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their vengeance on the head of their || tions of his sin and danger. Earnenemies. How often have all the pow-estly engaged in the pursuit of his studers engaged in a war, been heartily | ies, these convictions declined, and sorry, before they finished it, that they nearly subsided. The faithful disforsook the way of peace, and spread course of a pious fellow-student again their paths with misery and destruc-roused him to a sense of his sins, that, tion! After the flame of war has once on an examination of divine truth, he broken out, it is extremely difficult to found himself in a lost, perishing state. restrain its fury, until it has greatly He frequented religious company, weakened, diminished, and exhausted from which he derived much salutary all the parties concerned. No people instruction. At length, the preaching can suffer the spirit of war to seize of Dr. Preston which was very solemn their breasts, without exposing them-and pungent, who went to reside at selves to the folly and danger of adopt ing rash and precipitate measures, which they will always have reason to regret.It is therefore, the wisdom of any nation,who enjoys the blessing of peace to cultivate a cool and pacific spirit: and if possible, to avoid the horrors and calamities of war.


(Continued from page 234.)

the college during Mr. Shepard's pu. pilage, was made effectual, in the hands of the Holy Spirit, as he believed, of bringing his soul to the mercyseat of the divine Saviour. In a subsequent period of life, he writes concerning the divine mercies which he had experienced, "The Lord is the God that sent Dr. Preston and Mr. Goodwin to call me. The words of the first, in the first sermon I heard from him, and divers others near that time, did open my heart, and convince

Mr. Thomas Shepard is distinguish-me of my unbelief, and my total emped among the New England fathers, by tiness of all, and enmity against all an uncommon ardor of piety; by a good.-God, by him, showed me great zeal for God and his holy truth; the worth of Christ, and made my soul by a great success in the work of the satisfied with him, and cleave to him, ministry, and by his valuable writings, because God had made him righteouswhich have been an eminent security ness, and hence also revealed his free to our churches, and a great defence | justification, and gave me support and to the cause of truth. He was born rest in his promises." About the near Northampton, Nov. 5th, 1605.- time of the important change in the A day rendered memorable in the an-exercises of his mind, when he was nals of the British nation by the dis-about nineteen years of age, he resolv. covery of the well known Powder-ed to devote a certain season, on the plot. He was the youngest son of his evening of every day, to a careful father, by whose death, he was left an meditation on divine things. His oborphan in early life. His eldest broth-ject was to learn divine truth, to get er took the care of his education, and an acquaintance with his own heart, performed for him the duties of a fa- and to seek the saving mercy of ther. At the age of fifteen, he was ad- Christ. In these seasons of meditamitted a member of Emmanuel Col-tion, he received his first special comlege, Cambridge. While he advanced forts in God.

in the paths of science with an uncom- After receiving the degree of Masmon rapidity for his years, he expe-ter of Arts, he left the University and rienced the frequent and powerful stri-began to preach the gospel. Though vings of the divine Spirit upon his quite young, his preaching possessed a conscience. The preaching of some gravity of manner, and an energy of pious ministers at the University pro-expression, which procured much atduced in his mind powerful convic-tention and high respect. At the

same time he exhibtied such an ardent Having an invitation to preach in

zeal for Christ, and for the salvation of immortal souls, in his preachiug and all his conduct, as caused his labors to be attended with great success.The great desire of his heart was that his fellow-sinners might enjoy the excellency of divine grace.

Yorkshire, he travelled to that distant county, hoping to be permitted to minister for his Lord without molestation. After labouring for a season, with the most encouraging prospects, he again felt the arm of ecclesiastical power, and though he made another removal, to the county of Northumberland, he was prohibited from any further exercise of his ministry. He must now renounce the service of the ministry of reconciliation, or seek a field of labor in some country not his own. He could not hesitate which course to pursue.

