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** I must not omit to say, that for the sake of accuracy and precision, I have submitted the various articles to the inspection and approval of the leading persons of each sect; the statements, therefore, of their doctrine, as well as the order of their communion, have been sanctioned and confirmed.

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The first edition of this work having been sold in the space of a few months, has encouraged the Author to print the second; the rapid sale being the best proof, that the public have been gratified with the new matter, which is communicated by a strict attention to the sacred language.

Many of the articles have again been submitted to the inspection of those, who are the most intelligent teachers among the different denom

inations of Christians; and I need only say, that they have acknowledged the definitions of the doctrines to be perfectly consistent with their views.

In this edition, the Author has given three sheets of matter more than is contained in the first; many things having occurred to him of a most important nature, altogether new in Biblical Literature, but such as will impress the mind with the sanctity of the original; and which indeed is absolutely necessary to be known by all Christians.

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