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yourself a Christian, and living | mys oo hene dty Chreestee, as like a Heathen, in the Con- leeideil Bea goll-rish Antempt of one of the greatest chreestee, ayns foiaghey-beg Means of Salvation: You live in a State in which all your Prayers, whether public or private, whether for yourself or for others, will all be rejected.

jeh unnane jeh ny Ard-saaseyn dy Haualtys: Tou beaghey ayns Stayd, ayn vees beg er ny hoiaghey jeh ooilley dty Phadjeryn, edyr ec y Cheeill ny ec y Thie, edyr er dty hon hene, ny fon feallagh elley.

In short you provoke God Gyn arragh y ghra, tou every Day more and more brafnaghey Jee dy chooilley to withdraw his Grace. Laa ny fmoo as ny fmeo dy To leave you to your own ghoaill e Ghrayse void, Dy corrupt way of Living, till aagail oo gys yn Ymmyrkey. you have filled up the Mea- bea mee-chrauee ayd hene, fure of your Sins, and pre- derrey vees oo er Ihieeney pared yourselves for a Sen- feofe Towse dty Pheccaghyn, tence not to be heard with-as er hayrn ort hene y Vriwout trembling--I tell you that nys then nagh vod v'er ny none of these Men that were chlashtyn, gyn ve er-creau----bidden, shall taste of my Sup- Ta mee ginjh diu nagh jean Fer pen, The Marriage Supper jeufyn v'er nyn guirrey, blashtyn of the Lamb in Heaven. jeh my Hibber,---Eer Shibber Poofee yn Eayn ayns Niau. Nagh mooar eifht shegin da'n Peccah ocsyn y ve, ta lhiggey shaghey dy birveish, as

How great then must the Sin of those be, who neglect to administer, and of those who turn their Back upon y Peccah ocfyn ta chyndaa nyn this Ordinance, upon which Gooyl rish yn Oardaghey shoh, our Salvation depends? It be- er ta'n Saualtys ain lhie? Son ing the Blood of Christ which she Fuill Chreeft shegin shin y must cleanse us from all Sin, gblenncy veih dy chooilley -1 John i. 7.


Pheccab..---1 Ean 1. 7.

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URG ooilley, cha vel shoh dy choyrlaghey Perfoon erbee dy gholl gys Shibber y Chiarn, fegooish y Garmad

FTER all, this is not to encourage any Perfon to go to the Lord's Supper without a Weddinggarment, without a due re- Profes, fegooish arrym cooie gard


gard to the Duty. For a da'n Churrym shen.---Son fodMan may go so unworthily dee Dooinney goll cha neuas to receive Judgment, in- feeu shen as dy hoilchin Briwstead of a Bleffing. For nys ayns ynnyd Bannaght.----Example, Such as live in any Ta shen dy ghra, Lheid as ta known Sin unrepented of; beaghey ayns Peccah erbee er-Such as are not fincerely fys daue gyn Arrys;---Lheid refolved to live, and be go- as nagh vel dy creeoil kiarit dy verned, by the known Laws leeideil nyn Mea, as dy ve reilt, of the Gofpel; ---Such as liorish ny Leighyn ta soit roïn live at Variance with their ayns y Tushtal;--Lheid as ta Neighbours without being beaghey ec Streeu rish nyn willing to be reconciled; --- Naboonyn fegooish ve booiagh Such as have done Wrong, dy ve coardit roo ;---Lheid as and will not make Satisfac- t'er n'yannoo Aggair, as nagh tion, as they are able: jean Lhiaffaghey, gys Rere nyn Lastly, Such as go out of mere Booar:---Er-jerrey, Lheid as ta Custom, without confidering goll trooid eer Chliaghtey, fethe End or Benefit of this gooish Tastey 'choyrt da Oyr Ordinance, and return to ny da Vondeish yn Oardaghey their usual finful Liberties, shoh, as chyndaa reesht gys y as soon as the Service is Reamys peccoil v'ad cliaghtey 'ghoaill, cha leah's ta'n Chirveish harrish.


