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Slave Trade-Houfe in a Committee on it, 28-Converfation on the
fame, 69-Duke of Clarence's fpeech on it, 5th July, 501-Debate on
the bill, 532-Speech of the Earl of Westmorland on the bill, 5th July,


Thanet, Earl of; Debate on the Earl of Abingdon's motion relative to
the proceedings that had taken place against him, 566.
Treafon Forfeiture Bill-Debate on it, 99-Protest against committing
the bill, 107-Lift of the divifion on it, 108-Debate on the bill, 559.




ACCOUNTS prefented to the House of Commons, refpecting the
Public Income of Great Britain, for the year ending the 5th Ja-
nuary 1799
Statement of the ordinary revenue and extraordinary refources con-
ftituting the public income of Great Britain, for the year ending
the 5th January 1799, &c.
Account of the grofs and net produce, and payments into the Ex-
chequer, of the duties of Customs in Great Britain, in the year
ending the 5th January 1799, &c.



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Excife. Account of the grofs actual receipt in money, &c. of the
duties of Excife and Malt (annual) of England, &c. &c.
Ditto, ditto, of Scotland, remitted to the Commiffioners of Excife
in London, &c.



Account of Monies paid into the Exchequer by the Receiver-general
of Excife in England, on account of remittances to him by the
Receiver-general of Excife in Scotland, &c.
Account of the grofs and net produce, and payments into the Ex-
chequer, of the duties arifing from ftamps, &c.
Account of the balances in the hands of the feveral diftributors in
Great Britain, &c.
Account of the grofs and net produce of the stamp duties in North
Britain, &c.












Account of the grofs and net produce, and payments into the Ex-
chequer and Customs, of the feveral taxes in England and
Wales, &c.

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Account of the grofs and net produce, and payments into the Ex-
chequer and Customs, of the feveral taxes in Scotland, &c. &c.
Account of the grofs and net produce of the duties arifing from
Salt, in Great Britain, &c. &c.
Account of the grofs and net produce, and payments into the Ex-
chequer, of the revenue arifing from the Poft-office of England, &c. 165
Balances due from Deputy Poft-mafters and others, &c. &c.
Account of the duty of one fhilling in the pound on places and
penfions; by the Receivers-general of the faid duties in Eng-
land, &c. &c.

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Account of ditto, ditto, for the district of the palaces of Whitehall
and St. James's, &c.



Account of the duty of one fhilling in the pound collected by the
Receiver-general of the faid duty in Scotland, &c.
Account of the deductions of the fix-pence in the pound revenue,
received in England and Scotland, &c. &c.
Account of the grofs actual receipt in money, net produce, and pay-
ments into the Exchequer, of the revenue arifing from Hackney
Coaches and Chairs, &c.
Account of the grofs receipt, and net payment into the Exchequer,
arifing from licences granted to Hawkers and Pedlars, &c.
Alienation-office.-State of the Prefine Account, &c.
Green wax, or poft fines

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Account of the monies paid into the Exchequer arifing from feizures
of uncuftomed and prohibited goods, &c.

Total amount of the money paid into the Exchequer for Compo-
fitions, &c.




Payments into the Exchequer of monies received for Proffers
Account of the feveral fums of money, received by Collectors and
other Receivers, on account of the Land Revenue of England and
Wales, &c.

Account of the monies paid into the Exchequer other than those
arifing from the Public Revenue, &c.

Cash Account of English and Irish Lotteries, &c.

Account of Money paid into the Exchequer, on account of Volun-
tary Contributions, &c.





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Account of ditto, ditto, Public Loans, &c.
Account of money remaining in the Exchequer on the 5th January
1798, and 5th January 1799, unappropriated




ACCOUNTS refpecting the Public Revenue, and Exports and Imports
of Great Britain, to the 5th of January 1799,
An account of the income of the Confolidated Fund, for the year
ended the 5th of January 1799, &c.

