ON THE APOCALYPSE. BY RO. RYLAND, PRESIDENT OF RICHMOND COLLEGE. "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God."-P8. 87: 3. RICHMOND: WORTHAM & COTTRELL, 203 MAIN STREET. 1857. Prof G.H. Joy Harvard University. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1857, by ROBERT RYLAND, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Eastern District of Virginia. H. K. ELLYSON, Printer, 147 Main Street. PREFACE. THE author of the following Lectures lays no claim to originality in the views which they express. He has read several learned works on the Apocalypse, and has not hesitated to adopt their sentiments and language, without formal notice, whenever they have approved themselves to his judgment. Especially is he indebted to the very able exposition of Mr. David N. Lord, whose interpretation he has generally adopted throughout the following pages. Indeed, he advises those who have the means to purchase and the leisure to read that work, not to examine this at all, but to proceed at once with the more original and extended investigation. It is apparent, then, that his design is to present to the general reader, in a cheap and condensed form, the substance of what is contained in treatises less accessible to him. The spirit of the age calls for cheap literature. A book that sells at seventy-five cents, is bought and |