CENSURA LITERARIA. CONTAINING TITLES, ABSTRACTS, AND OPINIONS OF OLD ENGLISH BOOKS, WITH ORIGINAL DISQUISITIONS, ARTICLES OF BIOGRAPHY, VOLUME I. LONDON:ARY PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT-COURT, FLEET STREET, FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, PATERNOSTER-ROW; 1805. ASTOR LIBRARY 7. Carter's Kentish Expedition, 12mo. 1650...... DIGESTED TABLE OF CONTENTS. HISTORY. 1. Duchesne's Historiæ Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, fol. 1619 Page 31 2. Maseres' Emmæ Encomium, &c. 4to. 1782...... 3. Froissart's Chronicles, translated by Lord Berners, 2 vol. fol. 1525 4. The same, translated by Johnes, 4to. 1803-4- 5. Stocker's Tragical History of the Civil Wars of Flanders from 1559 6. Vicars's Parliamentary Chronicle, 3 vols. 4to. 1644-1646 8. Overbury's Observations on the United Provinces, 12mo. 1651..... 28 .... 116 ...119 289 329 164 .. 269 9. Watson's Memoirs of the Warrens, Earls of Surry, 4to. 1776. 356 10. The same, 2d Edit. 2 vol. 4to. 1782.. 19 11. Phil pot's Catalogue of Knights made by Jam. I. 8vo. 1660..........356 BIOGRAPHY. 12. Mrs. Scott's Life of Theodore Agrippa D'Aubigne, 8vo. 1772 ......... 293 13. Holland's Heroologia Anglica, fol. 1620 305 14. Gall's Virorum Doctorum Effigies, fol. 1572 357 15. Fuller's Abel Redivivus; or, Lives of Modern Divines, 4to. 1651......311 52. Gascoigne's Workes, 4to. 1587. ..109 53. Wyrley's Life and Death of Lord Chandos, 4to. 1592....... .148 54. The Muses Sacrifice, by John Davies, 12mo. 1612.... 61. Bathurst's Latin Version of Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar, 8vo. 1653... 390 ORIGINAL POEMS. 62. On revisiting a deserted mansion... 79 63. Retirement, a poetical fragment 286, 424 64. Verses regretting the neglect of poetry in youth...... 382 POETICAL CRITICISM. POLITICAL ARITHMETIC, TRADE, AGRICULTURE. 68. Political Arithmetic, containing a catalogue of writers on the sub- 69. Chronicon Rusticum Commerciale; or, Memoirs of Wool in England 70. Norden's Surveyor's Dialogue, 4to. 1607... 71. The Citie's great Concern, whether Apprenticeship extinguisheth 73. Public Employment and an active life preferred to Solitude, being an .... I 74. Resplyes, Ditine, Moral, and Political. By Owen Feltham, 1628, 75. Additions to Ruson's Bibtiographia 24 76. Bodin's Three Books.of.a Commonwealth, translated by Richard Knolles, fol. 1606...... ....349 77. Martin's Descriptiomof the Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland, 8001705 358 $3. Observations on the sensibilities and eccentricities of men of genius. ..383 84. Literary Obituary... 100, 314, 324, 340 ADVERTISEMENT. |