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Auld Scotch sangs, the; by G. W. Bethune
Auld Scotch sangs, the; by D. Allan
Auld Scotland; by A. S. Robertson
Auld Scotland isna dead; by C. Stewart
Auld Scotland's Sabbath bells; by J. Norval
Auld Scottish thistle, the; by John Orr-
Auld Scottish tongue, the; by N. Ferguson
Auld slitrig brig, the; by W. Scott
Auld stockin' fit, the; by A. Brown
Auld summer seat, the; by J. Christie
Auld Tammas Marr; by W. Reid

Auld thackit biggin the; by W. Thomson
Auld thackit hoose, the; by R. M Calder
Auld thing ower again; by F. Buchanan
Auld time; by J. C D. Fraser
Auld times, the; by G. Gibb

Auld timmer brig, the; by Hamilton Nimmo
Auld water barrel, the; by J. Houston
Auld Watty Brownlee; by J. Hogg

Auld wife's address to her gudeman, the; by

1). K. Coutts

Auld wife's lament, the; by J. Gardiner

2:314 6: 167 15: 151 8:308 6: 196 8:328 12:357

2: 69

4: 180

15: 223



12: 48

11: 137

12: 162



4: 37 9:164

7: 174

4: 42

Auld wife s sang, an; by A. S Laing

12: 60

Auld wooer, the-a song; by J. C. Paterson

12: 249

Auld year, the; by M. Stott

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Awa' wi' sangs o' sorrow; by W. Buchanan

13: 87

Awake, awake; by J. L. Bain
Aye best at hame; by A. M. Soutar
Aye dae your best; by J. Kent

Aye do the best ye can; by R. Hogg
Aye keep lookin up; by D. Macmillan
Aye keep oot o' debt; by A. Wedderburn

Aye keep your heart aboon; by A. Wanless
Aye to the fore; by J. Taylor

Aye work awa'; by J. Wright

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Ayrshire miners tale, an; by G. Gebbie

Baabbie Gair; by J. J. H. Burgess
Babie, the; by J. E. Rankin

Baby; by J. G. Carter

Baby by M. W. Wood

Baby; by M. W. Fairbairn

Baby; by G. Macdonald
Baby Alie; by M. Grant

Baby and banjo; by J. R. Nicolson

Baby died to-day by W. Leighton
Baby Elsie; by R. Richardson
Baby Marion; by J. Nicolson

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Baby Violet; by J. D. Reid

Bachelor's lament, a; by A. Morris

Bachelor's lament, the; by W. D. Latto

Back lying farm, a; by J. L. Robertson

Bad harvest, a; by J. Coghill

14: 177

Bailie's knowe, the; by N. Ferguson

12: 358

Bairnie, the; by W. W. Smith


Bairnie awa', the; by P. M'Crakett


Bairnie on yer knee, the; by F. Lennon

Bairnie tak's after his faither, the; by R. M. Calder

Bairnies' dinner, the; by W. A. M'Lachlan

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Bairuies at hame, the; by D. Tasker

Bairnies' hymns at e'en, the; by T. Morton

Bairns, the: by William Pyott


Bairns, the; by I. A. Gray

11: 294

Bairns, the; by John Smith

13: 202

Bairus in our street, the; by J. Brown

Bairn's petition, the; by J Lauder

Bairus taegither; by J. E. Rankin

Ballad; by J. F. Cannon

5: 235

6: 364

4: 158

4: 190

2: 55



Ballad; by T Bell

Ballad; by J. Grant

Ballad by J. Grant

10:356 10: 352

Ballad of bosh, the; by W.


14: 136

Ballad of Brechin, a; by J. W. Fraser
Ballad of Seafield tower, the; by M. Bean
Ballad The gipsy_woman of the tower; by
Margaret T. Bell

Ballade of old magazines; by J. M. Bulloch
Balin and briar; by A. Jeffrey

Baloo, my bairnie, fa' asleep; by J. Smith
Bangin' the ba'; by P. J. M'Mahon
Banks o' Doon, the; by D. Waters
Banks o' Glazert, the; by J. Shaw
Banks of Tarf, the; by W. Nicolson

Banks o' the Dye, the; by J W. Brack
Bannockburn; by W. Archer
Bannockburn; by P. P. Alexander
Bard of Avon, the; by W Wilson
Bard of passion, the; by J. A. Anderson
Bard's ghost, the; by T. Whitehead
Barley bree, the; by A. Dewar

Battle of Drumclog, the; by A. G. Murdoch
Battle of Trafalgar; by J. Johnston

Battle of Pentland Hills, the; by J. Wright

Battle of Restennet, the; by G. H. Kinnear
Battle of Spearford, the; by S. Wilson
Battle of the dead, the; by C. Waddie
Battle of the Nile; by J. Johnston

Bauldy Mill; by J. Harrison

Bawbee saved is a bawbee gained, a; by D. Gow

Be a man; by J. Paul

Be a man; by R. Chalmers

Beattie's garden lesson; by J. Longmuir

Beauties of a border landscape, the; by A. F.


