THE Universal History, FROM THE Earliest Account of Time. VOL. III. BOOK I. The ASIATIC History to the Time of ALEXANDER the Great. CHAP. VII. SECT. II. The religion, government, laws, customs, learning, art, and commerce, of the Jews. T a was a go theocracy. HE institution of the Jewish religion and common- The Jew wealth is, by Mofes, attributed wholly to God; ish gofor which reason, Jofephus makes no scruple to vernment diftinguish the latter from all the other governments in the world, by the name of theocracy, or vernment under the immediate command and direction of GOD: and indeed, though this theocracy has often varied under Mofes, Joshua, the judges, kings, and high-priests, and the divine authority differently interposed during those revolutions, yet GOD was still looked upon as the fupreme monarch of the Ifraelites. We shall fee, in the sequel of a Cont. Apion. lib. ii. VOL. III. B. their |