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of which we treat, notwithstanding the peaceable aspect of the times, has not been unproductive of events which claim a confiderable degree of attention. Of thefe, the expulfion of the Jesuits from Spain and Naples is not the least extraordinary, nor likely to be the least confiderable in its consequences. The affairs of Poland have attracted much of the general attention of Europe; and, it is to be hoped, are now fettled upon an happy and permanent basis. The origin of the late disputes, the past and present state of the Diffidents, and many particularities relative to the hiftory and government of that country, which were requifite to be known, to form a proper judgment of those transactions, were but little confidered or understood in this part of the world. We have therefore given our readers all the fatisfaction on those heads, which the materials that we could procure would afford, and the plan of our work allow. The fubject is indeed peculiarly

THE year of which


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interesting: While our humanity is deeply engaged in the cause of the D ffidents, we cannot but lament the fatality by which a great nation is furrounded in its capital by a foreign army; and the fenators of a republic, that was once free and independent, carried off by a military force for a discusfion of their own affairs. This is a fub, ject, that, notwithstanding the rectitude and integrity of the motives which guided those transactions, affords a full opportunity for the most deep and serious reflection.

Our home affairs have not been deficient in matters fufficiently interefting. Of these we give fuch an account as we hope will be agreeable to our readers; and have endeavoured to preserve that impartiality, which it will be always fo much our wish to support. And it shall ever be our greatest happiness to have any opportunity of fhewing the grateful sense we entertain of the repeated indulgence which we have fo constantly experienced from the Public.




For the YEAR 1767.






General afpect of affairs. Prefent appearances pacific. Some ancient canfes of contention removed. France. Holland. General state of the North. Germany. Italy. Expulfion of the Jefuits from Naples and Parma. The Intereft of the court of Rome declining in Italy. Portugal. Scarcity of corn. Friendly intercourfe fubfiting between the learned.

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tions, when not otherwife engaged by a close attention to the ufeful, or mellowed by a knowledge of the fine arts.

It may now appear late to look back to the fubyerfion or change of the feudal fyftem, and from thence to derive reafons for prognofticat ing the approach of a lefs martial age. This change was not indeed immediately productive of fo hap. py an effect. Many, however, of the causes of ancient quarrels were certainly removed, by the different modifications which that fyftem underwent in most of the countries of Europe. The two laft centuries were (partly through accident, and partly from thofe epidemic paffions, which have been obferved at particular æras to poffefs the minds of great bodies of mankind) fo peculiarly fertile in producing new caufes of diffenfion, that the confequences naturally to be expected from the decline of the feudal government could not be perceived amidft the continual din of fresh difputes. It may be unneceffary to recapitulate those causes of diffenfion; many of them are generally known. Religion, or the pretence to it, had its full fhare amongst them. The uncertain rights of fucceffion in moft countries, together with the avidity with which all mankind were feized to grapple at the treafures of the new world, were fuch feeds of contention, as ferved, along with many others, to keep Europe in continual agitation.

Several of the principal of thofe caufes, and, happily, fome of thofe which occafioned the greatest mifchief, are now no more. The violence of religious animofity; that bitterness of zeal, which fet mankind to the deftruction of each

other's bodies, for the falvation of their fouls, is not only worn out, but almoft forgotten. Succeffions, boundaries, and rights of government, are fixed upon a more known and fettled foundation than ever they were before; and commercial nations have difcovered a more fuccefsful and happy method of procuring gold, than by digging it themfelves from the mine, or forcing it from those that do.

Many other fources of contertion of a later date, together with fome mistaken notions in politics, which have had their day and done fufficient mifchief, are exhausted. Some juft caufes of contention are alfo removed. The ideas attending a balance of power, feem to be at prefent very different from what they have been formerly. The dread of univerfal monarchy appears to be much abated, if not entirely at an end. With regard to England, to our happinefs, the caufes of thofe fears which were once fo prevalent, with refpect to the proteftant fucceffion; the danger of rebellions within, or invafions from without, from that caufe, are fo entirely vanished, that they only ferve to endear to us our prefent fecurity.

Thefe circumftances feem in fome fort pledges of a greater tranquillity to our pofterity, than we cr our ancestors have enjoyed. However, it must be confeffed that all fpeculations of this kind, however plaufible, are in their nature extremely uncertain. The natural inconftancy of mankind, the fport which fortune feems at fome times to make of every fyftem, deftroy. ing in a day, or an hour, the best laid foundations, and trampling the labour of ages, and the wifeft

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