mily, of which he is the Maf-Kione:---as un Lught-thie, jeh ter :-----So they should all eat t'eshyn yn Mainshter:----Myr at one Table, of one Bread, shen lhifagh ad ooilley gee ec as a Sign of that Love and yn un Voayrd, jeh'n un Arran, Peace, and Friendship, and Readiness to help one another, as occasion shall require, and as Members of the fame Body will naturally do. And indeed your Acceptance with God will very much depend upon your hearty Good-will for every Christian, and for all Mankind. myr Cowrey jeh'n Ghraib as Shee, as Caarjys, as Arryltys shen dy chooney yn derrey yeh lesh y jeh elley, myr vees feme er y hon, as myr ta Oltyn jeh'n un Chorp dy dooie jannoo. As dy jarroo nee yn Soiaghey nee Jee y yannoo jeed feer vooar lhie er yn Aigney-mie creeoil ayd's fon dy chooilley Chreestee, as fon ooilley Sheel naue. Shen-y-fa shegin dhyt goaill lane Kiarail, nagh vel Persoon erbee nagh vel oo ec Shee rish, ---Da nagh vod oo leih as Padjer y ghoaill er e hon, as jannoo da ooilley yn Vie oddys, ayns Refoon, ve jerkit void ;--Dy bee oo aarloo dy yannoo Lhiafsaghey da Persoon erbee, t'ou er n'yannoo Aggair da, ny ta er. n'ghoaill Jymmoofe cairal rish dty Ghoan ny dty Yannoo, myr ta shoh ny Churrym ta Yeesey Creeft eh hene Therefore you must take special Care, left there be any Person with whom you are not at Peace,----Whom you cannot forgive and pray for, and do him all the Good that can in reason be expected from you ;----That you be disposed to make Satisfaction to any Person that has been injured by you, or who have taken just Offence at your Words or Actions, this being a Duty which Jesus Chrift himself has commanded, Matth. v. 23. And er harey, Mian v. 23. As dy that you be ready to forgive bee oo arryltagh dy leih da dy every Person who may have chooilley Pherfoon ta er n'yaninjured you, as you expect noo Aggair dhyt, myr t'ou Forgiveness of God,----Re- hene treifhteil Leih y gheddyn membering the dreadful Sen- veih Jee,----Cooinaghtyn er y tence mentioned in Matth. Vriwnys agglagh ta enmyffit xvin. Thou wicked Servant, I ayns Mian xviii. O gbrogh forgave thee all thy Debt: Harvaant, leih mish dhyt's yn Shouldst not thou have had flane Lhiastynys shen: nagh Compaffion Compassion on thy Fellow-fer-lhifagh uss myrgeddin as Chymvant, even as I had Pity on mey er ve ayd er dty Hesheythee? And the Lord was Harvaant, eer myr va Chymwroth, and delivered him to mey aym's ort's? As van the Tormentors. Chiarn jymmoofagh, as livrey eh feofe eh ny Phryfoonagh gys Laue y Tidoor. And lastly, you are to take care, that you love not in Word only, but in Deed and in Truth, that is, that you do Good, as well as give good Words, and relieve Jesus Chrift in his poor Members. As er-jerrey, t'ou dy ghoaill Kiarail, nagh vel dty Aigneymie ayns Glare ny lomarcan, agh ayns Jannoo as ayns Firrinys, ta shen dy ghra, dy jean oo Mie, chammah as cur Goan mie, as dy jean oo Feaysley er Yeesey Creest ayns ny Oltyn boghtey echey. As cred eh son Firrinys shickyr, nagh vel Aigney And believe it for a certain Truth, that a charitable and forgiving Temper is not near ghiastyllagh as aarloo dy leih so beneficial to any body as to faar cha vondeishagh da Perhim that hath it; it being more foon erbee, as te dasyn echey blessed to give than to receive; te; er-yn-oyr dy vel eh ny and to forgive, than to insist upon Satisfaction for Injuries and Wrongs done to us; Acts xx. 35. s'bannee dy cheyrt, na te dy ghoaill; as dy leih, na te dy haffoo er Cooilleen y gheddyn fon Aggairyn as drogh Hurnyn ta jeant dooin; Jannoo xx. 35. Fakin dy vel shoh Grayse cha ymmyrchagh, cha jean uss lhiggey shaghey dy ghuee gys Jee feer jeean dy gooidsave lesh dy chur dhyt eh. Yn PHADJER. SHOH yn Sarey aym's, dy der Shiu Graih yn derrey yeh da'n jeh elley, myr ta mish er chur Graih diuifh. Clasht, O my Annym, cre ta -He 1 --He who loved us, and gave i dty Plaualtagh er harey dhyt: himself an Offering and a -Eshyn chur Graih dooin, as Sacrifice to God for us. hug eh hene son Chebbal as Oural da Jee er nyn fon. May this thy Love, O Lhig da shoh dty Ghraih's, Jesus, be the Motive and O Yeefey, ve Oyr as SamPattern of my Love and pleyr y Ghraib aym's da ooilCharity for all Mankind!-- ley Sheelnaue!