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on my own territories, in my own habitation, and amongst my own friends! But being greatly fatigued by this tremendous flight, I beg leave to retire for a few moments, when after refreshing my spirit with a little of the new wine you have just presented to me, I hope in return to be instrumental, in conducting you to the very spot, you have so long and so earnestly been in search of; and will only add, that I am not so much surprised, as grieved that you should have introduced so strange a group of vain conjectures to the public; for from natural light alone we can never expect rightly to understand the Word of the MOST HIGH.

Well, my good Sir, according to my promise, I am again at my post, and have learnt, that in consequence of your fixed determination to discover the local situation of the celestial garden of Eden, you have been tracing all the rivers, far and near, and after many fruitless searches and re-searches, you have at length discovered a place famous for gold, from whence the heathens formed their fable of the golden fleece, and you yours of a terrestial Eden; but at the same time it seems that you are obliged still to sit down with vain conjectures alone, as your only recompence. How lamentable, that you should lose so much time in so fruitless an enquiry, when a diligent and humble search in the Word itself would have rewarded you a hundred-fold for all your labour, for are we not instructed in that most Sacred Word, that the kingdom of Heaven is not to be sought after in the desert, nor is it to be discovered by, lo here! or lo there! neither is it to be found, in the secret chamber, but it is only to be found within! yes; my good Sir, within ourselves;—and wheresoever that kingdom is to be discovered, there and there only, can the true Eden be found also. This Divine garden of celestial love, and of eternal delights will never be found distant from heaven its own natural soil and climate; we need not then descend into the bowels of the earth, nor ascend and take our flight to the moon, in order to discover this heaven of rest to our souls, for "the kingdom of heaven is within you," said the God of heaven, and he saith the same to us even at this day; neither is it necessary for us to travel to Palestine, in order to find the serpent, and discover the species or quality of this mysterious reptile, which has so greatly puzzled and perplexed so many great and learned Divines; for most true it is, that out of the root of this very self-same reptile hath sprung forth a cockatrice, and his fruit is a fiery flying serpent, and equally true it is, that many of us, by the light of Divine truth might discover the same reptile in our own gardens; at the same time whosoever can be

led by the same Divine Light, being applied to their own life, so as to make such discovery, will no doubt be led also into such states of heavenly peace, love, and innocence, as will enable them, sooner or later, also to discover the garden of the true Eden, with all its delights, and to their unspeakable joy will also discover that the tree of lives is still standing in the midst thereof. For it is an evil and a false report of the good land to say, that this Divine tree has been cut down, or plucked up by the roots; for it is still standing in the midst of the street, and on either side of the river of the heavenly Jerusalem; and its leaves are for the healing of the nations.

Before I take my leave permit me to present my thanks for your opening a new beauty in the internal sense of Scripture, for you inform us, that Cain and Abel were twin brothers, because it is not said, that Eve conceived a second time, I much wonder I never learnt this before. The beauty, the probability, and the propriety of which I hope may strike your mind as forcibly as it does mine; but in order that you may admire, permit me to inform you, Sir, that in the spiritual sense of the Word, Cain represents or corresponds to Faith, or Truth, which are one and the same Word in the original, if I am rightly informed. His occupation as a tiller of the ground is in union with such representation, and proves to the enlightened mind beyond a doubt, the certainty of such correspondence; for to dig, in spiritual language, signifies to search after the pearls of Divine Truth. Abel, his brother, was a keeper of sheep, and I need not add here the signification of sheep; for it may be concluded without doing violence to the text, that Abel represented charity or neighbourly love. Now Sir, if we take a view of the Solifidian and the Antinomian doctrines, is not Abel (i. e. charity) slain by Cain, or by faith alone? and indeed by all who make faith alone competent to salvation, but to show us that faith, in its place, is still essential in the church, we are informed that the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him, should slay him, as is truly the case whenever he is found alone; for we read that faith without works (i. e. charity) is dead. Your idea, Sir, of the mark set upon Cain being a horn in his forehead, strikes me greatly, because horn in a spiritual sense, signifies power, and forehead corresponds to love; which points the necessity and the beauty of the power of Truth or Faith, being conjoined with the good of love, thus forming as one, the two grand pillars of the Church of God. Alas! how lamentable a truth is it that the generality of Christians are unitedly determined to close their eyes against the sevenfold light of the present day, and their ears against the voice

of the Lord, who is continually giving forth the gracious command of "Let there be light!" for behold, the light of the moon is become as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun appears in seven-fold splendour; but I fear the religious world is looking for the personal manifestation of the Son of Man in the watery clouds of the atmosphere to take place before the above important prophecy can be accomplished in the earth, thus again looking. for the living among the dead, to whom we may say, " He is not here, but is risen," and hath appeared in power and great glory! Yes, my good Sir, the Lord is indeed risen, and hath appeared in the hearts, and to the consolation of some thousands, by opening the spiritual and internal sense of his own Most Holy Word; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his bride hath made herself ready! The Lord hath indeed at this day removed the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil spread over all nations. He hath brought the blind by a way they had not known; and made darkness light before them. By which glorious light, some thousands have been enabled to behold, and to acknowledge the Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ to be King over all the earth, (i. e. the church) that He is the ONE LORD, and HIS NAME ONE; whereby they are qualified to sing the new song, "let us be glad and rejoice, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." Yes, Sir, all this, and a thousand times more, is the blessed effect of the Lord's appearance in the clouds of the letter of His Most Holy Word; which clouds are now removed, and the former heavens of some thousands have departed as a scroll; and their host fallen down as a leaf falleth from a vine, or as a falling fig from a fig tree; and the glory of the Lord is about to be revealed, and all flesh shall see it; for his glory he will not give to another, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. "Thou shalt know no God but Me, for there is no Saviour besides me," saith the Lord, Hosea xiii. 4.