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An account of the net produce of all the Permanent Taxes, for one
year, ended the 5th of January 1798; diftinguishing each quarter,
and diftinguishing the duties impofed in 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796,
and 1797
An account of the net produce of all the Permanent Taxes, for one
year ending the 5th day of January 1799; diftinguishing each
quarter, and diftinguishing the duties impofed in 1793, 1794,
1795, 1796, 1797, and 1798

An account of the value of all Imports into, and all Exports from
Great Britain, for twelve years preceding the 5th of January
1799, &c.


An account of the quantities of the principal articles in the nature
of Raw Materials, imported into and ufed in Manufactures in
Great Britain, for twelve years preceding the 5th of January
1799; diftinguishing each article and each year
An account of the quantity of the principal articles in the nature
of Raw Materials, imported into and ufed in Manufactures in
Great Britain, on an annual medium of the following periods;
videlicit, the five years preceding the 5th of January 1776, the
five years preceding the 5th of January 1787, the five years pre-
ceding the 5th of January 1792, and the five years preceding the
5th of January 1799; diftinguishing each article













ACCOUNTS refpecting the Public Expenditure of Great Britain, for
the year ending the 5th of January 1799,
An account of the total actual Expenditure of Great Britain for
the year ending 5th January 1799, &c.
Intereft, &c. of the public funded debt. (See this account in Class IV.) 238
Intereft on Exchequer bills


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Charges upon the confolidated fund
Navy-office: Sums received from the Exchequer for Naval fervices, 230
Marine-office: Monies received from the Commiffioners of the Navy
for the Marine fervice


Victualling-office: Money received from the Exchequer for the use
of the Victualling department



Office for Sick and Wounded Seamen: Monies received for the
fervice of this office
Tranfport-office: Monies paid for Transport services and Prisoners
of war in health

Ordnance-office: Monies paid for Ordnance fervices
Pay-office: Monies paid for the fervice of the Army
Loans and remittances to Ireland and Portugal
Miscellaneous services


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ACCOUNTS refpecting the Public Funded Debt of Great Britain,
and the Reduction thereof, to Feb. 1, 1779,
Account of the Public Funded Debt, as the fame ftood on the ift of
February 1799; diftinguishing by what Acts of Parliament the
fame is created, and in refpect of what Sums raised, or Bills
funded, &c.
Account of the Capitals of the feveral Funds conftituting the Public
Funded Debt; likewife of the feveral Stocks or Annuities redeemed
by the Commiffioners for the Reduction of the National Debt,
&c. &c.

[blocks in formation]

ACCOUNTS refpecting the unfunded Debt, and Demands outstand-
ing, of Great Britain, for the year ending the 5th January 1799, 248
Account of the unfunded Debt and Demands outstanding on the
5th of January 1799, &c. &c.
Account of the unfunded Debt in Exchequer Bills, &c.
Account of the unfunded Debt and Demands outstanding, &c. as
far as relates to the Treasury
Account of Warrants for Army Services due and unpaid, and of
Treafury Bills accepted, &c.

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Paymaster-general's account of demands for Army Services out-





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Statement of the demands outstanding for Barracks, &c.
Account of demands on the Ordnance outstanding, &c.
Navy-office: Account of the unfunded Debt of the Navy, and of
all Demands outstanding, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Account of Monies advanced for Public Services from the Civil
Lift, not replaced by Parliament

[blocks in formation]

ACCOUNTS refpecting the Arrears and Balances of Public Account-
ants, for the year ending 5th of January 1799,


Arrears due on the 5th of January 1799, from the Officers of the
Cuftoms in England; &c.



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Arrears due on the 5th of January 1799, from the Officers of Excife
in England; &c.
Ditto due on ditto, from the Officers of Excife in North Britain; &c. 267
Ditto due on the 1ft of August 1797, from the Distributors of
Stamps in Great Britain; &c.

Net Balances in the hands of Diftributors of Stamps in Great Britain,
on the 10th day of October 1798, and on the 5th day of January
1799; &c.

