Page images

Crook, i. 166.

Crossland, i. 174.

Crowland, i. 347.

Crownallins, ii. 252.

Edghill, i. 348.

Edinburgh, i. 405, 408, 413.
Edmonton, ii. 278, 279, 284,

288, 333, 378,

Cumberland, i. 199, 217, 400.- Eems River, ii. 231.

ii. 78.

Dalgelthly, i. 386.

Eldreth, ii. 97.

Elmshoren, ii. 233.

Ely, i. 262.—ii. 12.

Dalston, ii. 297, 299, 322, 327. Embden, ii. 231, 236.
Dalton, i. 168.

Dantzic, ii. 198, 253, 259, 345,

Derby, i. 112, 129, 136, 462.
Derbyshire, i. 81, 92, 94, 111,
138, 231, 277, 418, 462.-
ii. 22, 75, 78, 109, 219, 267,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Enfield, ii. 117, 122, 284, 327,
333, 338, 347, 357, 379, 399,

Enkhuysen, ii. 230.
Epping Forest, ii. 338.
Esher, ii. 278.

Essex, i. 258, 449, 506.-ii. 13,
77, 108, 116, 172, 223, 248,
322, 374, 380, 399, 415.
Eaton, i. 94.

Evesham, i. 278, 348.—ii. 194,


Exeter, i. 341, 372.
Eyder River, ii. 233.

Delfziel, ii. 230.

Delmenhorst, ii. 232.

Denbyshire, ii. 79, 302.

Dent, i. 162.

Deteren, ii. 231.

Falcoln Island, ii. 150.

Falmouth, i. 289.-ii. 17.
Farnham, i. 370.-ii. 89.

Devonshire, i. 454, 457.-ii. 16, Felsted, ii. 248.

[blocks in formation]

Durham, i. 217,417.-ii. 24, 78. Garstrang, ii. 33.

East Friesland, ii. 231.

East Jersey, ii. 144, 151.

Gatton, ii. 278.

Germany, ii. 232.

Giggleswick, ii. 60.

Gillsland, i. 218, 400.
Glasgow, i. 410.

Gleasson, i. 169.
Gloucester, i. 461.
Gloucestershire, i. 348.-ii. 22,
82, 84, 104, 106, 251, 277.
Gooses, ii. 374, 377, 380, 387,
407, 417, 418, 421.
Grarigg, i. 196.—ii. 25.
Gravesand, N. E. ii. 145, 151.
Gravesend, ii. 116, 124.
Great Bay, ii. 155.
Grisedall, i. 162.
Groningen, ii. 230, 237.

Guildford, ii. 116, 278, 305,

Gulf of Florida, ii. 141.
Gull's Island, ii. 149.
Gutter's Hedge, ii. 277.

Hague, ii. 247.
Halifax, i. 223, 229.
Halsted, ii. 248.
Hamburgh, ii. 232, 234, 446,

to 452.

Hammersmith, ii. 278, 288, 341,
396, 415.

Hampshire, i. 453.—ii. 14, 115,


Hampton Court, i. 440.


Park, i. 440.

Harborough, i. 240.

Hare-street, ii. 327.

Harlem, ii. 224, 245, 326.

Harlingen, ii. 230, 238, 326,
437 to 446.
Hartshill, ii. 219.
Hartshorn, ii. 219.

Harwich, ii. 223, 248, 323, 327.
Hatter's Island, ii. 155.
Haverfordwest, i. 384.
Heads, i. 401, 410.
Hedgerley, ii. 249.

Helston, i. 286.-ii. 17.

Hempensarmar, ii. 237.

Hempstead, ii. 252.

Herefordshire, ii. 22, 81.

Hertford, i. 263.—ii. 264, 278,

Hertfordshire, i. 281.-ii. 13,
85, 108, 252.
Hexham, i. 218.
Hide Park, i. 345.
[ligham, i. 280.
Highgate, ii. 197, 220.
Highlands, i. 401, 411.
Hightown, i. 159.
Hill, ii. 267.

Over the Hills. ii. 84.
Hitchin, ii. 265.

Hoddesdon, ii. 399.

Hoghen-horn, ii. 233.

Holdendike, ii. 73.

Holderness, i. 151, 229, 348,

418.-ii. 23, 97.

