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Catalogue of them, he has under every Book tranfcrib'd all thofe Treatifes contained in them which are not yet published: And what are, he has compar'd with that exactness, as to take Notice of the Words that are otherwise spell'd in the Origi❤ nal than in the Print. That Catalogue purchased by the then Archbishop, together with many other of his Manufcripts may, when Occafion fball ferve, See the Light.

Among the Printed Books, towards a new and more Correct Edition of which, whenever it shall be thought convenient, he hath confiderably contributed, are these following, Hiftoria Matth. Parker Archiepifcopi Cantuar. De Antiquitate Britannicæ Ecclefiæ, &c. enlarg'd with Notes, Collections, and Additions, partly made by the most Reverend Author himself, and partly by others, and feveral by Mr. Wharton himself; together with the Life of the faid Archbishop, as also that of St. Auftin of Cant, written by George Acworth.

Francifcus Godwinus de Præfulibus Angliæ, with fome Notes.

Florentius Wignornienfis, and Matthæus Weftmonafterienfis, both enlarged with many Notes, Corrections and Additions.

He had likewife made Notes on feveral of his own Books already published by him, which 'tis


like were defign'd for Additions to thofe Books, whenever they should receive a New Impreffion.

For thefe his Performances for the Cause of Religion and Learning, as he was admirably fitted by the Excellency of his Natural Endowments, a quick Apprehenfion, folid Judg. ment, and most Faithful Memory; fo were thefe rais'd to a great Perfection by his Industry. An Industry never fufficiently to be commended, though in this (alas!) to be lamented, that it too much hastened his Death and our Lofs.

Nor were his Moral Accomplishments inferior to his Natural and acquired Perfections. He was Modeft, Sober, and Pious; in all things fhewing himself to be acted by a tru ly Christian and Religious Spirit. Of which those two Inftances, to name no more, may not unfitly be given. The one, That he never undertook any Matter of Moment, without first imploring the Divine Affistance and Blessing thereupon. The other, that in all those Fourneys, which his Learned Defigns engag'd him in, he was ever wont fo to order his Affairs, as not once to omit being prefent at the Monthly Sacrament where-ever he came. And then, of his Zeal for Religion, and


the Honour of God, thofe excellent Difcourfes which he has published, in defence of the best and purest Part of the Chriftian Church now extant upon the Face of the Earth, in Oppofition to the Corruptions of Popery (thofe Scandals to Chriftian Religion, fo highly dif honourable to God, and fo injurious to the Bleffed Author of it, and an offence to all that truly love and fear him,) will always be a constant and standing Evidence.

It has not been thought convenient to add any Inftances of his Charity, though many might be given; because agreeable to his own Defire, which always was to be as private therein as poffibly he could. This one only may (its prefum'd) not improperly be mention'd; viz. That by his Will, whereof he appointed his Father the Reverend Mr. Edmund Wharton, the Reverend and Learned Dr. Thorp, one of the worthy Preeendaries of Canterbury, and his dear Friend Mr. Charles Battely, the Executors, he has order'd the greatest part of that Small Eflate which he left, to be difpos'd of to a religious ufe in the Parish of Worftead in Norfolk, were he was born.

As to his Perfon, he was of a middle Stature, of a brown Complexion, and of a grave


and comely Countenance. His Conftitution was vigorous and healthful. In Confidence of the Strength of which, he was too little regardful of himself, and too intent upon his Studies. Infomuch, that he did often deny himself the Refreshments of Nature, because of them. And Sometimes in the coldest Weather would fit fo long at them, and without a Fire, as to have his Hands and Feet fo Chill'd, as not to be able to feel the use of them in a confiderable time. His too eager Profecution of thefe; together with a weakness contracted in his Stomach, by the too violent Operation of an unhappy Medicine which he had taken, fo far broke the Excellency of his Constitution, that no Art nor Skill of the most experienced Phyficians could repair it. The Summer before he died he went to the Bath, in hopes to have retriev'd his decaying Nature by the help of thofe excellent Medicinal Waters. Some benefit he found by them; but at his return from thence to Canterbury, falling again to his Studies immoderately, and beyond what his Strength could bear, he quite undid all that they had done. So that after a long and lingring decay of Nature, he was brought at length to the utmost extremity of weakness; under which languishing for fome time, at last, in the Thirty first Year of his Age, on the 5th of March (that fad


Day, whereon that never fufficiently to be lamented Princefs, our most incomparable QUEEN was interr'd) about Three of the Clock in the Morning, he with an humble Patience fubmitted to the ftroke of Death, cheerfully refigning his departing Soul into the most Holy hands of his gracious Redeemer.

The lofs of fo extraordinary a Perfon in the Flower of his Age, and one from whom the learned World had justly conceiv'd Such great Expectations of most admirable Performances from his indefatigable Labours for the advantage of it, was very much lamented by Learned Men, both at home and abroad. * The Clergy, in particular, as a Testimony of that value which they had for him, did in great Numbers attend at his Funeral. Here cught by no means to be past by in filence that fingular Honour which was paid to him by the Right Reverend the Bishops: Many of which, and among the rest, the most Rever


* Se Acta Erudit. Lipf. Anno 1696. Pag. 425. Idem omnium, quæ funt in Anglià, Ecclefiarum Cathedralium Hiftoriam moliebatur; verùm, quod non modò Anglis, ad quorum antiquitates eruendas natus & factus videbatur, fed omnibus bonas literas amantibus dolendum eft, immatura morte præventus, quam trigeffimo ætatis anno fubiit, fpecimen tantum magni illius, quod animo conceperat, operis reliquit.

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