All fuch ought to know, Lhifagh ooilley nyn Lheid that they went unworthily; shoh toiggal, dy jagh ad dy and if they have any true neu-feeu; as my ta veg y Concern for their Souls, Gheill firrinagh oc danyn Anthey will consider better, and meenyn, hig ad gys Smooinlay themselves under ftricter aghtyn share, as ver ad adObligations, before they go hene fo Kianglaghyn s'troshey again to the Lord's Supper. roifh my jed ad reefht gys Shibber y Chiarn.

But then let them not, Agh ny lhig daue er Gaue at the Peril of their Souls, Anmey, molley ad hene, as deal deceitfully, and make shoh y yannoo ny Leshtal fon this a Pretence of neglect- lhiggey shaghey dy gholl gys ing to go to this Ordinance yn Oardaghey shoh fon y Traa for the future; left they pro- ta ry heet; er-aggle dy brafvoke God to leave them to nee ad Jee dy aagail ad daue themselves,


themselves, which is one of hene, ta unnane jeh ny Briwthe greatest Judgments that nyssyn s'trimmey oddys tuit⚫can befal them. tym orroo.

On the other hand, let not any well-meaning Chriftian be discouraged with Fears of having gone unworthily to the Lord's Supper, and fo forbear, because they do not find all the Benefit and Change wrought in them which they hoped for; but let them confider, that a State of Holiness and Perfection is not to be expected at once, but by Degrees, and as we make good Ufe of the Graces, which the holy Spirit from time to time vouchsafes us :

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Er y Laue elley, ny lhig da Creestee mie - aignagh erbee v'er ny choyrt ass Cree lesh Aggle dy vel eh er gholl dy neufeeu gys Shibber y Chiarn, as myr shen lhiggey shaghey, kyndagh nagh vel ad feddyn ooilley yn Vondeish as y Caghlaa obbrit ayndoo v'ad treishteil er y hon; agh lhig daue Tastey 'ghoaill, nagh vel Stayd dy Chasherickys as Bea firrinagh Creestee dy ve jerkit rifh er y chooyl, agh ny veggan as ny veggan, as 'naght myr ta shin jannoo Ymmyd vie jeh ny Grayseyn, s'cooidsave lesh y Spyrryd Noo veih Traa gy Traa 'chur dooin.

A good Christian not beFakin nagh nee Creestee mie ing one, who has no Incli- Fer, nagh vel veg yn Yeearree nation to Sin, but one, who echey gys Peccah, agh Fer, ta thro' the Grace of God im-trooid Grayse Yee chelleeragh Smaghtaghey, as nagh vel furranse lheid ny Yeearreeyn dy aase gys drogh Chliaghtaghyn.

mediately checks, and fuffers not such Inclinations to grow into evil Habits.

God, who knows our In- Jee, ta toiggal ny Annooinfirmities, will accept our fin-idyn ain, nee foiaghey jeh nyn cere Endeavours, tho' attended with Imperfections and Backslidings, provided we condemn ourselves for them, and strive to amend.

And let us remember for our Comfort, that Jesus Chrift himself pronounced all his Disciples (the Traitor cx

Inrickys, ga nagh vel eh cheet feofe gys flane Lowfe nyn Gurrym, my the shen dy vel shin deyrey thin hene er y hon, as streeu dy lhiaffaghey nyn Mea.

As lhig dooin cooinaghtyn son nyn Gherjagh, dy ren Yeesey Creeft eh-hene gemmys ooilley e Ostyllyn, (cheu-mooie cepted)

cepted) to be clean, that is, jeh'n Traitoor) dy ve glen, ta qualified to receive this Sa-shen, dy ve feeu dy ghoaill y crament, which he was go- Chreestiaght shen, v'eshyn goll ing to administer to them, dy hirveish orroo, ga va fys altho' he knew them to be echey dy row ad aarloo dy fubject to very great Failings huittym ayns Failleilyn as Anand Infirmities; which foon nooinidyn feer vooar; quoid va appeared, when they all for- dy leah er ny akin, tra ren ad sook him, contrary to their ooilley y hreigeil eh, noi nyn folemn Promises; but this yarroo Ghialdynyn; agh shoh they repented of, and were ghow ad Arrys jeh, as ve leiht forgiven by their compassion- daue liorish nyn Ver-kionnee ate Redeemer.



