CHAP. is treading out the corn." Doth | I made myself a slave to all, that CHAP. God take care for the ox only? I might gain the more. IX. 10 Or doth he certainly say this for Our sakes also? For our sakes, no doubt, it was written, because the ploughman should plough in hope, and the thresher 11 be in hope of partaking. If we have sown in you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall 12 reap your worldly things? If others partake of this right over you, ought not we rather? d a right if he oper. X. ance with of a Chris In the Accordingly, to the Jews I be- 20 came as a Jew, that I might gain Complithe Jews; even to those that are others in under the law, as under the law, indifferent that I might gain those under the matters law; to those that, are without is worthy the law, as without the law, (being tian. not without law to God, but under law to Christ) that I might gain those that are without the law; to the weak 22 I became as weak, that I might Nevertheless we have not used gain the weak. I became all things decline this right, but we endure all to all men, that I may by all ought things, lest we should give any means save some. And all this I 23 hindrance to the gospel of Christ. do for the sake of the gospel, that 13 Know ye not that they who per-I may become a joint-partaker form the services of the temple, with others of the rewards of it. live by the temple, and that they Do ye not observe of the run- 24 who attend at the altar, are par-ners in a race, that all but one run, takers with the altar. And after only receiveth the prize. So run race all may the same manner the Lord hath ye also that ye may win. And win the appointed that the preachers of the every man who contendeth in the prize. gospel should live by the gos-game, is temperate in all things; 25 15 pel. But I have used none of now they do it to obtain a corrupthese things; nor do I write thus, tible crown, but we an incorruptithat it should be so done unto ble one. I therefore so run, as one 26 me; for it were better for me to not doubtful of the prize. I so 27 die than that any one should de- fight as not vainly striking the air, prive me of the satisfaction which but I bruise my body, and keep it I feel from acting as I have under; lest by any means after 16 done. I cannot glory indeed in preaching to others, I myself should thus preaching the gospel, for be rejected. necessity is laid upon me: alas! Moreover, brethren, I wish you CHAP. for me, if I preach not the gospel. to observe, that all our fathers were 17 For if I do this willingly, I have under the cloud which miracuously Outward a reward but if I am entrusted covered and guided them, and all priveleges with an office without my con- were baptized into Moses in the avail withsent, what is my reward then? cloud, and in the sea, and all ate out obedi18-I can expect none but by being the same spiritual food, and all ence. willing to make the gospel of drank the same spiritual drink; for 4 Christ, whilst I preach it, without they drank of the spiritual rock, the charge, in not using to the ut-water of which followed them, most my privilege in the gospel. and that rock was a representation 19 For when I was free from all men, of Christ. With most of them, 5 : 2 X. are of no • Initiated into the law given by Moses, and led to acknowledge his divine mission through the miracles of the cloud and passing of the Red Sea, which were expressive of baptism. That is, they carried some of the water with them in the desert. God will punish Christians as he formerly did for their sins. Exod. 6 sert. Now these things are patterns for us, that we may not lust after hurtful things, as they also lusted, nor like some of them worship an image, as is written, "The people sat down to eat, and to drink, and rose up to dance before the idol." Neither let us commit forxxxii. 6. nication, as some of them commit8 ted, and fell in one day three and 9 twenty thousand. Nor let us try God, as some of them also tried him, and perished by serpents. 10 Neither do ye murmur as some of them also murmured, and perished 11 by the destroyer. Now all these things befel them, and were written to admonish us upon whom the 12 ends of the ages are come: wherefore, let him who thinketh that he 13 standeth, beware lest he fall. No trial hath come upon you, but such as is common to man; and God may be relied on, that he will not suffer you to be tried above your ability, but with the trial will also give you power to bear its effects. 