I am deeply sensible of my own inability, for conveying even a shadow of the superlative light and glory which is so strongly recommended to your notice, in an "Address to the Clergy of the united kingdom," and which accompanies this feeble effort of mine in order to influence your mind to comply with the advice held forth, and which comes from an aged clergyman who hath spent upwards of forty years in investigating and translating the works he so strongly recommends to your serious consideration. As for myself, I am only a by-stander, pointing you to the star, which the wise men beheld in the East; earnestly entreating your attention to the above small work and with earnest prayer, that you may be prevailed on to dig in that field which contains

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hidden treasures of infinite and superlative value, and which will reward you a thousand fold.

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I remain, Rev. Sir,

With great esteem and respect,

Your sincere friend and servant in the Lord,


P. S. It must be allowed that much of the prophetic part of Scripture is unintelligible without the aid of that divine science in which it was written, I have been much struck since writing the above with a few passages which I beg leave to lay before you. Jacob says of Dan, "that he shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horses heels, so that his rider shall fall backward, Gen. xlix. I am inclined to think that this pas sage would puzzle your famous commentators as greatly as where it is said, "the serpent beguiled me and I did eat." Permit me Sir, to lead you also to Habakkuk iii. 4, 5; and to Ezekiel xxxix. 17 to 20 verses inclusive, and to ask you, how far you think, that human learning alone could open the divine and sacred mysteries, in which the above passages are enveloped? is it not then a ten-fold blessing in the present day, that the Lord hath so mercifully set up a standard, even his own standard of Divine Truth, as predicted in Isaiah xlix. 22, 23; lxii. 10, and which divine and spiritual standard is now exhibited to mankind in the opening the spiritual and celestial senses of that most Sacred Book the Bible, and which was declared to be a sealed Book, but the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who alone was worthy, hath loosened the seals, and opened the book to you, my good Sir, and also to me, and to all who are desirous to drink of that river, the streams of which maketh glad the city of God, and of which if any man drink he will never thirst again.

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I am well acquainted with all the prejudice arising from long confirmed traditions of men; and also with the great difficulty of selling all that we have, in order to purchase the pearl of great price, having been educated in the same religious principles with yourself, my father having been one of the first travelling preachers in the Wesleyan connection, and who accompanied the Rev. J. Wesley on his first visit to Ireland; but who, with myself, was by a peculiar providence led to the knowledge of the important and Divine Truths now so strongly recommended to your most serious attention. I must again entreat you to give the address which accompanies this letter your most serious and candid attention, and in the ardent hope and desire that its worth may be appreciated by you, I remain, Rev. Sir, with much esteem and respect, your sincere friend and servant.

Pardon me, Sir, if I again intrude by relating a singularly' striking anecdote, which occurred within my own knowledge, the parties being well known to myself, and I should suppose some of them must have been known to you. A clergyman being on a visit at the house of Mr. Henderson, in Hanham, near Mr. Wesley's school, in Kingswood, the former expressed his fixed intention of refuting all the writings which are at this time so strongly recommended to your especial notice; and appeared' fully persuaded he could effect his intention. When my friend who had formerly been a travelling preacher in Mr. Wesley's connection, (and being a very judicious character) inquired if he had read the whole of the writings, which he had determined to refute ? "I have read none of them" replied the clergyman, but from report I am persuaded I shall be successful in refuting the author. My friend replied, "I should recommend your acquainting yourself with all the writings of the Baron before you attempt to write against his sentiments; I have his works, you are welcome to read them, and my study is at your service." The offer was accepted-ivestigation began-all was silence, on the side of the clergyman. At length my friend Mr. H. made inquiry if he did not think himself better qualified for the contest than before he had informed himself of the Baron's sentiments? He received no satisfactory reply. However after a few days the clergyman expressed his entire approbation of what he had so unjustly condemned; and in fact became a devout reader, a delighted recipient; and is, I believe at this moment a zealous preacher of the doctrines he had determined to refute. This account was given me by Mr. Gilbert of Antigua, son to the late Nathaniel Gilbert, Esq. and nephew to the late Capt. Webb, and I beg permission to address you in the words of our Lord, Go thou and do likewise.





IN some previous numbers of your Periodical Work, I have made a few observations on the maxims, "spend no day without offering prayer to God," and "contemn not the divinely inspired pages." The one which I now propose very briefly to notice is this; "Ridicule not the absent." Ridicule by some has been called the test of truth, but it is rather the test of the contempt of others and the esteem of self. The attempt at ridicule shows that little regard is paid to the state of their feelings and affections, if they be present; if they be absent, it shows that little esteem is

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