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" One scrambles over a huge terrass, on which mountain ashes and various trees spring out of the very rocks ; and at the brow is the den, but not spacious enough for such an inmate. However, I am persuaded it furnished Pope with this line, so exactly it... "
Private Correspondence of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford: Now First Collected - Page 5
by Horace Walpole - 1820
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Edinburgh Magazine: Or Literary Miscellany, Volume 10; Volume 12

Books and bookselling - 1799 - 500 pages
...building the world. One fcrambles over a huge terrafs, on which mountain afhes and various trees fpring out of the very rocks ; and at the brow is the den, but not fpacious enough for fuch an inmate. However, I am perfuaded it furnifhed Pope with this line, fo exactly...
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The letters; with important additions and corrections from his own ...

Thomas Gray, John Mitford - 1816 - 618 pages
...scene would1 charm your Alpine taste ; it is tumbled with fragments of mountains, that look, ready made for building the world. One scrambles over a huge...this line, so exactly it answers to the picture: ' On rifled rocks, the Bt-agon'g late abodes.' f wanted to ask if Pope had not visited Lady- Mary Wortley...
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Works, Volume 3

Thomas Gray - 1835 - 332 pages
...scene would charm your Alpine taste ; it is tumbled with fragments of mountains, that look ready made for building the world. One scrambles over a huge...line, so exactly it answers to the picture : ' On rifled rocks, the Dragon's late abodes.' I wanted to ask if Pope bad not visited Lady Mary Wortley...
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The Works of Thomas Gray ...: Letters. Criticisms on architecture and painting

Thomas Gray - 1835 - 336 pages
...I am persuaded it furnished Pope with this line, so exactly it answers to the picture : ' On rifled rocks, the Dragon's late abodes.' I wanted to ask...had not visited Lady Mary Wortley here during their intimacy — but could one put that question to Avidieu himself1 There remains an ancient odd inscription...
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The Correspondence of Horace Walpole, with George Montagu, Esq., [and Others ...

Horace Walpole - 1837 - 462 pages a desert. Old Wortley Montague 10 lives on the very spot where the dragon of Wantley did — only I believe the latter was much better lodged.—You...had not visited lady Mary Wortley here during their intimacy — but could one put that question to Avidien himself? There remains an ancient odd inscription...
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Correspondence ... with George Montagu ... hon. H.S. Conway [and ..., Volume 1

Horace Walpole (4th earl of Orford.) - 1837 - 462 pages where the dragon of Wantley did — only I believe the latter was much better lodged. — You never saw such a wretched hovel, lean, unpainted,...had not visited lady Mary Wortley here during their intimacy — but could one put that question to Avidien himself? There remains an ancient odd inscription...
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The Monthly Review

Books - 1837 - 654 pages
...fragments of mountains, that look ready laid for building the world. One'scrambles over a huge terrace, on which mountain -ashes and various trees spring...furnished Pope with this line, so exactly it answers the picture — 1 On rifted rocks the dragon's late abodes.' I wanted to ask if Pope had not visited...
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The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford: Including Numerous ..., Volume 3

Horace Walpole - 1840 - 542 pages
...fragments of mountains, that look ready laid for building the world. One scrambles over a huge terrace, on which mountain ashes and various trees spring out...had not visited Lady Mary Wortley here during their intimacy, but could one put that question to Avidien himself? There remains an ancient odd inscription...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. Ed. by R. Carruthers, Volume 4

Alexander Pope - 1854 - 338 pages
...fragments of mountains, that look ready for building the world. One scrambles over a huge terrace, on which mountain ashes and various trees spring out...had not visited Lady Mary Wortley here during their intimacy, but could one put that question to' Avidien himself? There remains an ancient odd inscription...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 4

Alexander Pope - 1854 - 340 pages
...fragments of mountains, that look ready for building the world. One scrambles over a huge terrace, on which mountain ashes and various trees spring out of the very rocks ; and at the brow is the den, bat not spacious enough for such an inmate. However, ..J I am persuaded it furnished Pope with this...
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