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favorable a moment, and blinded | his forgiveness. God informed him that sin was the cause, and that the offender must be searched out and punished. While they make the search, the divine finger points out the guilty, and Achan is taken.

By this time his heart must tremble, for his sin has found him out, and he sees it become a very serious matter indeed.— Joshua, in a very paternal manner, calls upon him to confess his sin and give glory to God. Achan seems very readily to comply; probably in some hope his confession might procure his pardon, especially since God had proclaimed his name, "The Lord, the Lord God gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in goodness and truth.” But he finds it not so easy dispensing with the breach of a divine command: for by God's di

by impetuous desire of gain, he might reason thus with himself: The divine prohibition is, without doubt, designed to keep the people of Israel from falling into the idolatry of these nations, and if that general design is answered, God will not be strict to mark some trifling deviation in a single individual. One would think his goodness and benevolence would dictate the saving every useful and beautiful thing that would not lead us into errors in religion. To prohibit this would seem marked with a severity unusual in the dispensations of heaven. How much thought, genius and time must have been spent upon this beautiful garment. This gold and silver I know are ordered to be put in the treasury of the Lord; but how can silver or gold af fect him who made all things?rection he is ordered to be stonIt is not probable it can all be ed to death, with all his family, wanted immediately for sacred and his cattle, and his substance purposes; it might place me in to be wholly destroyed. a gainful situation; so that I might soon be able to place it in the treasury of the Lord with good interest, which might be much better than putting it there now. Could I take these things secretly, I see no way in which I can hurt any one, for the real owners are now no more; to me they would be of much ser- The destruction of all his subvice, and I trust no evil will a-stance with him, is doubtless derise from it. I will take them and risk the consequence.

Soon after this the people of Israel, in a very surprising and unexpected manner, flee and fall before their enemies. Their very souls fainted at the event; and Joshua their leader prostrated himself in humble prayer before God, to know the reason of his displeasure, and to implore

But why this severity on his family what have they done? His wife and children were not in the war, and took not the things forbidden. But is it not more than probable they were knowing to what he had done, were pleased with it, and thus made the sin their own?

signed to show the greatness and holiness of God; what a dreadful evil he views sin; how true he is to his word; and the strange and certain punishment that awaits all the impenitent breakers of his commands.

Much instruction is communicated to us by this portion of scripture history.

1. We see here the true

2. As individuals we are taught how selfishness blinds the human mind. Like Achan, we do not take warning by the judg

The prejudice in favor of self is so strong, that we think our own

church, immediately directed by | al enemies, while she tolerates God, under a typical dispensa- an Achan in the midst of her, tion, designed not only to in- and allows the breach of any of struct them; but to be a light the commands of God; for her to the church in all succeeding prayers will not be heard, and her ages. We see them encounter-enemies will prevail. But when ing their enemies, by divine di- she purifies herself, God will be rection, under Joshua their lead- with her, and make her terrible er, and entering the promised as an army with banners. land of Canaan, a type of that heavenly rest that remains for the people of God, after they have vanquished their spiritual enemies through Jesus the cap-ments of God on other sinners. tain of their salvation. We see the church, while obedient, protected and defended by an irre-sins small, compared with others. sistible arm; so that they had little more to do, in conquering their enemies, than to stand and see the salvation of God. But soon their enemies prevail, while they flee and fall before them, and seem ignorant of the cause; but by the prayer and intercession of Joshua, who is a type of Jesus, they are informed, that the reason why they could not stand before their enemies was, their having transgressed the command of God. That they must search out and punish the offender, before God would again be with them. Then follows the scene of discipline, in the affair of Achan, which we have beened with whom, all nations weigh contemplating.

We feel many excuses for ourselves, arising from various con. curring circumstances, which seem peculiar to us. And tho' on the whole, we may allow we commit some sin, yet under all circumstances, and considering the weakness of human nature, we think it is very small, and what the Divine Being, in the greatness of his mercy, will scarcely mark against us.

