CHAP, good deed to me. XIV. Judas agrees to deliver Jesus rial of her." XIV. alas! for that man, by whom the CHAP. charist appointed. For ye have the And as they were eating, Jesus 22 Jamb eaten. 10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to deliver him up unto them. Now up. when they heard this, they, were 11 glad, and promised to give him money. So he sought a good opportunity to deliver Jesus up. 12 Now on the first day of unleaPaschal vened bread, when the lamb for the passover was killed, the disciples say unto Jesus, "Where wilt thou that we go, and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover lamb. And Jesus saith unto them, "Ye 27 13 And he sendeth forth two of his will all forsake me this very night; Peter's dedisciples, and saith unto them, as it is written, I will smite the nial fore"Go into the city, and there will shepherd, and the sheep will be Zech. meet you a man carrying a pitcher scattered abroad:' but after I am xiii. 7. 14 of water: follow him. And what-raised up I will go before you into ever house he entereth, say to the Galilee." Then Peter said unto 29 owner of it, The master saith, him, "Though they all forsake Where is the guest chamber for thee, yet will not I." And Jesus 30 me to eat the passover lamb in with saith unto him, "Verily I say un15 my disciples ?? And he will show to thee, that to-day, even in this you a large upper room, furnished very night, before the cock crow and ready there prepare for us." twice thou shalt deny me thrice. 16 So his disciples went out, and came But Peter said again and again, 31 into the city, and found as he had" If I must die with thee I will by told them: and they made ready the no means deny thee." And in like passover. manner said they all. 17 told. And in the evening he cometh Then they come to a place call- 32 18 with the twelve. And as they were ed Gethsemane: and Jesus saith to The agony at table, eating, Jesus said, "Ve- his disciples, "Stay here while I of Jesus. rily I say unto you, one of you that pray." And he taketh with him 33 is eating with me will deliver me Peter and James, and John, and 19 up." And they began to be sorrow-began to be in great anguish and ful, and to say to him one by one, consternation. 20" Is it I?" And he said, "It is one of these twelve, one that is dipping his 21 hand with me in this dish. The son of man is going indeed to suf-fer death,as it is written of him; but And he saith unto 34 them, "My soul is overwhelmed with a deadly sorrow; remain here and watch." And he went forward 35 a little, and fell upon the ground, and prayed, that if it were possible, XIV. XIV. are fulfilled." Then all the disci- CHAF, the high, Now they carried away Jesus to 53 the high-priest, with whom the taken to chief priests and the elders were aspriest; sembled. And Peter followed him at a distance, even unto the hall of 54 the high-priest; and was sitting with the servants within sight of the fire, and warming himself. his trial CHAP. that afflicting moment might pass from him; and said, "O! my Fa36 ther! all things are possible to thee: remove this cup from me nevertheless, not my will, but thine 37 be done." Then coming to them, finding them asleep, he saith to Peter, Simon, art thou asleep? Couldst thou not watch with me so 38 short a time as this? Watch and pray, that ye come not into these trials. The spirit indeed may be willing, but the flesh is weak." 39 And he went away again, and 40 prayed in the same words. And when he came back, he found them asleep again, for their eyes were Then the chief priests and all the 55 heavy and they knew not what council were seeking testimony put upon 41 to answer. And he cometh the against Jesus to cause him to be put and con third time, and saith unto them, to death, but did not find it. For there demned, "Do ye still sleep and take your were many false witnesses against 56 rest? It is all over the moment him, but their testimony was not of distress is come: behold! the sufficient. Then some arose and 57 son of man is upon the point of be-testified falsely against him, saying, ing delivered up into the hands of "We heard him say, I will de- 58 42 sinners. Arise, let us begone: be-stroy this temple that is made with hold! he that is going to deliver hands, and in three days build anome up is here." ither not made with hands." But 59 And immediately while he was even thus their testimony was not He is ap- yet speaking cometh Judas, one of sufficient. Then the high-priest 60 prehended; the twelve, and with him a great arose in the midst of them, and multitude, with swords and staves, asked Jesus, "Dost thou make no from the chief priests, and the answer? What is it which these 44 scribes, and the elders. Now he witness against thee?" who was to deliver him up had giv- continued silent, and answered noen them a token, saying, "The thing, Again, the high-priest askman whom I shall kiss is he; take ed him, "Art thou the Christ, the hold of him, and carry him away son of the blessed God?" Then 62 45 safely." And as soon as he was Jesus said, "I am : and ye will come, he went up to Jesus, and said, see the son of man sitting on the "Master!" and fondly kissed him. right hand of divine power, and 46 And they laid their hands on him coming with the clouds of heaven." 47 and apprehended him. Upon this Upon this the high-priest rent his 68 one who stood by, drew a sword, clothes, and said, "What need 64 and struck a servant of the high-have we more of witnesses? Ye 48 priest, and cut off his ear. Then Je- have heard this wicked speech. sus spake, and said unto them, What think ye " And they all "Am I a murderer, that ye are condemned him to be guilty of a come out in a body against me, crime worthy of death. Then 65 with swords and staves to seize me? some began to spit upon him, and 49 Day after day have I been with you, to cover up his face, and to buffet teaching in the temple, and ye did him, and to say to him, "Who not seize me; but thus the scriptures smote thee, prophet?" And the ser 43 But he 61 CHAP. vants beat him with the palms of XV. ed by Pe ter. their hands. 