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religious world, a great diffusion of public spirit; I mean, a desire of imparting the blessings of the Gospel to other nations. This idea is rather beyond the comprehension of the people of the world: they think it is enthusiasm pursuing its object. Christianity, indeed, is good; but they would rather leave it to spread by the gradual increase of civilization. But let none of these reflections deter us from assisting, according to our capacity, in the work of evangelizing the world, while Christ's command is so clear and his promise so strong. Though many difficulties oppose the propagation of the Gospel, yet these words encourage us to hope that it shall be universally known that the gates of hell shall never prevail against the church that the seed, small as a mustard seed, shall become a great tree-that the ship, though tossed with tempests and weathering many a storm, shall be guided by its pilot safely into port-that the spiritual building, though apparently hindered in its progress, shall rise at last glorious from

the ruins of the world.

"Let us next reflect, How insignificant

are all the concerns of this world in the sight of Christ! and they ought to be so to us. He says, 'Go ye into all nations and preach.' But they might say, Have not we families to provide for, and friends to consult? Must not Peter any more cast his nets for a livelihood, or Matthew sit at the receipt of custom? The fact is, that Christ considered their ease and com

fort in this world as a mere trifle; and designs to teach you thereby, that to embrace the Gospel and obey it is your great business. He says to them, Go through the world, while your short life lasts, and prepare men for that eternal world which is close upon them. One thing is needful, and that is, not the business of this world, but of the next. This world is a mere nothing, except as in reference to eternity. It is only a pageant passing by-a rivulet trickling into the boundless ocean a school to educate us for an eternal existence an hospital in which we are to recover from disease. May God teach my unconverted hearers this truth, that they may so number their days, that they may apply their hearts unto wisdom! They dream of lasting enjoyments on this side the grave, and of happiness beyond it; but let them collect the true state of their case from the text. You neither observe all things

whatsoever Christ hath commanded, as the text speaks, nor is it your intention so to do: you would think it a very miserable state of restriction to be obliged to

it: you are therefore not of his church. If you are not of his church, all this power in his hands is not for you, but against you. That Arm which grasps the thunderbolt and wields all the powers of the universe, will come down with dreadful weight on your heads, except you repent. He holds the keys of death and hell: one to open the gate through which the soul passes from the body; the other, to open that gate which transmits the soul into hell. He holds these keys-and, to-night or to-morrow, he may open them for you! Now, therefore, turn to Him as a Saviour, through the influences of the Spirit; so will you be added to his church, interested in his promises, and enjoy with the rest of his saints a happy eternity."pp.409-412.

The titles of the thirteen discourses, to which no particular reference has been made, are as follow:-The Atonement; The Love of God in the Gift of his Son; The Reigns of Sin and of Grace; Scriplous Appearances; The Doom of ture more persuasive than Miracuthe Wicked; Tribulation the Way to the Kingdom; The Christian Walk; Paul and Felix; Invitation of the Spirit and the Bride; Nature and Means of Conversion; The Preaching of Christ crucified; The Church a Spiritual Building; The Grace; all subjects of the deepest State of Nature; The State of interest to the Christian.

We are far from denying that a person disposed to criticize may find in these posthumous sermons considerable matter for the exercise of his art. The editors (most injudiciously, left the structure of Mr. Martyn's as we conceive) appear to have sentences just as they found it, and have abstained even from verbal alterations, where a slight change not only might be deemed an improvement, but was necessary for the sense or for the correctness of the sentiment. In the haste of composition, especially when composing with the rapidity required bythe quickly returnng demands of the pulpit, it may happen that statements are sometimes made,which further consideration would qualify or expunge. The assertion, in the third sermon, that

the rich man of the parable (Luke xvi. 31.) was young, because he had a father as well as five brethren, is probably an oversight of this kind: and we should be willing to omit in the same sermon the following passage, and others of a like sort, which occasionally occur.

"But it will be asked, 'Is God's justice as much satisfied by Christ's suffering for sin, as if the whole human race had suffered for it?' In answer to this we refer to the Divine nature of Christ. If he be Divine, no assignable number of creatures can equal him in value; and, consequently, the death of all creatures can never be such a costly saerifice to justice as his death." p. 56.