3. Blinded by our own false views of self-importance, we have very low ideas of the greatness and holiness of God. We think the great Jehovah, who fills heaven and earth, compar

no more than the small dust that lights upon the balance, and even less, for they are as nothing and less than nothing and vanity, is a being like unto ourselves; and dream that unchangeable

This wears the marks of strict justice raising its glittering sword against the trans gressor, and brings in view the greatness and holiness of God, the nature of sin, and how dread-perfection may change; that ful, strange and certain will be the punishment of all the impenitent breakers of his commands, both as it respects his church, and individual persons.

The church cannot make progress towards the heavenly Canaan, and overcome her spiritu

he, who is so infinitely pure that the heavens are not clean in his sight, will view those sins we call small, in the same light we do. Thus, like Achan, we transgress and flatter ourselves, that we shall have peace, though we add drunkenness to thirst, and

fill our coffers with dishonest and sacrilegious gain.

4. From the wrong estimate we have of ourselves and of God, arise misconceptions of his commands and threatenings. Had the mists of selfishness been dispelled from the mind of Achan, had just views of God, the infinite and unchangeable perfection | of his law and government entered his soul, he would have shuddered at disobedience more than death. But the false promise which the devil made to our first parents in the garden, every self-deceiver makes to himself. That though he break the commands of God he shall not surely die, especially as he has so many excuses for his transgression.

We have in this instance of Achan, and in many others an earnest of what God will do.— That he will by no means clear the guilty. That out of Christ he is a consuming fire, and will deal in terrible things in righteousness with the impenitent transgressor; will whet his glit tering sword and his hand take hold on vengeaece.

Let the person, who spends the sabbath for worldly purposes and pleasure, and profanes the holy name of God, pauseWill not a moment's consideration convince you, that your sin is like Achan's, only more heinous as you have more light? Has not God set apart the sabbath as time sacred to his honor and worship, and commanded thus to keep it holy? When you spend it for worldly profit or pleasure, do you not sacrilegious

take from him those hours, he has appropriated to himself? When you profane his name, do you not break his commands and take from him that honor and reverence, which belong to him? Do you not see in the sac rilegious Achan, a specimen of that justice and wrath, that will overtake all, who impenitently sin like him; for there is no respect of persons with God.

But will God Almighty trifle with his creatures? Will he act in a manner derogatory to the greatness and perfection of his being? Will he degrade himselfly so low as to give commands, and suffer them to be broken with impunity, to threaten and not fulfil his word? Did not Achan find to his sorrow, that there was no trifling with the commands of God; that all excuses were but refuges of lies; that the all-piercing eye of God, would search out the most secret and hidden acts of disobedience, and that there was no escape for the Look, formal and hypocrititransgressor; that God would cal professor, at the ancient disand did deal with him in terri-pensation, when future life and ble things in righteousness. Vain immortality were less brought would have been his plea, judg-to light, and the justice and se ing in his own case, that his verity of God more exhibited punishment was greater than on the transgressor in this world, his crime deserved. The judge and learn that God is great, his of all the earth does right, he law perfect; and that there is alone can rightly determine how no escape from wrath, but by terrible a punishment is just for sincere repentance and faith is breaking his commands. He the Lord Jesus Christ. bids us be still and know that he is God.

Look at the ancient church and see the terrible judgments

that have fallen on the house of God, for their hypocrisy, sin and unbelief, and tremble, lest the same omnipotent arm should be lifted against you in still heavier wrath; for you have much more given to you, and of course much more will be required of you.

As future retribution and a judgment to come are now clearly brought to light in the gospel, you may not feel the divine displeasure so heavy in this world; but it is only a comparative and uncertain moment, towards which every breath hastens you, when the Mediator will stand between you and strict justice no longer; when it will be vain to plead you have " Eaten and drunken in his presence, and he has taught in your streets."

Satan to our first parents, "That you shall not surely die?" Believe him not, he was a liar from the beginning.

Perhaps, by this time, you will say the subject is a gloomy one, and tends to destroy your present happiness, and all your future schemes to increase it: and though religion may be necessary when death comes, yet you wish to defer it to old age, or to some period when it will not obstruct present enjoyment.

