A PARAPHRASE OF SAINT PAUL'S FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES. BY THE REV. I. G. TOLLEY. London: PUBLISHED BY HATCHARD AND SON, PICCADILLY; C. AND J. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S 1825. 854 PREFACE. IN offering to public notice a new exposition of one of St. Paul's Epistles, it may be useful, for the pur pose of securing to it in the first instance a favourable reception, to lay before the reader a short account of the method pursued in forming it; so as to shew what reasonable ground there may be for expecting from it any additional light on the subject. The general plan, then, of the present paraphrase is to draw the explanation from the context, by taking that meaning which gives the greatest coherence to the several parts, and consistency to the whole. For this purpose it has been found necessary to attend to a few leading principles; and the correctness of the paraphrase will accordingly depend on how far these principles may be true, and have been justly applied. The first is, that every word in the Greek has an appropriate meaning. That this should be the case in every language, seems natural enough. And indeed with respect to Greek, many expressions which were formerly supposed to be redundant, have, on fuller investigation, been found not to be so. In consequence of which it is now generally thought that this notion of redundancy in the style has re |