We believe that God's justice was satisfied by the death of Christ, not on account of this reasoning, but because such is the clear declaration of holy Scripture. The preacher's argument adds nothing to our conviction: it is better suited to mathematics than to divinity.

bring together all such passages in this volume as we might deem liable to objection, they would detract little or nothing from the just repu tation of the author, or from the sterling excellence of his sermons. Had we even known nothing of him as a minister, beyond the testimony which these discourses bear to his character and talents, we should have said, (in speaking "after the manner of men,") that the church of Christ had, by his premature removal, suffered a loss not easily to be repaired. But God will assuredly support his own cause: he can raise

up instruments suited to every exigency, and great as were the exertions and remarkable as was the career of this distinguished servant of Christ, it is not improbable that even Henry Martyn may, through the Divine blessing upon his writings, and the record of his life, render more extensive service to mankind than his personal ministrations could

But if we should take the pains to ever have effected!


&c. &c.

GREAT BRITAIN. PREPARING for publication:-A Life of Bishop Burnet, from Papers preserved in the British Museum, and Private Collections; by the Rev. H. Card;-Antidote to Scepticism, by the the Rev. G. Wilkins; An Essay on Human Liberty, by the late Dean Milner;-Imaginary Conversations between eminent Men, by W. S. Landor; -Flora Domestica ;-The Works of Mr. A. M'Lean, now first collected.

In the press:-Memoir of Central India, by Sir J. Malcolm ;-A Tour in France, by Jane Carey;-Hints for the Political Organization and Moral Training of the Human Race, by R. Jackson, M. D. ;Meteorological Essays, by J.F. Daniell; A Plea in Behalf of a Christian Country, for the Christian Education of Youth, abridged from the work of the Rev. J. Munro, published 1711;-An Account of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire, by Ann Judson;-The Obligations of British Christians to the early Arminians, for correct Views of Di

vine Truth; and of Civil and Religious Freedom, by James Nichols.

OXFORD.-The Prize Compositions have been adjudged as follows:-CHAN CELLOR'S PRIZES:-C. J. Plumer, B. A., Fellow of Oriel College: English Essay, On Public Spirit among the Ancients. E. Wickham, B. A., Fellow of New College: Latin Essay, Conditio Servorum apud Antiquos. I. Williams, Scholar of Trinity College: Latin Verse, Ars Geologica.-SIR ROGER NEWDIGATE'S PRIZE :-T. S. Salmon, Brasennose College: English Verse, Stonehenge.

CAMBRIDGE.-The Master and Seniors of Trinity College, Cambridge, have determined to enlarge the buildings of that foundation, by the erection of a spacious quadrangle on the site of the present offices and stables. Accommodation will thus be afforded within the walls of the college for a considerable number of those students who are now compelled to lodge in the town. The estimated ex

pense of the undertaking is about 40,000%. and it is proposed to raise part of the sum by subscription, and the remainder by loan. The inconveniences and dangers of young men in statu pupillari being obliged, for want of room, to lodge in the town, have been so justly complained of by every friend of academical discipline, that it is highly gratifying to learn that the first college in Cambridge is exerting itself to remedy the evil.

The Surrey Institution, a highly respectable literary establishment of the metropolis, has been dissolved. The library, which was very rich in works of oriental literature,collected chiefly under the eye of Dr. Adam Clarke, has been sold for 27751. A new establishment has been formed, entitled "The Metropolitan Institution."

The recent sale of Garrick's library, which lasted during ten days, has afforded another extravagant specimen of bibliomaniac competition. A small quarto volume, containing several pamphlets, such as "Breton's Olde Man's Lesson, and Young Man's Love," sold for 40 guineas. Another containing such valuable matter as Drayton's "Pæan Triumphall of the Society of Goldsmiths," &c. fetched the same price. Lupton's Sinquilla, and some rare Masques, were knocked down for 531.! The "Voyage of the wandering Knight," and some of Dekkar and Jordan's Masques, fetched 481. An imperfect editio princeps copy of Shakespeare sold for 341.

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Dr. W. Church, of Boston, has projected a printing apparatus on a new construction. His invention is two-fold; first, to print constantly from new types, by a simplification of the process of recasting them; which he considers will be a much more easy, rapid, and accurate operation than that of distributing them after they have been used. The types when re-cast are delivered by machinery in their proper compartments with unerr-ing exactness. The second part of the invention respects the composition, which ..........£.25,184 9 8 is to be by means of keys like those of

We copy the following public document as a relic of the times, which may be interesting to posterity.

