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shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare his righteousness; for God is judge himself."

Isaiah exclaimed, "Oh that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence."

Habakkuk prophesied thus, "God came down from Teman, and the Holy one from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. And his brightness was as the light: he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power. Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet. He stood and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow; his ways are everlasting." The revelator, while on the isle of Patmos, declared, "behold he cometh with clouds!" Says Jesus, "behold I come quickly." 'AMEN," exclaimed the apos


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In modern times we discover the same development of spiritual feeling in a Wesley, when he remarks, “The saints in agony wait," or in the poetic effusions of a beloved Watts,

"How long, dear Saviour, O, how long,
Shall this bright hour delay?

Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time,
And bring the welcome day."

There are sufficient reasons why the Church should

earnestly desire the expected day. It will exterminate the curse with its long train of evils, sickness and sorrow, pain and death; and usher in the blessings of an immortal life. It will exchange the burden of sin for the far more EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY. The creation shall no longer groan under the curse; death shall no longer riot on human flesh, for “ THERE SHALL BE NO MORE DEATH;" famine shall no longer stalk abroad; in that happy land "THEY SHALL HUNGER NO MORE;" for the Lamb which in the midst of the throne shall feed them." Pestilence shall never raise her sceptre throughout that wide domain; for the bloom of eternal health shall be imprinted on every cheek. The eye of the blind shall no longer be darkened; but with open vision he shall behold the glory of God. There will be no embattled legions marshalled upon the field of fatal strife.

"No war or battle's sound

Was heard the world around;

No hostile chief to furious combat ran. ""

The earth is no longer shrouded in the drapery of mourning, but now reverts to its primeval beauty, as "when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy." Instead of the volcanic monntain, disgorging its river of fire, and rolling up its heavy columns of smoke, and consuming the inhabitants at its base, as with a sea of burning lava, the peaceful hills of Canaan, the "mountains of Israel," shall rear their heads amid the serenity of heaven.


"Where bointed brambles grew,
Entwined with horrid thorn,
Gay flowers, forever new,

The painted fields adorn.

The lily, there, and blushing rose,

In union fair, their sweets disclose."

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In contemplation of this glorious state, we cry out from our inmost soul, "THY KINGDOM COME. We hail, with unutterable emotion, every indication of its near approach; when the archangel, with the voice of Almighty God, shall issue his summons to the sleepers in death's dark charnel house- when the waiting, weary pilgrim who has endured unto the end, shall leap to meet his Saviour in the air and “scale the mount of God."

Such are the events of the approaching day; and no marvel that the Prophets searched to know "what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them, did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow."

In view of the glory on one hand, and the fiery indignation on the other, we would beseech our fellow men to "flee from the wrath to come." Inspiration has spoken, and shall we not hear? Nature has already hung out her signals of distress—the sun has been darkened the moon has been dressed in her scarlet drapery—the stars have fallen, like unripe figs, shaken off by a mighty wind -the genius of the age has been put in requisition to invent engines of death, and to prepare for that great day of God Almighty. There is a fearful looking for of judgment in almost every circle of society.

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Says Kossuth, "We are approaching a great crisis.”

And again, at Bunker Hill, he remarked, "Gentlemen, a great crisis is approaching in the history of the world; but the world is prepared for that crisis." In his speech at Faneuil Hall, on the condition of Europe, he remarked, in view of the approaching crisis,

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I see as clearly as I see you, that the die is not about to be cast, but is ALREADY cast. I see the war between freedom and oppression, not about to be engaged, but REALLY ENGAGED. I see Europe just in that condition in which two inexorable armies are both marching already to meet. I see that the shock of their meeting can neither be AVOIDED nor delayed. Ir MUST COME. I see all this, not because I wish it, but because I KNOW IT. I see it because I myself have and still take, a considerable part in the arrangements of the march. I see it, because I know what are the elements of the struggle, and what are the forces we can dispose of with certainty; with certainty, weighed not by visionary imagination, but with that calm arithmetical calculation with which the chief of an army looks to the register of his regiments before he offers or accepts a battle. I see all this with the lively feeling of that responsibility which a man must feel before letting loose THE FURY OF WAR.'

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Hon. Rufus Choate, of Boston, in a late speech in Faneuil Hall, remarked; "It has seemed to me, as if the prerogatives of crowns, and the rights of men, and the hoarded-up resentments and revenges of a thousand years, were about to unsheath the sword for a conflict, in which blood shall flow, as in the Apocalyptic vision, to the bridles of the horses, and in which a whole age of men shall pass away."

The London Times has said: "The foundations of the great political deep seem breaking up."

The London Episcopal Recorder says: "There is an undefinable impression abroad upon all spirits of a coming crisis, and a better day. All things seem to travel onward to a general crisis and a new era."

The Christian Statesman (Washington, D. C.,) says: "The black clouds of despotism still lower with fearful import over the destinies of Europe, and threaten to break in thunderbolts of war and revolution."

The Sabbath recorder says: A moral and political earthquake is maturing, and the heaving of the earth shows that the elements are in motion. It is the preparation and commencement of the great battle of Armageddon; the breaking up of absolute powers, and the undermining of anti-christian predominance."

Says the New Orleans Delta: "That the great fight will be fought, that the world-battle is as inevitable as tomorrow, is no dream of dyspepsia, or threat of a luna tic; it is evident to any one that will take the trouble to open his eyes and look around him." The foregoing extracts show that

"We are living, we are dwelling,
In a grand and awful time,

In an age on ages telling,
To be living is sublime.
Hark! the waking up of nations,

Gog and Magog to the fray;

Hark! what soundeth? is creation

Groaning for the latter day?"

We have come down to the time when the procla

mation is sounding:

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