Holland, ii. 69, 223, 253, 323.
Holstein, ii. 233.
Honiton, i. 284.
Hoorn, ii. 230.
Horn Church, ii. 117.
Horse Bridge, ii. 20.
The Two Horse Race, ii. 149.
Horsham, i. 257.-ii. 278.
Horsham Park, i. 282.
Howlker, i. 468.
Howlker-hall, ii. 28.
Hull, i. 154, 418 —ii. 73.
Humber, i. 348.
Hunington, ii. 173.
Hunger-hill, ii. 249, 288.
Hunger River, ii. 165.
Huntingdon, i. 347.—ii. 265.
Huntingdonshire, i. 347, 451.-
ii. 12, 70, 77, 109.

[blocks in formation]

Hendon, ii. 173, 220, 252, 277. Jordans, ii. 249.

[blocks in formation]

Ipswich, i. 259.

Irb's Court, ii. 86.

[blocks in formation]

Kempston, ii. 220.

Leyden, ii. 224, 247.
Lillingstone, ii. 277.
Lime, i. 372.

Lincolnshire, i. 154, 230, 347.-

ii. 12, 77, 277.
Litchfield, i. 137.
Lithgow, i. 405.

Kendal, i. 165, 172, 399.-ii. 58. Littleport, ii. 12.

Kensington, ii. 278.

Kensworth, ii. 220.

Kent, i. 256, 370.-ii. 13, 90,

Kent Island, ii. 155, 166.
Kentish Shore, ii. 154.
Keswick, ii. 26.

Kidsley Park, i. 111, 231.
King's Bridge, i. 285.-ii. 16,


King Road, ii. 167.
Kingston, i. 345, 440.-ii. 76,
124, 172, 196, 223, 249, 278,
288, 300, 304, 305, 308, 313,
322, 341, 373, 391, 396, 413,


Kirby Hall, ii. 27.
Knighton, ii. 219, 265.

Lamcoat, ii. 252.

Lancashire, i. 89, 166, 175, 198,
-ii. 25, 27, 78, 267, 276.
Lancaster, i, 171, 180, 185, 223,
391, 465, 467, 477.-ii. 30,

59, 197.

Liverpool, i. 290.-ii. 97, 104.
London, i. 78, 240, 243, 258,

263, 281, 346, 375, 429, 477.
-ii. 6, 12, 76, 83, 92, 107,
116, 123, 172, 181, 196, 220,
223, 248, 252, 277, 300, 308,
313, 322, 327, 335, 338, 340,
341, 344, 347, 373, 377, 387,
396, 397, 407, 413, 415, 421,
424, 428, 429.
Long Crendon, ii. 252.
Longford, ii. 288.
Long Island, ii. 145, 150.
Loo, ii. 17.
Lovel, ii. 277.
Lugmer, ii. 237.

Luneburg's Country, ii. 235.
Luton, i. 28.-ii. 220, 252.
Lutterworth, i. 77.
Lynn, i. 262.-ii. 12.

Mackum, ii. 230.

Macocomocock River, ii. 158.
Maidstone, i. 256.
Malpoth, i. 390.
Malta, ii. 3.

Land's End, i. 454.-ii. 18, 87. Malton, i. 146.—ii. 23, 61, 73.

Lanceston, i. 290, 340.

[blocks in formation]


Leicester, i. 92, 238.-ii. 8, 76, Mansfield Wood House, i. 107.

219, 266.
Leicestershire, i. 78, 82, 89, 92,
96, 108, 111, 136, 232, 276,
280, 348, 420, 462.-ii. 6, 76,
78, 109, 277.
Leith, i. 405, 413.

Leominster i. 380.-ii. 81.
Leuwarden, ii. 230, 237, 325.

Maratick River, ii. 163.
Market Bossorth, i. 110.
Market Jew, i. 286.

Market Street, i. 281.-ii. 220,
252, 277.

Marlborough, i. 345.-ii. 172.
Maryland, ii. 140, 153, 161.
Do. Eastern Shore, ii. 143.

Maryland, Western shore, ii. 156 | North Newton, ii. 84, 252.

Memsbury, ii. 88.

Mendle, ii. 252.
Mendlesham, i. 259.
Menhenniot, (Corn.) i. 286.
Merionethshire, ii. 79.

Middlesex, ii. 115, 172, 220,
277, 288, 410.