2 XV be cruci And they cried out again, "Crucify 13 soner, whomsoever they desired. CHAP. And there was then a man named 66 And while Peter was in the hall Barabbas, bound with the other and ordered He is deni- below, there cometh one of the rioters who had committed murder by him to maid-servants of the high-priest, in the riot. And the multitude with fed. and seeing Peter warming himself, loud cries began to ask that he s 67 looked earnestly upon hin, and would do as he had always done said, "Thou also wast with Jesus unto them. Then Pilate answered, 9 68 of Nazareth." But he denied it, "Do you wish me to release unto saying, "I do not know him, nei- you the king of the Jews?" For 10 ther understand I what thou mean- he knew that the chief priests had est." And he went out into the delivered him through hatred. 69 porch, and the cock crew. And But the chief priests stirred up the 11 the same maid-servant, seeing him people to ask that Barabbas might again, began to say to the bystand-be released unto them. And Pilate 12 ers, "This man does belong to said unto them again, "What then 70 them." But he denied it as before. do you wish me to do with him, And again, a little after, the stand-whom ye call king of the Jews?" ers-by said to Peter, "Certainly thou dost belong to them, for thou art a Galilean, and thy speech is 71 like theirs." Then he began to curse himself and swear, saying, "I know not this man whom you are 72 speaking of." And a second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the declaration which Jesus made to him, "Before the cock crew twice, thou wilt deny me Then the soldiers carried him 16 thrice." And when he thought away into the hall called Pretorium, Abused by upon it he wept. and call together the whole band; CHAP. And as soon as it was morning, and they clothed him with purple, 17 the chief priests, with the elders and plat a crown of thorns, and and scribes, and all the council, held put it about his head, and began 18 a consultation, and after binding to salute him," Hail! king of the Jesus, carried him away and deli- Jews." And they struck him on 19 2 vered him up to Pilate. And Pilate the head with a cane, and spat on asked him, "Art thou the king of him; and bowing their knees, did 3 the Jews?" And he answered, I him obeisance. And after mock- 20 "And the chief priests accus- ing him, they stript him of the pur4 ed him of many things. Then Pi-ple, and put his own clothes on late asked him again, "Dost thou him, and carried him out to crucify make no answer? See how many him. And they force one Simon, 21 things they witness against thee." a Cyrenian, who was passing by on 5 But Jesus no longer answered his way from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to thing; so that Pilate wondered. Now during the festival, Pilate carry his cross. And they bring 22 used to release unto them one pri-him to a place called * Golgotha, XV. Brought efore Filate, 6 am." 66 any 1 Their spiritual king. See John xviii. 36. 2 And therefore he thought that the people might wish to have him released. * Persons well known when this gospel 3 was w.itten. the soldiers. Probably, because malefactors were buried there, Isaiah Hii. 12. was CHAP XVI. And when the centurion who w the women And there were some women 40 looking on afar off; among whom Seen by was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the " younger, and of Joses, and Salome; who 41 accompanied him also when he was in Galilee, and ministered un 24 And when they had nailed him Crucified to the cross, they parted his garand derided. ments,by casting lots for what each 25 should take. Now it was the third hour when they nailed him to the 26 cross; and this inscription of his accusation was written upon it, 27" The king of the Jews." And with him they crucify two murder-to him; as well as many other woers, one on his right hand, and one men who had come up with him to 28 on his left; by which this scripture Jerusalem. was fulfilled!" And he was num- And when the day of the prepara- 42 bered among lawless men." And tion (which means the day before Buried by 29 those who passed by reviled him, the Sabbath) was now far spent, Joseph. shaking their heads, and saying, Joseph of Arimathea, a senator of "Ah! thou that canst destroy the rank, who himself also was expect- 43 temple and build it in three days, ing the kingdom of God, came 30 save thyself, and come down from and had the courage to go in to 31 the cross!" In like manner the Pilate, and ask for the body of Jechief priests, and the scribes also, sus. And Pilate wondered that he 44 jesting with each other, said, "He should be dead already; so he callsaved others, cannot he save him-ed the centurion, and asked if he 32 self? Let this Christ, this king had been some time dead; and 45 of Israel, now come down from the knowing it to be so from the cencross, that we may see and be- turion, he freely gave the body to lieve." Those also who were cru-Joseph; who took it down, and 46 cified with him, reproached him. 33 Death of 3 wrapt it in a linen cloth, which he XVI. Now there was a darkness over all the land, from the sixth hour to of Jesus. the ninth hour. And in the ninth 34 hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ?" which means, "My God! my God! why hast thou forsaken Now the Sabbath being past, CHAP. 35 me?" Then some of those who Mary Magdalene, and Mary the stood by, said, "Behold! he call-mother of James and Salome, Jesus is 36 eth for Elijah." And one ran and bought perfumed ointments to anoint" raised. filled a spunge with vinegar, and Jesus. And very early in the 2 put it on a reed, and gave him to morning of the first day of the drink: others said, "Hold, let us week, the sun being about to rise, see whether Elijah will come to they went to the tomb. And they 3 37 take him down." Then Jesus ut- said to each other, "Who shall 38 tered a loud cry and expired. And roll away for us the stone from the entrance of the tomb ?" (for it was very great); but when they looked, 4 the veil of the temple was rent in 39 two from the top to the bottom. 1 Probably the same as is called, Matt. xxvii. 34. vinegar mingled with bitters. 2 Inferior in age to James, son of Alpheus, XVI. XVI. into the country. And they went CHAP. CHAP. they saw that the stone was rolled Afterward he showed himself to 14 And he said unto them, "Go 15 ye into all the world, and preach He com the gospel to every creature. He who believeth it and is baptized preach, will be saved, but he who believ missions them to these signs will accompany be- 17 into hea ven. Then the Lord, after speaking 19 thus unto them, was taken up into and is heaven, and sat on the right hand taken up of God. And the apostles went forth and preached every where, 20 the Lord working with them and confirming their preaching by the accompaniment of miracles. |