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ANDREWES, Bishop, life of, 169, 207, 227. . velation (Bp. Butler); Manufacturing system
Arabia and the Arabians, 60.

(Archdn. Wilberforce).

Anecdotes—An English squire ; George the

Books, choice and right use of, 197.

Third at chapel ; Triumph of perseverance--19.

March-Pattern of a wife (English Church-

Charitable bequests, 66.

man); Regal state (Clarendon); Daily Public

Christ's presence in the Sacrament of the Lord's Prayer (Addison)-71.

Supper, 140.

APRIL— Faith and practice of Geneva (Laing);

Church of England in relation to Romanism and Cost of schools and gaols; Teetotalism; Edu-
Dissent, 112.

cational statistics; Intemperance and insanity

Church principles, their influence upon trade, 278. (Lord Ashley's speech); the Church and Dis-

Contentment, 204.

sent (Poole's St. Cyprian); the oneness of the

Cowper on Churches and Church-matters, 132.

Church (Manning); Concession to Dissenters

Crabbe the poet and the Methodists, 178.

(Clarendon); Church visible and invisible (Man-


| Daguerreotype, 103.

MAY- Salvation by Christ only (Hooker);
Daily Service, reasons for, 277.

True religion (Bp. Buckridge); Church-rates

(Justice Tindal); Use and abuse of learning
! Eagle and the lion, 253, 273

(Jones of Nayland); Dangerous characters (Cla-
| Education of the middle classes, 64.

rendon); the Church the healer of the nation's
English history, letters on; No. IV. Conversion of || wounds (Gresley); a word to the rich (ibid.);

the Anglo-Saxons, 9.

Church courts (Archdn. R. I. Wilberforce); Cru-

English Universities, 279.

elty to animals (Jones of Nayland)--117.

Exeter, the Bishop of, on the Church-service, 183, JUNE-Church unity (Sir F. Palgrave); Treat-

ment of the Prayer-book by a Dissenter; Early

Fanshawe, Sir R. and Lady, some account of, 25. religious instruction; Bishop of Exeter on the

Feudal system, the, 185.


| French revolutionists, 111.

July-Family of S. Basil (Rev. J. H. New-

man); Church discipline (Quarterly Review);

Gardening, 81.

Obligation of Dissenters to the Church (Prof.

Guido, the perfect servant: a fable from the Latin, Blunt); English Churchmen (Southey)-166.


AUGUST - Plymouth brethren (Bp. D. Wil-

son); Tracts for the Times (ibid.); Unity (Abp.

Hammond, Dr. H., life of, 1, 49, 104.

Laud); Evils of controversy (Spenser); Caution
Heat, 114.

to young and ardent Churchmen (Bp. of Oxford);

a true Catholic (Vincent of Lerins); Authority

Intelligence: see end of each Number.

of truth (Quarterly Review); Methodist hymns

Jones of Nayland, life of, 241, 265.

(Sir W. Scott); Good parishioners (Jones of

Jovinian, the proud emperor, 232.

Nayland); the offertory (Archdn. Hale); Modern

Italian brethren of the Misericordia, 8.

parliaments (Archdn. Wilberforce)-190.

* NOVEMBER- Pews (J. H. Markland, Esq.);

Labouring classes, dangers incident to, 127.

Dr. Pusey's sermon (Eng. Churchman); Esti-
Language, on the study of, 137.

mation of the truth (Dr. Hickes); a word to
Letters from the lakes, No. I. to II., 193.

schismatics (Bp. Hall); Sincerity (Jones of Nay-
-No. IV. to VIII., 217. land); Administration of baptism (Bishop of
Levant, the, and the Asiatic Islands, 145.

Madras; a common error (Jones of Nayland)


Maid of Orleans, the, 257.

Muhammed, life of, 73.

Manny, Sir Walter, 89.

March, 63.

Notices of Books.

· Middle ages, history of, 123.

JANUARY — Parley's, Abbot's, Gallaudet's
| Miscellaneous Extracts.

Children's Books; Hook's Church Dictionary;
JANUARY — Conscience (Jones of Nayland); Seven Sermons at Leeds ; Marshall's Art of
Misapplying Scripture (Bishop Sanderson); a reading Church Music; Fragments on the Lord's
Scotch Presbyterian and the Church of England Supper, from Jeremy Taylor; the Jewess; Too-
(Penny); Disputes (Leighton); Christian wor. good's Sketches; old Man's Rambles; Paget's
ship (St. Basil, St. Cyril); Episcopacy (Chilling Churchman's Calendar; Robert Marshall;
worth); Paten and chalice; Morality of secta Clarke's Poems—19.
rians (Manning); the Liturgy; Heretics and FEBRUARY_Cheap Literature ; Neale's Songs
schismatics (St. Augustine); Reason and re-l and Ballads; Wesleyan Tracts for the Times ;

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