"Come, fill a goblet to the brim; We'll crowd her deck with slaughter'd heaps, And haul her to our gazing shore, Ere two short hours of chace are o'er." And now the swelling sails are set, - No heart is cold, no cheek is pale, As loud they shout from either bow, What, Chesapeake!"-" What, Shannon! ho!" Four mighty broadsides swept each deck, As lock'd in fierce embrace they lie; They might have fired till either wreck Had sunk beneath the sulphury sky;For not a man that bow'd the neck Fell with a recreant's ghastly cry, But shouted with a dying flame, The war-cry of his country's name. But soon the doubtful fight was done, Before a sailor's corse was cold; For, rushing furious from his gun, Each Briton storm'd the foeman's hold; As o'er the slippery decks they roll'd ;- - FINIS. K. NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS. EDWARD HAWKE LOCKER, Esq. F.R.S. Preface-Memoirs of Lord Burleigh, 30-Life of Lord Clarendon, 66-The Siege of Quebec, 95-Gibraltar, 99— Major André, 107-Buonaparte, 171-The Steam Engine, 208-On Canals, 214-The Light House, 221-The Breakwater, 228-On the Poor Laws, 247-National Education 257-The Funds, 264-On Political Discussions, 274Vaccination, 289-Slave Trade, 296-English Emigrants, 306-Lord Bacon, 315-Sir Isaac Newton, 325-John Locke, 333-Dr Samuel Johnson, 340-Bacon the Sculptor, 361 -Henry Kirke White, 370. CHARLES KNIGHT. Alfred the Great, 1-Battle of Hastings, 9-Magna Charta, 14-Death of Piers Gaveston, 19-Battle of Agincourt, 24 -Spanish Armada, 37-The History of the French Revolution, 116-The Character of Buonaparte, 179-Sketch of the Reign and Personal Character of George III, 183-On the Patriotic Songs of Great Britain, 235-Greenwich, 240 -Somerset House, 285-Taxation, 310-John Howard, 346 -Jonas Hanway, 351-British Heroism, 389-Sonnet to my Country, 390-Sea-fight of the Shannon and Chesapeake, 391. ROBERT SOUTHEY, Esq. L.L.D. &c. &c. &c. The Battle of the Nile, 156-The Battle of Trafalgar, 165, (both abridged from the Life of Nelson)-Ode on the Battle of Algiers, 379-Sonnet to Lord Percy, 380-The Warning Voice, Ode I, 381—Ode II, 384. REV. J. M. TURNER. Life of the Earl of Strafford, 49-Life of Archbishop Laud, 60-Life of Sir Matthew Hale, 83-The Battle of Blenheim, 89-Lord Howe's Victory, 146-Battle of St. Vincent, 150-Lord Duncan's Victory, 153-On the Advantages of Machinery, 207. C. Knight, Printer, Windsor. THE FOLLOWING WORKS WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED BY CHARLES KNIGHT. I. THE DIARY OF HENRY TEONGE, a Chaplain on board the English frigate Assistance, from 1675 to 1679; containing a Narrative of the Expedition against Tripoli in 1675, descriptions of the remarkable places at which the frigate touched, and the most curious details of the economy and discipline of the Navy in the time of Charles II. Now first published from the original manuscripts, with a Biographical Notice of the Author. One vol. 8vo. II. THE COMMERCIAL STRENGTII OF GREAT BRITAIN; exhibiting a complete view of the Public Works of this Country, under the several heads of Streets, Roads, Canals, Aqueducts, Bridges, Coasts, and Maritime Ports. By CHARLES DUPIN, Member of the Institute of France, &c. &c. &c. Translated from the French; with original notes, illustrative of the various details. In 2 vols. 8vo. with fifteen 4to, plates, price Il. 11s. 6d. III.-ITALY and the ITALIANS in the NINETEENTH CENTURY; or, Observations on the Civil, Political, and Moral State of that Country; with a complete view of Modern Italian Literature. By ANDRE VÍEUSSEUX. The 2d Edition. Two vols. post 8vo. IV. 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Price, in half binding, elephant 4to. drawing paper, with early impressions of the plates, 17. 10s. II. THE MEMOIRS of the MARCHIONESS DE BONCHAMPS, on La Vendée. Edited by the Countess of Genlis. Translated from the French. Price 5s. III.-MEMOIRS DE MADAME LA MARQUISE DE BONCHAMPS, sur La Vendée. Rédigés par Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. Reprinted from the Paris edition. Price 5s. IV. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF QUENTIN DURWARD, selected from Philip de Comines, Brantome, and other writers;-with remarks on each chapter, pointing out the coincidences or decrepancies between the novelist and the historians. With portraits of Louis XI., Charles the Bold, and Philip de Comines. Price 7s. V.-LILLIAN; a Fairy Tale. By WINTHROP MACKWORTH PRAED. Price 2s. VI. THE PLAIN ENGLISHMAN; complete in 3 vols. 8vo. Price 17. 168. VII.-POPULAR LECTURES ON THE BIBLE AND LITURGY. By EDWARD HAWKE LOCKER, Esq. F.R.S. Post 8vo. Price 6s. VIII. 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