Middletown, (E.I.) ii. 144, 152.
Middletown Harbour, ii. 151.
Mildum, ii. 217.
Mile End, i. 495.

Miles' River, ii. 143, 153.

Northumberland, i. 217, 417.—
ii. 25, 78.

Norwich, i. 260, 449.-ii. 12.
Nottingham, i. 96, 105, 107,

420.-ii. 75, 96, 219.
Nottinghamshire, i. 82, 89, 93,
138, 154, 231, 277, 347, 418,
462, 464.-ii. 6, 75, 77, 277.
Nottingley, ii. 219.
Nuneaton, i. 276, 477.

Okington, i. 341.

Oldenburgh, ii. 232, 236.

Oldstone, i. 461.ii. 86, 107.

[blocks in formation]

Monmouthshire, ii. 82.

Moors, i. 150.

Morpeth, i. 416.

Mumbles, ii. 85.

Olney, ii. 220.

Oram, i. 151.-ii.


Orchard, ii. 252.

Ormskirk, ii. 33.

Montgomeryshire, i. 379.-ii. 79. Ore, ii. 172, 288.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Osan-Overton, Holland, ii. 326.

Overdelend, ii. 232.

Ouerkirk, Holland, ii. 224.

Oxford, i. 348.

Oxfordshire, ii. 76, 84, 107, 115,
172, 250, 277, 288.

Oyster Bay, Long Island, ii. 145,

Pagan Creek, ii. 157.
Pall Mall, i. 481.
Pardsey Crag, i. 400.—ii. 26.
Parshow, ii. 252.
Patchgate, ii. 278.
Patrington, i. 151.

Peak Country, i. 82, 231.—ii.


Peak Hills, ii. 78.

Pembroke, i. 383.
Pembrokeshire, i. 383.
Pendle Hill, i. 160.
Penryn, i. 286.-ii. 17.
Pershore, ii. 79.
Pickering, i. 147.
Piscattaway, ii. 149.

Pit (near the Briel) ii. 327.
Plymouth, i. 285, 454.-ii. 16,
69, 87.

Point Judah, ii. 149.

[blocks in formation]

Rabley Heath, ii. 265.
Radnorshire, i. 379.-ii. 22, 80.
Radway, ii. 277.
Ramside, i. 168.
Ransenny's Monument, ii. 233.
Raphahannock River, ii. 162.
Reading, i. 258, 345, 443.-ii.
76, 115, 172, 250, 288.
Reconow Creek, ii. 166.
Redruth, i. 288.-ii. 18.
Rickmansworth, ii. 173.
Riegate, i. 282.-ii. 278.
Ringwood, i. 282, 371,
ii. 14.

Scarborough, i. 146.-ii. 23,

72, 97.

Scarhouse, ii. 217, 218.
Scotland, i. 401.-ii. 78, 197.
Sea, from Ireland, ii. 103.-to
Barbadoes, 125.-for Jamaica,
140.--for Maryland, 142.—for
Long Island, 150.—for Vir-
ginia, 157.-for England, 168.
Selby, i. 138.

Severn, (Am.) ii. 156.
Shacklewell, ii. 123, 279.
Shirehampton, ii. 168.
Shelter Island, ii. 148.
Sheppey, Isle of, ii. 116.
Shrewsbury, i. 374.—ii. 79.
Shrewsbury, (Am.) ii. 151.
Shropshire, ii. 22.
Sibbard, ii. 252.

Silebie, i. 276.—ii. 76, 219,

[blocks in formation]


Skypton, i. 464.-ii. 85.
Slattenford, i. 344.—ii. 171.
Slone, i. 372.
Smyrna, ii. 503.

Somersetshire, i. 447.—ii. 21, 86.
Sommerton, ii. 157, 160.
Sound, ii. 149.
Southgate, ii. 408.

453.-Southam, ii. 277.

Southampton, i. 283.-ii. 14, 88.

Rhode Island, ii. 145, 149, 162. South Mimms, ii. 220, 252.

Roan Oak, ii. 150.

Rochester, i. 256.-ii. 116.

Rome, i. 495.

Ross, ii. 82.

Rotterdam, ii. 224, 247, 324.
Rumney, i. 256.

Rye, N. E. i. 256.-ii. 150.

[blocks in formation]

South Street, ii. 333, 336, 338,

[blocks in formation]
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