14 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men, judge ye what I say. must be parties among you, that 19 the approved among you may become manifest. So then, when ye 20 meet together, it is not to eat the supper of the Lord; because at the 21 eating of it, each taketh his own supper before others, and one is hungry, and another indulges to excess. Have ye not houses to eat 22 and to drink in? Or do ye despise the house of God, and shame the poor? What can I say unto you? Shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. institution For I have received from the 23 Lord, what I also delivered to you, Its original that the Lord Jesus, on the night in which he was delivered up, took bread, and when he had given 24 thanks, brake it, and said, "Take, eat, this is the representation of my body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me." In 25 the same manner he took the cup after supper,and said, "This cup is the representation of the new covenant, confirmed by the shedding Whether ye eat, or whether ye of my blood; this do in rememdrink, or whatsoever ye do, do all brance of me." For as often as ye 26 to the glory of God. Give no cause eat this bread, and drink this cup, of offending to the Jews, or to the ye make a declaration of the Lord's Gentiles, or to the church of God; death until he come. Wherefore, 27 even as I please all men in all law-whosoever shall eat this bread, or 33 ful things, not seeking my own ad- drink this cup of the Lord unworvantage, but the advantage of all, thily, he is blameable on account of CHAP. that they may be saved. Be ye the body and blood of the Lord. imitators of ine, as I also am of But let a man try himself, whether 28 Christ. he rightly understand the nature The ho nour of God 31 should be our first object. XI. 1 XII. XII. writings of Moses and the pro- CHAP. 6 CHAP of the ordinance, and eat accord- XII. necessary for the For as the body is one, and hath 12 many members, and all the mem- and all as CHAP. Now, concerning spiritual things,bers of that one body, though mabrethren, I would not have you ig-ny, are but one body, so also is church, as ill spiri- norant. Ye know that ye were Gen-Christ; for we were all baptized in the memal gifts from tiles carried away to dumb idols, one spirit into one body, whether 'bers for the even as ye were led. Wherefore I Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or body. 3 declare unto you, that no one speak-freemen, and all received drink from 14 e 3 human the pouring out of the gifts of this ing with a divine spirit saith, that Jesus should be rejected, and no one can say that Jesus is the Lord, 4' but by a holy spirit. Now there are various distributions of gifts, 5 but the same * spirit; and there are various distributions of offices, but 6 the same Lord; and there are various distributions of operations, but the same God causeth all these ope7 rations in all. And the manifestation of the spirit is given to every 8 man as it is expedient; for unto one is given by the spirit a word of wisdom, or a power of declaring the real nature of the Christian re-body, as he pleased. And if all the 19 ligion in its full extent, to ano- parts were one member, where ther, according to the same spirit, would be the body? But as it is, 20 a word of knowledge, or a power there are many members, but only of confirming and enforcing the one body. So an eye cannot say 21 truths of Christianity, from the to the hand, I have no need of 1 The bread which was the representation Unless he be virtuously disposed, and The same divine energy or power. Or acts of power which the spirit of God enabled men to perform. " Or an extraordinary power of speaking to the edification, exhortation and consolation of men. CHAP. thee; nor again, the head to the XIII. Each his own feet, I have no need of you. 27 Now, ye are Christ's body, and severally members thereof; and God hath appointed in the church, gift, for the first apostles, secondly prophets, benefit of thirdly teachers, then workers of the whole. miracles, then persons endowed 28 with gifts of healing, helpers of the apostles, regulators of Christian assemblies, persons speaking diffe29 rent kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Have all miracles? 30 Have all gifts of healing? Do all speak with different languages? Do all interpret? XIII. 31 Love ex plained, and recom Now ye are ambitious of the greater gifts; I will show you, therefore, a much better way for CHAP. your ambition for though I speak with the languages of men and of angels, and have not love, I am but sounding brass or a tinkling mended. cymbal. And though I have the 2 gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, 3 I am nothing; yea, though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me 4 nothing. Love is forbearing and kind; love envieth not; love is not 5 rash, nor puffeth itself up, nor behaveth unbecomingly, nor seeketh 6 its own advantage; nor is easily provoked, nor thinketh upon evil, nor rejoiceth in falsehood, but re7 joiceth in the truth; is contented at all times, full of trust at all times, full of hope at all times, patient at 8 all times. This love will never