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reason why prophecy alone of all phenomena has usually been excluded from the field of psychology as a branch worthy of the same serious investigation as other branches is simply because on the interpretation of prophecy depend the interpretation of religion, for which a supernatural origin has always been sought. Especially sad and bitter is the opposition to this psychological investigation of prophecy from orthodox Christian sources because of the many involved dogmas as to the divinity of Jesus and the predictions of His coming by the Hebrew prophets. The time is coming, however, when it will be seen, through a new adjustment of finite mind to infinite mind, that the highest ideal is to be natural, and not supernatural, for to be natural is to be at one with the divine; therefore, the highest being is a human being, a man, for to be a man is to partake in the highest sense of God.

This thesis, then, far from destroying or detracting aught from the glory and sublimity of the prophetic life, thought and earnest devotion to a life of oneness with God, simply explains how such a life grows and operates, and adds glory and divinity to all human life by showing that prophetic life is natural life, and natural life is divine life. Scholars are beginning to accept the theory of the omnipresence of consciousness. To me it is the only conceivable theory of these orderly and mathematically exact operations of every particle of the universe. the same identical sense, therefore, in which the flowers and the stars reveal themselves to our mind without voice or word, so does the infinite mind reveal his essence and his thoughts to finite mind without words or voice but through the inaudible, intangible and invisible modes of mind.



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