice of their allies, however, had great weight with the confederates. They confidered that they could not carry on the war without aid. They were afraid that the common people would be irritated when they knew what terms had been rejected, and refufe to contribute the neceffary fums. They ftartled at the profpect of having again recourse to arms, the expence of which had of late exceeded the amount of the contributions 300,000 florins a month, loaded the common fund with a debt of nine millions of florins, and the particular provinces with the double of that fum.



"The General Estates acted with great firmnefs and resolution. They told the Spanish commiffioners, that though it would be more agreeable they would retire to Bruffels, and there wait the answer from his Catholic Majefty; yet, at the request of the ambaffadors. they confented to their remaining at the Hague until the end of September; but that if against that time they produced not a proper inftrument from Philip and the Arch Dukes, acknowledging their independence in the most exprefs terms, and for ever, they muft depart. This declaration was accompanied with a fpirited remonftrance on their conduct. You have endeavoured,' faid the General Estates, to amufe us with fpecious promifes; you have, in order to lead us into a treaty, talked of making peace, • but you had no fuch intention. The peace you converted into a truce; next, you have changed this truce into a mere lengthen•ing out the prefent ceffation of hoftilities, without any mention of our independence, which we abfolutely require. Think not ⚫ that we will be any longer deceived. Do not imagine that we want either difcernment to difcover your artifices, or courage to refume these arms which we unwillingly employed at first, but ⚫ which we never will lay afide, until the glorious end we have in view is accomplished.'

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"When the laft day of September was come, the Spanish commiffioners waited on the ambaffadors, and informed them that they had received instructions from the Albert and Isabella, by which they were impowered to make a truce for seven years; in Europe both parties to retain what they at prefent poffeffed; and to give a declaration that the Arch Dukes in treating with the General Estates, acknowledged the United Provinces as free ftates, to which they claimed no right. They added, that though they had got no particular orders from Philip, they hoped that he would approve of the truce upon thefe conditions. The ambaffadors, knowing that the General Eftates were determined not to confent, unless the declaration bore an acknowledgment of their independence being. perpetual, advised the Spanish commiffioners to retire to Bruffels, to prevail with the Arch Dukes to make the time of the truce tea instead of seven years; and to give the acknowledgment demanded. Accordingly they prepared for their departure, and after waiting upon Maurice and the State's commiffioners, had an audience of leave in the General Eftates. Richardot extolled the conduct of his Catholic Majefty and the Arch Dukes, in being willing to make many important conceffions for the fake of peace; condemned the States for their obftinacy, and upbraided them with the dishonourable manner in which the Spanish commiffioners were defired to leave their territories. He told them that he forefaw the day was coming when they would repeat their not having fuitably improved the prefent favourable opportunity, and protefted that they would be chargeable with all the blood which might be afterwards fpilled. Barnevelt, in name of the General Eftates, anfwered him, that they had acted with candour and fincerity, that they had always de clared they would admit of no treaty without an acknowledgment


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of their independence; that the blame of peace not being concluded fhould be laid upon those who had not fulfilled their promises; and that whatever blood might be fhed, the guilt ought to be imputed to perfons, who by impofing laws worse than death, had rendered recourse to arms abfolutely neceffary. The Spanish com miffioners, after the affembly was difmiffed, were entertained at din by Maurice, and the fame day fet out for Bruffels."

The conclufion of the treaty, which lafted more than two years, fixed the liberties and independence of the United Provinces. We fhall copy our author's reflections on this


"This period may be confidered as the great æra of the liberty of the United Provinces, and cannot be viewed without exciting wonder at the means by which the bleffing of freedom was acquired. A few people, inhabiting a small territory, maintained a war for more than forty years against the most powerful potentate then in Europe. By their vigorous efforts, they attracted the regard of neighbouring princes, who were emboldened by the check thus given to the ambition of Philip, and encouraged to join their endeavours likewife in humbling a monarch, who had long been the object of jealoufy and fear. The confederates patiently fubmitted to every hardship unavoidable in a conteft feemingly fo unequal. Bold and enterprizing to an amazing degree, they gained advantages which exceeded even their own expectations, when they first engaged in the ftruggle. Animated with a warm zeal in defence of ancient rights and privileges, refolute in oppofing every encroachment, clofely connected together by one common caufe, and fagacious enough to difcover where their strength could be moft fuccefsfully exerted, they found out refources which enabled them to fet at defiance the riches and the power of Spain. At the very time that they were loaded with heavy taxes, they extended their commerce, and while they preferved a force fufficient for their own defence at home, carried their arms into distant countries, and feized upon a part of that wealth, which until then their ene mies had almost folely enjoyed, and which they thought to poffefs undisturbed and unrivaled. While the adjoining provinces felt all the calamities of a long war, were almost exhaufted, faw great innovations made on the antient conftitution, and experienced many of the evils which attend an arbitrary fyftem of government, the confederates enjoyed liberty, acquired importance, and encreased in opulence and national profperity. In the United Provinces, oppreffion was at laft forced to yield to courage; tyranny to the manly efforts of a brave and incenfed people; and pride to a firm and determined fpirit. The King of Spain and the Arch Dukes confeffed their inability to compel to obedience thofe who despised their authority, and were conftrained to own the independence of states which their utmost strength could not fubdue."