If therefore you love God, Shen-y-fa my ta Graih ayd's

er Jee, as er dty Naboo, ga nagh vel eh cha jeean as wooishagh oo; - My ta Yeear

and your Neighbour, the not fo. fervently as you could wish; -If you have a real Defire of being better, than ree firrinagh ayd dy ve ny at present you find yourself share, na t'ou gennaghtyn oo to be-If the Fruits of hene dy ve ec y Traa t'ayn--the Holy Spirit, tho' in a My ta Messyn y Spyrryd very low Degree, do ap- Noo, ga ayns Cooid ny pear in your Life-Lastly, veggan, er ny akin ayns dty if you do daily pray for Ymmyrkey-bea Er-jerrey,

my t'ou gagh laa goaill Padjer fon Grayseyn Yee, dy vod oo, 'fy Traa mie echeysyn, y ve, as jannoo, myr t'eshyn dty harey, as nagh vel oo beaghey ayns Peccah erbee er-fys dhyt;

God's Grace, that you may, in his good time, be, and do, what he would have you to be, and do not live in any known Sin; - By | no means forbear to go to his Ordinance, as often as Ny lhig shaghey er Aght

you have an Opportunity, and depend upon God's Bleffing, and an Increase of his Graces.

erbee dy gholl gys yn Oardaghey echey, cha mennick as te er ny hirveish, as foddee oo ve shickyr jeh Bannaght Yee, as Bishaghey jeh e Ghrayseyn.





GRANT, O God, that I GIALL O Yee, nagh

may never draw down dayrn-yms dy bragh dty

Vriwnyssyn neose orrym pene, edyr liorish my Ghreeym y hyndaa rish yn Oardaghey shoh, ny liorish goll huggey gyn-tort ny dy neu-feeu. Dy jean dty Vyghin leih dou fon ny t'er n'gholl shaghey, as cur Grayse dou fon y Traa ta ryheet, dy chasherickey my Vea hood, as dy ghoaill dy chooil

thy Judgments upon myself, either by turning my Back upon this Ordinance, or by going to it without Thought or unworthily. May thy Mercy pardon what is paft, and give me Grace for the time to come, to confecrate my Life to Thee, and to embrace every Occasion of remembering my Redeemer's ley Chaa dy chooinaghtyn er Love, and thereby securing Graih my Er-kionnee, as liothy Favour and my own rish shen jannoo shickyr jeh'n Salvation! And if it be thy Foayr ayd's as jeh my Haual• Will, grant that I may always find such Comfort and Benefit in this Ordinance, as may encourage me to observe it with Joy unto my Life's End.

tys hene! As my she dty Aigney eh, giall dy voddym dy bragh geddyn lheid y Gherjaghey as y Vondeish ayns yn Oardaghey shoh, as oddys m'y ghreinnaghey dy reayll eh lesh Boggey gys jerrey my Vea. Cur Kied dou chymney gys dty Vyghin erskyn-earroo, yn

Give me Leave to recommend to thine infinite Mercy, the miferable Condition Stayd hrimshagh ocsyn ooilley of all fuch as neglect so great ta meerioosagh jeh lheid ny Means of Grace and Salva- Saaseyn bannee dy Ghrayse as tion: -Awaken all Chrifti- dy Haualtys:------Dooisht dy an People into a Sense of chooilley Phobble Creestee gys this Duty: Open their Ennaghtyn jeh'n Churrym Eyes, and correct their Mif- shoh:---Fofhil ny Sooillyn oc, takes, that they may be con- as lhiassee yn Shaghrynys oc, vinced, that this is the only dy vod Toiggal firrinagh y ve Means of making their Peace oc, dy nee shoh yn ynrycan with Thee, and of render- Saase dy yannoo nyn Shee ing their Persons and their rhyt, as Soiaghey dy ve jeant Prayers acceptable to thy jeh ny Persoonyn as ny PadDivine

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