A certain charitable gentleman in Essex, proposing to establish a weekly lecture,committed the management of it to a number of pious ministers, who offered the service to Mr. Shepard. As they were attending one of their stated monthly fasts while engaged in prayer for divine direction respecting the disposition of their lecture, an ear- The removal of Mr. Cotton, Mr. nest application from a destitute peo- Hooker, and others, to New-England, ple, soon brought them to a descision. for whose example he must have the The lecture was fixed at Coln, for highest respect, and to whom he was three years, where Mr. Shepard was attached by the strongest ties of Chrisemployed to the great approbation tian friendship, fixed his determination and benefit of the people. He was to engage in the same arduous service. very laborious in that and in the neigh- Mr. Shepard, and Mr. Norton. who boring towns,and was made eminently was afterwards the successor of Mr. instrumental in impressing the reality Cotton at Boston, went to Yarmouth and excellency of divine truth. Many to embark for New-England, near the so attached to him, viewing end of the year 1634. Being soon him as the instrument of their saving overtaken with a violent storm, in conversion, that, for the benefit of his which the prayer and faith of the pas ministry, they attended him to the wil-sengers was considered the means of derness of America. Though the lecture was renewed, after three years, at the earnest desire of the people, he continued to reside and labor at Coln. At his request, the lecture was established in his native town, and given to his intimate friend, Mr. Stone.


their preservation when their loss appeared inevitable, they were compelled to return and wait till the next season. They were kept in the most careful concealment during their stay, to avoid the vigilance of their pursuers. Mr. Shepard lost his eldest son at Yarmouth, but he could not appear at the funeral. In October, 1635, Mr. Shepard, with several worthy ministers, and three or four hundred passengers, arrived at Boston.

Though employed in an obscure part of his Lord's vineyard, devoted, exclusively, to his service, the fidelity and success of his ministry were too great to be unnoticed by the iron rage of persecution. He was silenced Mr. Hooker and his people were by Bishop Laud, for no other fault generally removing from Cambridge than his non-conformity. He was no to Hartford. This made a convenscismatic or partizan; yet he was aient opening, when considerable impuritan, and his influence must be sup-provements had been made, which pressed. For fear of further sufferings, were very gladly purchased and occuhe was obliged to live some time in concealment. The vigilant zeal of the pursuviants made it necessary that his retreat should often be changed, or he must have fallen into their hands.

pied by Mr. Shepard and his friends. In the February following, on a day of public fasting and prayer, in presence of a great concourse of people, they organized a church at Cam

bridge, and Mr. Shepherd was set from an ecclesiastical council at Howley, he was suddenly taken with a quinsey, which in a few days terminated his life, Aug. 1649, in the 44th year of his agc. A little before his departure, he observed to his friends around him, "Oh love the Lord Jesus, the little part that I have in him is my great comfort, and all my hope." He left three sons, who became eminent ministers in the colony.

apart to the pastoral charge. He now rejoiced in an opportunity to be engaged, without interruption, in the great and good work which commanded all the affections of his heart. Though indefatigable in his labors he pursued no other object than the inculcation of the doctrines of the gospel, the vindication of its truths, and the salvation of sinners. He well understood the error|| of the antinomian sentiments which prevailed considerably in the colony, soon after his arrival, and was most active and successful in counteracting

their baneful effects.

The colony having determined on founding a College, the faithful and judicious ministry of Mr. Shepard, was the principal inducement to establish it at Cambridge. He was considered a most useful model for imitation in the sacred calling, as well as eminently successful in detecting false religion, and leading enquirers in the way of the truth.

In his own and in the neighboring towns, Mr. Shepard was very laborious, and the zeal and solemnity of his preaching always procured him attention. He preached much, attended many lectures, and omitted no favorable opportunity to testify for Christ. His ministry was attended with great success. This we should expect.Though God be a holy sovereign, and send the blessings of his grace in such a way as he sees fit, yet, seldom or never, do we find faithful, humble, persevering labors, unattended with his blessing. The same Holy Spirit which accompanied the ministry of Mr. Shepard in his native country, wherever be was called to labor, did not forsake him in the deserts of America. As he was successful in awakening the thoughtless and reclaiming the vicious, he was eminently useful in leading inquiriers in the way of truth, in resolving the doubts and soothing the concern of the desponding Christian.

