THE CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, CONDUCTED BY MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. FOR THE YEAR 1806, BEING THE FIFTH VOLUME. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. WHITTINGHAM, 103, Goswell Street; PUBLISHED BY JOHN HATCHARD, BOOKSELLER TO HER MAJESTY, 190, PICCADILLY, TO WHOM COMMUNICATIONS, POST PAID, MAY BE ADDRESSED. SOLD ALSO IN LONDON, BY SEELEY, AVE MARIA LANE; AND SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER ROW: AT OXFORD, PREFACE. WHEN the CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER began their labours, they grounded their claim to public favour, principally, on the assurance which they gave of its being their main purpose to extend the influence, and increase the efficacy, of those Christian principles which convey, to fallen man, his only hope of salvation. They will not pretend to say how far they have redeemed this pledge; but there are circumstances, independent of the growing demand for their work, which lead them to believe, that they are not considered by their readers in general as having forfeited it. This persuasion will not fail to animate their future efforts. One object which the CONDUCTORS of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVER have endeavoured uniformly to pursue, has been to abate the acrimony of theological debate; and to induce those "who agree in the essentials of our most holy faith," "to put away from them all rancour of religious dissension," as well as all unfounded suspicions of their brethren," and to fulfil our blessed Saviour's commandment of loving one another as he hath loved us *." That some improvement, in this respect, is visible in the religious world, since the commencement of their labours, they cannot doubt. Probably many causes have concurred in producing this favourable result: yet they are willing to hope that it may have pleased the great Head of the Church to render * Prayer appointed to be used on the 19th of October 1803, being a day of public fasting and humiliation. |