--Raad nagh Where this hath not been vel shok er ve yn Cliaghtey my Practice, I implore thy aym, ta mee geearree dty gracious Pardon, and be- Phardoon grayfoil, as guee ort seech Thee to fortify my dy niartaghey my Annym noi Soul against all Suggestions dy chooilley Chleayn oddys y of Satan, or my corrupt Drogh-Spyrryd, ny my Ghoo Nature, and blind Paffions: ghys peccoil, as yeearreeyn ---That I may always be doalley my Aigney y chur gys prepared to go to thine Al- my Chree:---Dy voddym kintar, with the fame charita- jagh ve aarloo dy gholl gys dty ble Dispositions, with which Altar's, lesh yn Aigney giastyl I defire and hope to die. lagh cheddin, ayn ta mee geearree as treishteil dy ghed, dyn Baafe. Tou ufs, O Yeesey, en hayrn dty Noidyn dy ve dty Chaarjyn, liorish dty Víoys y choyrt sheese er nyn fon. Bee ufs eddyr Jee as mish son Grayse dy eiyrt er y Ghiastyl Thou, O Jefus, madest thine Enemies thy Friends, by laying down thy Life for them. Be thou my Advocate with God for Grace to follow thy Heavenly Charity and Example, that I may o- lys as y Sampleyr Flaunyffagh vercome Evil with Good; H ayd, dy voddym Barriaghty gheddyn er yn Olk lesb jannog Mie; dy voddym's as ooilley Oltyn dty Lught-thie ve ayns Graib ry-chielley myr Braaraghyn:-Dy vod mayd kinjagh meeteil ec dty Voayrd myr Caarjyn firrinagh, as paartail lesh Graih dooie as Aigney-mie myr ta cooie da Creesteenyn. Amen. SECT. SECT. IX. CAB. IX. B Y this Time you fee HOUD's shoh t'ou fakin stitution, the Neceffity, as well daghey shoh, yn Ymmyrch, as the invaluable Blessing of chammah as y Bannaght erobserving it religiously, and skyn-earroo, ta ayns freayll eh the Manner of preparing dy crauee, as yn Aght dy yanyourself for it as often as noo oo hene aarloo ny chour, you shall have an Oppor- cha mennick as te er ny hir tunity. veish. As cooinee, myr s'menkey yeeaghys oo gys Stayd dty Anmey, er-chee goll gys yn Oardaghey shoh, shen myr floo And remember, that the oftener you look into the State of your Soul, in order to go to this Ordinance, the less Trouble you will dy Imnea vees ort dy yannoo have to make your Peace with God, when you come to die; and the less Danger you will be in, of falling into a State of Sin and Security, which has been the Ruin of an infinite Number of Souls. dty Hee rish Jee, tra hig oo dy gheddyn Baafe; as shen myr floo dy Ghanjeyr vees oo ayn, dy huittym ayns Stayd dy Pheccah as dy Veerioose, ta er ve Oyr coayl Anmeenyn erskyn-earroo. : Besides this you will have Marish shoh bee yn Gerjagh the greatest Comfort of Life, smoo 'fy Theihll ayd, tra t'ou when you perceive that you gennaghtyn dy vel oo kinjagh are still growing in Grace, bishaghey ayns Grayse, as goll and tending to that Perfec-er dty hofhiaght gys yn Yrjid tion which must fit you for then dy Vea vie shegin oo y Heaven. yannoo feeu fon Flaunys. On the other hand, if Er y Laue elley, my hyndaayou turn your Back upon ys oo dty Ghreeym er yn Oar the Ordinance, it must be because you will not be at the Pains to understand your Duty, your Interest, and your Danger. You have not confidered daghey shoh, shegin da ve fon nagh jean oo wheesh er dty hon hene as dy gheddyn Tushtey jeh dty Churrym, dty Vondeish, as dty Ghanjeyr. Cha vel oo er n'ghoaill Tafthat that there is no Pardon, notey, nagh vel Pardoon, ny Grace, no Salvation, to be Grayse, ny Saualtys erbee dy ve hoped for, but by pleading with God, what his Son hath done and fuffered, and merited for us, and in the Manner he has ordained. And if you will confult your own Confcience, it will tell you, That some of these are the true, tho' most wretched, Causes of your Contempt of this Command of your Saviour's. Either you live in fome known Sin, or ungodly way of Life, which you cannot refolve to forsake; - Or, you are not willing to renew your Vows, made in Baptifm; -Or, which is generally the Cafe, You have no real Concern for your Soul; only you - delude yourself with some faint Purposes and Hopes, that some time or other you will become a new Man. In the mean time you are guilty of a Sin too like the denying the Lord that bought you. You bring an evil Report. upon an Ordinance jerkit rish, agh liorish lhiassaghey fenish Jee, cre ta e Vac er n'yannoo as er hurranse, as er hoilchin er nyn fon, as then er yn Aght t'eh hene er n'oardaghey. As my nee oo Coyrle y ghoaill rish dty Chooinsheanse hene, inshee eh dhyt, dy nee Paart jeu shoh ny Oyryn fir. rinagh, ga trimshagh, dy vel oo foiaghey cha beg jeh'n Sarey shoh jeh dty Haualtagh. Edyr t'ou beaghey ayns Peccah ennagh er-fys dhyt, er-nonney ayns Raad mee-chrauee dy Vea, nagh jean oo goaill ayns Laue dy hreigeil ;--Er-nonney, cha vel oo booiagh dty Vreearraghyn Bashtey y yannoo ass y noa; -Er-nonney, myr s'menkey lesh y ve,---Cha vel oo dy firrinagh imneagh fon dty Annym; ynrycan dy vel oo mol. ley oo hene lesh Gialdyn as Treishteil faase ennagh, dy jig oo Keayrt ny Keayrt ennagh dy ve dty Ghooinney noa. 'Sy Traa t'ayn t'ou oolee jeh Peccah ta rouyr casley rish gobbal y Chiarn ren oo y chionnaghey. T'ou tayrn Scammylter Oardaghey Chreeft, of Christ, as if it were not myr nagh beagh eh feeu Geill worth observing: -You har- 'chur da: Tou creoghey den wicked People in their drogh Leih ayns nyn MeeInfidelity, and Neglect of chredjue, as nyn Meerioofe their Salvation, by calling jeh'n Taualtys oc, liorish genyourfelf |