This shining light was extingnished in its meridian splendor. Returning

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The writings of Mr. Shepard were of great benefit to the cause of truth, after the testimony of his voice had ceased to be heard. His most elaborate work was a treatise on the Sab bath. The morality of the Lord's day began to be called in question in England, by many of the Antinomians and some others. In this treatise, he vindicated the perpetual obligation of the fourth commandment, the morality and holiness of the Christian Sabbath, in a most lucid and unanswerable manner.-In another work, which he published, he maintained, with much ability, the propriety of separating from the ecclesiastical establishment of England, and vindicated the order of the New England churches as most conformable to the primitive pattern. In a practical work, entitled "The Sound Believer," designed to distinguish true religion from false, which has been much read, he observes in the preface, "I considered my weak body, and my short time of sojourning here, and that I shall not speak long to children, friends, or God's precious people. I have been, therefore willing to leave some part of God's precious truth on record, that it might speak, (Oh that it might be to the heart,) when I shall not be." His largest and perhaps most useful publication, was an elaborate performance, to illustrate and apply the parable of the ten virgins. A principal object in this work is to point out the corruptions and dangers of churches. consisted of a series of sermons delivered at his weekly lecture, from 1636, to 1640. It was published in a folio volume, with high commendations, af


ter his death. This work is muchas sufficient; I waited on him as effiimproved in that great light and guide cient; and said, Now Lord, do for of the American church, President Ed- thy churches and help in mercy. Award's Treatise on Religious Affec-pril 4, Preparing for a Fast. May not tions. I be the cause of the church's sorrows, which are renewed upon us? These sheep, what have, they done? 1., My heart has been long lying out from the Lord. He sent a terrible storm at sea, to awaken me. Then, imme

A few extracts from Mr. Shepard's private writings, will not be unacceptable. "April 10 I had many thoughts which came in to press me to give up myself to Christ Jesus. So I gave myself to him. First, I acknowledg-diately took away my child, my firsted all I was, or had, was his own.- born. Then the Lord took my dear Secondly, I resigned not only my own wife from me. He then threatened goods and estate, but my child, my blindness to my child. And this made wife, my church, and myself to the God's will afflicting, sweet to me, but Lord; out of love, as being the best much more, commanding and promisand dearest things which I have. Ju-ing. But Oh, how is my gold become ly 10, 1641. On the evening of this dim. 2. The people committed to me. day, before the sacrament, I saw it my They are not pitied so much, nor duty to sequester myself from all oth- prayed for, nor visited, as they ought er things, for the Lord, the next day to be. 3. The family; I have not edAnd now I saw my blessedness did ified nor instructed, nor taken all ́ocnot lie in receiving of good and com- casions of speech with them. 4. The fort from God, but in holding forth the gospel I have preached, has not been glory of God, and his virtues. For it seen in its glory, not believed, not af is, I saw, an amazing, glorious object, fecting. 5. Not seeking to Christ for to see God in the creature; God speak, supply. My not lamenting the falls of God act, the Deity not being the crea-professors, and the condition of the ture, but filling it, shining through country.-I have now had a long sickit, to be covered with God as with a ness, as if the Lord would delight no cloud. Aug. 15. I saw, on the Sab-more in me to use me. Oh my God, bath, four evils which attended me in who shall be like to thee in pardoning my ministry. First, discouragement and subduing mine iniquities ?" and shame from a sense of the meanness of what I have provided in private meditations. Secondly, carelesness. possesses nie. Thirdly, infirmities and weakness, as want of light, want of life, want of a spirit of power to deliver what I am affected with, for As Christ. Fourthly, want of success. I saw these, and that I was to be humbled for them. Dec. 1. A small thing troubled me. I had a spirit soon touched and provoked. I saw that the Lord let sin and satan prevail there that I might see my sin, and be more humbled by it, and so get strength against it. Nov. 3. On a Fast-day at night, in preparation for the duty, I saw sin as my greatest evil. I was vile. He only was good whom my sin did cross.— On the end of the fast, I went unto God, I rested upon him


Con. Evan. Mag...