Account of the Money expended at his
Majesty's Coronation :-
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a piano-forte, by touching which the types are taken up and fixed in their places as rapidly as the fingers can move in playing the notes in music. Dr. Church, who is in England constructing his apparatus, calculates that the saving of time and expense by his invention will be very considerable.


Among the addresses presented to the Marquis of Hastings on leaving India, is one voted at a public meeting of the most opulent of the natives of Calcutta. So respectable a native meeting is probably unprecedented in that country. Among other subjects of congratulation, the address deservedly mentions his lordship's cordial efforts to promote education. The beneficial effects of. this and similar attentions to the wel

fare and comforts of the natives are seen in this very address; coinciding fully with the following remarks in his lordship's reply to another address-that of the British inhabitants of Calcutta. Speaking of the just, humane, and liberal demeanour of Government towards the natives, his lordship remarks:

"The effects, if I do not deceive myself, are very visible, in the reliance of all classes of them in the fairness of our purposes, and in the frankness with which they meet any encouraging advances from us. The observation applies itself more particularly to the readiness with which they send their children to the schools established by us. This is so distinct, that I now look with confidence to the rapid diffusion of moral instruction throughout a population in which it has for a long period been lamentably wanting."

The following is an extract from a letter from Madras, relative to a recent discovery of some native Jews in that vicinity.

"The tomb-stone of one of the Beni Israel found at Cochin, and the inquiries which Mr. Sargon was directed to make respecting the inscription, have led to the discovery of a considerable portion of these people between Cochin and Bombay; that is, one large village of them in the Pannanore district, and great numbers of them at other places between Cochin and Bombay. Whether they form a part of the long lost Ten Tribes we have yet to learn. We must employ some person of intelligence to go amongst them, and to obtain as correct accounts of their history and numbers as possible. It is said they are cultivators of the soil, and are also employed as sepoys by the native powers, Even should they ultimately be found to belong to those Jews who quitted the holy


discovery is still interesting, since they land after the destruction of Jerusalem, the certainly are not of that description of people termed Black Jews at Cochin."


bring information, that the farther the reThe last arrivals from Port Jackson the more are they rewarded, by ascertainsearches of the inhabitants extend inland, ing an indefinite extent of fine country. An Agricultural Society has been formed tage to the colony. Sir T. Brisbane is at Sydney, which promises much advanber of respectable colonists, that eighty its patron; and such is the increasing numgentlemen dined at Paramatta, at the first dinner of the establishment, when upwards of 1500l. were subscribed. An advertisement in one of the Sydney papers invites masters of vessels to pick oranges for their sea stores from the trees of a years since, oranges sold in the colony settler, at 6d. per dozen. A very few at 6d. each.

Good colonial tobacco is safely. Some samples of Australasian wine now on sale. Four bee-hives have arrived have been brought to England for submission to the Society of Arts, who have awarded a silver medal in approbation of its quality. The fine wool of the country needs not be mentioned. The land held in New South Wales appeared by the public books in 1820, to be 389,238 acres of which 54,898 were cleared for cultivation. Of the cleared land, 16,706 acres barley; 379 in rye and oats; 213 in peas were in wheat; 11,270 in maize; 1230 in orchard and garden ground. and beans; 504 in potatoes; and 1094 in tity of land held by convicts pardoned, or The quanwhose sentences have expired, was 85,502 acres. Among the articles of consumpmoderate quantity of ardent spirits. tion, we are grieved to remark an im



The Words of the Lord Jesus; arranged by John Read.

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HINDOOS. THE advocates for the promotion of Christianity in India have very generally appealed to specific cruelties and superstitions as proofs of the degraded state of the Hindoo character. On the other hand, the opposers of missionary efforts in that country have contended that these particular instances are but very partial in their evil tendency; and that the general features of Hindoo society are in the main innocent, if not praiseworthy. In refutation of this statement, so deadening in its influence, wherever it extends, to active Christian exertions, we copy from a re

cent Number of an oriental publication, ("the Friend of India") the following remarks on the Hindoo castes. Independently of the spiritual benefits of Christianity, it must surely be allowed that a state of society thus grounded throughout on servile and barbarous principles needs the radical transformation of that holy and divine system which teaches that the same Creator made "of one blood" all the nations of the earth.

"The division of the whole body of the Hindoos into four great tribes,—the Brahmun, the Kshutriya, the Vishya, and the Shoodra, is an institution which so deeply affects the happiness and future improve

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