Beautiful home; by J. Copeland

Beautiful May; by A. Glass

Beautiful sea, the; by A. Brown

Beautiful in fading; by R. B. Merrylees

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Beauty; by W. Leighton

Beauty in nature; by J. Taylor

Beauty is worthless when honour is lost; by

D. M. Hampton

Beauty o' life's gloamin', the ; by J. A. Duncan

Beauty o' Scotland, the; by W. Neill

Beauty of nature, the; by J. Kelly

Beauty's power; by A. S. Irving

Beauty's power on the raging sea; by G. Sproat


6: 340

4: 179

1: 299

15: 421

8:361 15: 70


10: 90 15:229

5: 359

Bedtime; by Earl of Rosslyn

Bedtime; by J. M. E. Saxby

Bee in the bonnet, the; by P. Anton

Beethoven at the piano; by G. E. M. Lancaster

Before and after; by George Eyre

Before the dawn; by A. R. Cousin

Beggar wean; by A Hamilton
Beggar's fate, the; by J Trotter
Beggar's wallet, the; by Hamilton Corbett
Be happy while you may; by C. Macleod
Behind the veil; by J. Cranstoun
Behold the Lamb of God; by J. Proctor
Be kind to auld grannie; by A. M'Kay-
Be kind to the auld; by J. W. Lyall
Be kind to the bairns; by Alex. Snaddon
Be kind to the birdies; by G. Watson
Bell; by J. W. Fraser

Belle o' Lasswade, the; by W. Stewart
Belshazzar's feast; by J. H. Stirling

Bells, the; by A. S. Swan

Benighted Englishman, the; by D. Williamson

Bereavement; by W. L Alexander

Bereavement-hope; by M. W. Fairbairn

Benjie; by A. Stewart

Berwick Braes; by G. Sutherland

Beside a little grave; by W. C. Spens

Beside a wood; by A. Reid

Bessie o' Mireyside Ha'; by J. F. Mill

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12: 90

6: 399

15: 56

10: 126

10: 229

10: 254


2: 127

5: 285

3: 20

W. Lamberton

Best o' my fortune's the spending o t, the; by

Best thing wi' gear is the haining o't, the; by

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10: 377


11: 90

10: 315

Better away; by J. H. Simpson

9: 380

Better sma' fish than nane; by J. Macintosh
Betty's trust; by J. Russell

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Bield on the mountain, the; by W. M'Queen

Big tea kettle, a; by D. Carmichael

9: 91

1: 32


Biggin' on the brae, the; by J. M. Neilson

1: 37

Billy's rose; by G. R. Sims

11: 65

Birchen tree, the; by A. Milne

14: 142

Birchington revisited; by W. Sharp

10: 396

Bird and the bee, the; by J. D. Burns.


Bird in the garden; by P. Still, junr.

Bird in the hand is worth twa on a tree, a; by

Alex. Snaddon

Birdies, the; by W. Leighton

Birds; by J. B. Crombie

Birds and bards of Bonnie Scotland, the; by D.

M. M'Neil

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Bird's message, the; by M. T. Whitlock

Bird's nest, the; by Mrs J. C. Simpson
Bird's nest, the; by A. Smart

Birkenshaw; by J. Rae

Birth of a song, the; by J. E. H. Thomson
Birth of Burns, the; by Jessie K. Lawson
Bishop's well, the; by W. Blair

Bittie nearer hame, a; by J. Whitelaw
Black Thursday; by M. K. Beveridge
Black Saturday, the; by J. Murray
Blackbird, the; by J. B. Brown
Blackbird's lament, the; by C. Will
Blacksmith, the; by P. J. M'Mahon
Blacksmith, the; by J. H. Stoddart
Blake, William; by J. Thomson

1: 175

8 : 118 1: 297

11: 370

6:319 10: 147 8:375 11: 80

14: 214 4:111 13: 242 9: 138 11:257 12: 261 3:150 7: 39 9:366 13: 100

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7: 166

Blantyre; by W. Č. Spens


Blawearie, I'm wae; by G. M'Murdo


Bless the weans; by T. Thomson

6: 79

Blessed are they that mourn; by I. F. Mayo

11: 131

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Blind boy's lament, the; by H. A. Dewar

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Blood-stained road, the; by F. Mary Colquhoun

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