Arrears due on the 5th of January 1799, from the Receivers-
general of the Land and Affeffed Taxes in Great Britain; &c.
Arrears due on the 5th of January 1799, from the Officers of the
Poft-office in England; &c.


Arrears due on ditto, from the Officers of the Poft-office in Scot-
land; &c.








Balances due on the 5th day of January 1799, from the Receivers
of Crown-Land Revenues; &c.
Balances due on ditto, from all perfons whofe accounts have been
examined by the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army, &c. 309
Balances certified, by the Commiffioners for auditing the Public Ac-
counts, to the Treafury, &c. &c. up to the 5th of January 1799, 310
Additional account of fums paid in discharge of Balances due to the
Public upon declared accounts; &c.
Account, fhewing the amount of the Monies that would have been
applicable to the expences of His Majefty's Civil Government, if
the hereditary and temporary revenues, and fo much as was granted
to his late Majefty out of the aggregate fund and duty arifing from
Wine Licenfes, had been granted to, or referved by his present Ma-
jefty, from the 5th of January 1777 to the 5th of January 1799;
diftinguishing each year and the net produce of each of the faid re-
venues, fo far as the fame can be afcertained: fhewing alfo the
amount of the annuity received by His Majefty during the faid
period, in lieu of thofe revenues, and the amount of the monies
granted by Parliament, during the faid period, for the discharge
of the civil debt, and the difference to the public upon the balance
of the faid account
ACCOUNT, fhewing how the money given for the fervice of the year
1798 has been difpofed of; diftinguifhing under the feveral heads,
and the parts remaining unfatisfied, with the estimated furplus
thereon, as far as the fame can be made up.





Combination among workmen-Debate on the bill to prevent it, 65.
Copper-Debate on the bill to prevent the exportation of it by the Eaft-
India Company for a limited time, 23.


Debt (National)-Debate on Mr. Chancellor Pitt's motion on the subject
of the National Debt, its reduction, &c. 83-Sec alfo ACCOUNTS.


Finance-Debate on Mr. Tierney's moving certain refolutions refpecting
the finances of the country, 30-Copy of the refolutions, 31-Debate
refumed, 70-Copy of the refolutions moved by Mr. Chancellor

Pitt, 70-Debate on Mr. Chancellor Pitt's motion refpecting the na-
tiona ĺdebt, &c. 83-See alfo AccOUNTS.


India-Mr. Secretary Dundas's fpeech on the finances of the Eaft-India
Company, 12th March, 466—his speech refpecting the trade to India,

Ireland-Meffage from His Majefty to enable him to make remittances to
Ireland, 39-Correct copy of the right honourable S. Douglas's speech
on the Union with Ireland, 23d April, 357.

Judges' Salaries Augmentation Bill-Conversation refpecting it, 9, 14.


King (The)-Meffage from him, to enable him to make remittances' to
Ireland, 39


Militia Reduction Bill-Debate on the fecond reading, 9-Conversation
on the fame, 19.

Minority, Lift of, on the Treafon Forfeiture Bill, 65.


Newspapers: Debate on Viscount Belgrave's motion for the fecond read-
ing of the bill to prevent their publication on Sundays, 1.


Oude, Nabob of-Debate on Mr. M. A. Taylor's motion refpecting him, 40.


Richmond's (Duke of) Annuity Bill-Debate on it, 67.


Slave Trade-Converfation refpecting it, 575.

Speaker's (Mr.) fpeech on prefenting bills to His Majesty at the close of
the Seffion of Parliament, 577.


Treafon Forfeiture Bill-Debate on it, 47-Lift of the Minority on it, 65.

Union with Ireland; See Ireland.


Voluntary Contributions-Conversation refpecting them, 574.


Ways and Means-Resolutions moved by Mr. Pitt, in a Committee of

Ways and Means, 45.

Wet Docks; Converfation refpecting them, 19.


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