fail, whereas prophecy will be done way, languages will be silent, and 9 knowledge will be destroyed. For our knowledge is imperfect, and XV. our prophesying is imperfect; but CHAP when perfection is come, then will these imperfections be done away. 10 So whilst I was a child, I talked like 11 a child, I had the dispositions of a child, I reasoned like a child; but when I became a man, I left off the manners of a child. And in this 12 life we may well be compared to children, for now we see as through a dim glass, darkly; but then we shall see face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as I am known. And now 13 remaineth in the church faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love. 1 XV. tle had the death Isaiah, liii. 5. 10. Now, I wish you to consider, CHAP. brethren! to what purpose I preached those glad tidings which I did The apos preach unto you, which also you repreached, ceived, and on which ye stand, and as as princiby which ye must be saved; for if pal points, ye maintain them not, then ye and resur believed in vain. For I delivered rection of unto you as a principal thing, such Christ. as I indeed received it, that Christ. Jesus died for our sins according to Daniel, the scriptures, and that he was ix. 24. buried, and that he was raised to life on the third day, accord- 4 ing to the scriptures; and that he Psalm was seen by Cephas, and then by the whole number of apostles. iii. 10. Afterward he was seen by above five 6 hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part is yet alive, though some are fallen asleep. Afterwards 7 he was seen by James, and then by all the apostles; and last of all he 8 was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time; for I am the 9 least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God; but by 10 extraordinary favour I am what I am; and this favour of God toward me was not in vain, because I With a clearness proportioned to that by which I am known by superior beings. Isaiah, 1 XV. CHAP. laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the favour of 11 God, which was with me. Whether, however, I or they have laboured, such is our preaching, and such was your belief. Jurrec СМАР. CX. I. nence, and all authority and power; most de all men, if 12 Since then the resurrection of lly of Christ from the dead, is thus pronying a claimed, why say some among you that there is no resurrection of the 13 dead? Now, if there be no 'resurrection of the dead, then Christ 14 hath not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then is our preaching vain, and your belief is 15 also vain. Nay, we are detected also of false testimony concerning God; because we testified of God that he raised up Christ, whom he raised not up, if the dead rise not; 16 for if the dead be not raised up, neither hath Christ been raised; 17 and if Christ have not been raised, your belief is vain; ye are yet in 18 your sins. Then they also, who are fallen asleep in Christ are lost; 19 and we, since in this life we have no hope but in Christ, are more wretched than all other men. But, indeed, Christ hath been esurrec raised from the dead, and become the first fruits of them who sleep; edge of for since by a man came death, by a man also cometh a resurrection of the dead; for as by means of Adam xii, 10. all die, even so by means of Christ 23 will all be made alive; but each in But some will say, Why are the 35 his own order,Christ the first fruits, dead raised up? and with what He shows next they that are Christ's, at his body are they to come? Inconsi- die to live 24 appearance. Then will come the derate man! That which thou again i end of Christ's kingdom, when he sowest is not brought to life unless 36 shall have delivered up that king-it die: and that which thou sow- 37 dom to his God and Father, after est, is not sown the body which it he shall have put down all pre-emi-will be, but a bare grain, of wheat on of hrist is a r's. But now, if there be no resurrec- 29 tion, what shall they do that are Christians baptized in the place of those that will be the are dead? If the dead rise not at ceived all, why then are they baptized in and disaptheir place? And why stand we al- pointed of so in danger every hour? I pro- there be no test I die daily, on account of the resurrec boastful confidence which I have tion, in Christ Jesus our Lord. And 32 though I fought, as far as a man could, with men fierce as beasts at Ephesus, what advantage shall I have? If the dead will not be raised, let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die, Be not deceived; evil 33 conversations corrupt good manners, Be thoughtful as ye ought to be, and sin not: for some have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame. ૩ family: Christ was the representative of a 3 The answer which the apostle gives to men |