Reference has been made, during the contest between Britain and her colonies, to the transactions in the Netherlands.


We think that the circumftances in the beginning of the quarrel were very different. The refemblance is more ftriking in a later period; and, whatever may be the iffue, the volume of which we have now given an account, prefents fome facts worthy of attention.

From the fpecimens we have given, our readers will be able to judge of the ftile and manner in which this performance is executed. If the opinion of the public is equally favourable with ours, the author will have fufficient encouragement to profecute the design he had originally in view.

A complete Body of Heraldry: containing, an Hiftorical Enquiry into the Origin of Armories, and the Rife and Progress of Heraldry, confidered as a Science; the Inftitution of the Offices of Conftable, Marfbal, and Earl Marshal of England; their concurrent and feparate Jurifdictions, Functions, Powers, &c. the Erection, Creation, and Establishment of Kings, Heralds, Purfuivants, and other Officers of Arms, with their feveral and refpective Duties, Badges, Liveries, Wages, Vifitations, &c. The proper Methods of Blazoning and Marshalling Armorial Bearings; and therein of Ordinaries, Charges, Marks of Cadency, Additions, and Abatements of Honour; Affumptions, Grants, Augmentations, Alienations, Exchanges, Conceffions, and Forfeiture of Coat Armour; Crefts, Coronets, Supporters, Badges, and other Armorial Enfigns. The Arms, Quarterings, Crefts, Supporters, and Mottos, of all Sovereign Princes and States; as alfo the Atchievements of the Peers, Peereffes, and Baronets, of England, Scotland, and Ireland. An Histo rical Catalogue of all the different Orders of Knighthood, from the earliest to the prefent Time, with Defcriptions of their Habits, Collars, Badges, &c. &c. The Arms of the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, in England and Wales; and of the Abbies and Religious Houfes founded therein; ás alfo thofe of the Royal Boroughs in Scotland; and of the Societies, Bodies corporate, trading Companies, &c. in London. The Arms of Archiepifcopal and Epifcopal Sees in England and Ireland, and of thofe heretofore established in Scotland; as likewife of the Univerfities, their feveral Colleges, Halls, and Schools. Difcourfe on the Origin, Uje, and Abufe of Funeral Trophies. Glover's Ordinary of Arms, augmented and improved; an Alphabet of firms, containing upwards of fifty. thoufand Coats, with their Crefts, &c. and a copious Gloffary, explaining all the technical Terms jed in Heraldry. In twe VOL. XI. Volmues.

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Volumes. Illuftrated with Copper-Plates. Carefully compiled from the best and most undoubted Authorities, by Joseph Edmondfon, Efq. F. S. A. Mowbray Herald extraordinary, and Author of the Baronagium Genealogicum, or Genealogical Tables of the English Peers. Folio, 31. 5s. Dodfley.

Mr. Edmondfon is known to that part of the public which is interested in the antiquity of families, by his genealogical tables of the English peers. And the favourable reception of that work, may have been a motive with him to engage in a larger and more arduous undertaking.

Heraldry is a fcience almoft loft to the generality, even of learned men. The obfcurity and uncertainty of its firft origin, in the clouds, and among the magnificent barbarities of Gothic revolutions; and the little intereft which the public was fuppofed to take in any informations which might be ob tained on the fubject, deterred men of abilities from giving themselves any trouble on its account.

But though the public at large may not be interested in this fcience; all perfons of ancient and refpectable families; nay all those who by the acquifition of wealth, wish to engraft new branches on the old ftocks of nobility and gentry, would wish to have all the terms and badges of their real or imaginary diftinctions clearly understood."

To fuch perfons, the prefent publication of Mr. Edmondfon must be of importance.

The author begins with an hiftorical enquiry into the origin of armories, and the rife and progrefs of heraldry, confidered as a fcience; the inftitution of the offices of conftable, marfhal, and earl marthal of England; their concurrent and feparate jurifdictions, functions, powers, &c. the erection, creation, and establishment of kings, heralds, purfuivants, and other officers of arms, with their respective duties, badges, liveries, wages, vifitations, &c.

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The following quotation from this part of our work cannot but be agreeable to our readers.

"The obligations which each principal feudatory was under of affembling and keeping together his quota of foldiers in time of fervice, and the neceffity there was that the prince or principal commander should be fatisfied that his army was joined by all the chief military tenants, with their feveral powers according to the obligations of their refpective tenures, pointed out the utility of each leader's carrying with him fome mark or token, whereby not only he himself might be known by his followers, but his place and station in the hoft might likewife be particularifed, and diftin


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