My friend, stop-think again before you decide on a subject so great-a subject that involves all your future happiness or misery through more years than there are sands on this globe, or drops of water in the ocean. But what certainty have you that you shall live to old age? Do you not see death strike without any order as to age or circumstances? But few of the human race arrive at old age; and much fewer still, at that age of pain and infirmity, are disposed to attend to religion; habits, if sinful, are then fixed and hard to change. Do you not see many at your period in life called into the world of spirits, where their state and their character are fixed for eternity? Some are taken by accidents without any warn

Thoughtless, gay, careless sinner, stop-pause for a moment. Are you not a creature of God? Has he not preserved your life, and loaded you with many comforts, and given you many privileges and opportunities to be acquainted with your duty? What returns have you made to this God? Have you ever thought how great and how holy he is? Have you ever sincerely thanked him for his favors, or prayed to him for his mercy? As he is your maker, you are his property, he has a right to you anding, some by accute, and some your services; and he has given by lingering disease, taken from you commands, which in their friends, from all present enjoynature will make you happy in ments and future schemes of obeying them; and has affixed happiness, till the heavens are no penalties to breaking them, e- more. nough to make the stoutest heart, that is not adamant itself, tremble.-Have you kept these commands, or do you daily break them in thought, word and deed? If you have, how do you expect to escape the penalty, or do you believe the suggestion of

Could they now speak to you, their words would be truth.They have passed through life, they can look back upon the whole sum of its enjoyments, on all its disappointing, golden dreams. They now know the worth of time, as it stands con

nected with eternal happiness or misery.

fresh in their minds. The account is penned and transmitted If they have entered the para- for publication, if you should dise of God, and drink of those approve, with a hope that it may rivers of life that flow from the be useful to your readers, and be throne; they would tell you the received as a new testimony, in joys of earth are vanity, the the providence of God, to the repleasures of sin delusive, ending ality and importance of experiin misery and death. That all mental religion, and to the richgood, beauty and glory are ines of the divine mercy and faithGod. That his service is all pure fulness. delight, peace and joy. That without a holy temper, none, even in heaven itself, could be happy: therefore marvel not that it is said, "Ye must be born again."

Yours, &c. J. W.

Memoir of Mrs. Lucy Jerome, late consort of the Rev. Amasa Jerome, of New-Hartford, Connecticut.

gions of eternal despair, where MRS. Jerome Hon. Joản Having just views of the re

was a daugh

ter of his

there is weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, judge for Treadwell, Esquire, Lieutenant yourselves what they would say, Governor of Connecticut. She when they saw you with multi- was born in Farmington, May tudes, equally thoughtless, walk- 18th, 1781, and was married to ing the broad road that leads to Mr. Jerome August 11th, 1803. that world of misery. But in On the 22d day of September, vain do we listen at the grave, or 1804, she was delivered of twin seek impressive truth from the infants, a son and a daughterworld of spirits; for "if we hear the latter of which deceased very not Moses and the prophets nei-soon after the birth. On Wedther should we be persuadednesday, the fifth day from her though one rose from the dead."



delivery, and after a scene of uncommon distress of body, except in the last fifteen hours, she closed her eyes in death, aged 23 years and 4 months.

Mrs. Jerome was possessed of

cultivated and improved by a suitable education. In her natural disposition she was mild, amiable, obliging, modest and unassuming. Her conduct in the several relations she sustained, was worthy of imitation, and secured the attachment of her friends and the esteem of all her acquaintance. She was a dutiful, diligent, and desirable child

THE subject of the follow-good natural powers, which were ing memoir was an acquaintance of the writer from her childhood. The particulars of her character, religious exercises, and Christian walk, previous to her removal from her native town, are from his own personal knowledge, and the information of others to be depended on. The affecting scene of her death is given from minutes made by her friends and neighbors, at the time, or soon after, while the particulars were

-an affectionate sister a kind and benevolent neighbor, and a

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