For the Utica Christian Magazine. SOME THOUGHTS ON 2 PET. ii. 16.

also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own de struction.

The writer has in view, principally, an answer to this question. What is meant by the things hard to be understood? Some suppose the apostle has reference to some of the fundamenta! doctrines of Christianity, on which the whole scheme is built. divine sovereignty, the decrees of

Such as

God, or the doctrine of election. But hard to be understood." In Cor. xv. these doctrines are as plainly revealed, 42, 44, Speaking of the resurrection of and are brought into view as frequent-the body, he says, "It is sown in cor ly, as any doctrines in the word of God. ||ruption, it is raised in incorruption. It A denial of them, is tantamount to a is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glo denial of the being of God. Besides, ry. It is sown in weakness, it is raised these doctrines, the heart of every be-in power. It is sown a natural body, it liever, older or younger, approves is raised a spiritual body." There is a and embraces: they are the joy and natural body and there is a spiritual bo rejoicing of his heart. Now can it be dy. In the same chapter, verses 51, believed, that sentiments which have 52, it written, "Behold I shew you a such an important bearing in the chris-mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we tian religion; sentiments,to deny which, shall be changed, in a moment, in the amounts to a denial of the being of twinkling of an eye, at the last trump." God; sentiments, with which every Here are facts stated by the pen of inchristian's heart is pleased-can it be,spiration; but they are "things hard that these doctrines, which all are to be understood." What mortal man bound to believe, and approve, are on earth, can comprehend these things? revealed so obscurely, and indistinctly, What a mystery indeed! To look at that deep research is necessary in or-our body, and think what a change der to form clear and correct ideas of will take place among believers, of them. The doctrines, necessary to be whom Paul is speaking, who are alive believed, in order to salvation, are with at that day. This body “changed in clearness, and distinctness, laid before a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," the mind in divine revelation: their from corruptible to incorruptible, certainty, and importance may be ap-from dishonor to glory, from weakness prehended even by children, and per- to power, from natural to spiritual. sons of small intellectual capacities. These are "things hard to be underThese doctrines being subjects of so stood"-are beyond our comprehenmuch altercation and quarreling among sion. mankind, is an evidence they do know and understand them; if they did not, they would not contend against them, with so much zeal as ma by do.

If, in reading the verse under consideration, the elipsis be supplied, and the words parsed according to the rules of grammar; the above explanation, it is judged, is correct. The gramatHaving considered what appears ical reading will run thus. As in all his to be, not the meaning of the expres-(Pauls) epistles, speaking in them, sion, "Things hard to be understood," (Epistles) of these things (the things of it will now be mentioned, to what it which Peter had been speaking, viz, seems most directly to refer. The the day of judgment, and of which apostle Peter in using that expression, Paul had spoken in his epistles) in "Things hard to be understood," re-which (epistles) are some things hard to fers, it is belieyed, to the day of judg-be understood, The Greek article ment, and those important and solemn here translated which, is feminine, events which will then take place. If hence it is evident, that the antecedent the reader will look at the passage pre-is epistles. If the antecedent had been ceding this under consideration, verse things, it must have been neuter. The 10th and onward, the main subject on apostles, both Paul and Peter, had which the apostle is treating is the day spoke in their epistles of the day of judgment. In the observations he of judgment, and both, in speaking of makes, are "Things hard to be under these things which will take place on stood." The Apostle Paul, also, spake that solemn and interesting day, had on the same subject-the day of judg-spoken "things hard to be under ment. And he also said "things stood."


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