Death!-May my Redeem- | Vaaish!-Lhig da my Er-kioner be my Refuge, his Blood and Merits plead for me, that I may have my Lot and Portion with those whom he hath purchased with his most precious Blood! Amen. nee ve my Chemmyrk, e Uill as e Hoilchinys loayrt er my hon, dy vod my Chronney as my Ayrn y ve aym maroosyn t'eh er chosney lesh e Uill fmoo gheyr! Amen. CAB. VII. Vel Cooinaghtyn booifal ayd jeh Baafe Chreeft :---Shoh yn nah Red t'ou dy vriaght ayn. ISH nee shoh ayns Ayrn, Nachhal Ennaghtyn t'ayd jeh'n Olk t'eh er livrey oo veih, as jeh'n Bannaght t'eshyn liorish e Vaafe er chosney dhyt. Shen-y-fa jeeagh ort hene myr Cretoor boght, peccoil, caillit, naardey, fegooish Fer-kionnee. - Smooinee dy dowin cre ta'n Fer-kionnee shen er n'yannoo er dty hon.---Cre ren eh, as cre hur eh, tra ghow eh er hene dy reggyrt son Peccaghyn Deiney. Smooinee myrgeddin dy nee Mac Yee v'eh, nagh row er n'yannoo veg yn Aggair, ny chamoo va loght er ny gheddyn ayns e Veeal; ny-yeih, imyr v'eh dy reggyrt fon Peccee, v'eh deyrit as kerrit, myr ta Kimmagh toilchin :----V'eh oltooanit!---- Set Set at naught! Perfecuted, Soit beg jeh!----Tranlaafit as and rejected by his own Peo- jiooldit rish liorish e Phobble ple, whom he came to re- hene, haink eh dy livrey! deem! He was betrayed by his own Disciple; falsly accused! Unrighteously condemned!----Unmercifully Scourged!---Had a Murderer preferred before him!----Was crucified as a Malefactor; and in the very midst of his Torments, was most inhumanly reviled! Confider the Reason of all this. It was not only to fatisfy the Justice of God for the Sins of Men, and procure their Pardon upon their Repentance and future Obedience; but also to shew Mankind, what Treatment Sin and Sinners, who have rebelled against their Maker, do deferve;-----And teach us when God orders or permits us Sinners to undergo such Indignities and Afflictions, in this our State of Trial, that we ought to take our Cross patiently, as our Redeemer did; and be content, and even pleafed, to fulfil the Will of God, in following his Example in his Sufferings in this Life, that we may be partakers of his Glory in the next. V'eh er ny urah liorish yn Ostyl echey hene; Plaiynt foalfey jeant n'oi!-----Dy neuchairal er ny gheyrey!-----Dy neu-vyghinagh er ny fcuitchal! ----Va Soiaghey jeant jeh Dunver roish !---V'eh er ny chroffey myr Drogh-yantagh; as ayns Mean e Horchaghey, v'eh dy neu-ghooghyssagh oltooanit! Gow Tastey jeh'n Oyr va son shoh ooilley.---Cha row eh ny lomarcan dy yannoo Cooilleen da Cairys Yee son Peccaghyn Deiney, as dy gheddyn Pardoon daue er nyn Arrys as nyn Miallys son y Traa vary heet; agh myrgeddin dy hoilshaghey da Sheelnaue, cre'n Kerraghey va Peccah as Peccee dy hoilchin, v'er n'irree-magh noi nyn Ver-croo ;------As dy ynfaghey dooin tra ta Jee goardrail ny furranse dooinyn Peccee dy huittym fo lheid ny Scammyltyn naareydagh, as Seaghyn, ayns shoh nyn Stayd dy Phrowal; dy lhifagh shin nyn Grosh y ymmyrkey dy furransagh, myr ren nyn Verkionnee; as ve booiagh, as dy jarroo boggey y ghoaill, dy chooilleency Aigney Yee, ayns geiyrt er y Sampleyr echey ayns e Hurranse 'fy Vea shoh, dy vod mayd ve goaill Ayrn jeh e In the next Place, confider the Bleflings which Jesus Chrift hath by his Death obtained for us.----He hath delivered us from the great Power which the Devil had over Mankind, by procuring us Grace to refift and overcome him. He hath prevailed with God--To overlook the Untowardness of our Nature; To pardon our greatest Offences upon our true Repentance: And being by his Death reconciled to God, we have, for his fake, free Liberty to apply to him, as Children to a Father, for what we stand in need of. Ghloyr ayns y Vea ta ry heet. Ayns y nah Ynnyd, Gow gys dty Chree ny Bannaghtyn ta Yeefey Creest, liorish e Vaase, er chosney dooin.---T'eh er livrey shin veih'n Phooar vooar v'ec y Droghspyrryd harrish Sheelnaue, liorish Grayse y chosney dooin dy hafioo n'oi as dy gheddyn y varriaght er.---T'eh er gheddyn veih Jee---Dy ve erreeishagh gys Annooinid y Dooghys ain; Dy leih dooin nyn Loghtyn finoo er nyn Arrys firrinagh: ---As myr shoh coardit rish Jee liorish e Vaafe, dy heet huggey, myr Cloan gys Ayr, dy hirrey ny ta shin dy ymmyrch. ta ymmyrchagh dy yannoo fhin aarloo fon Niau as Maynrys;---As t'eh er gheddyn veih Jee, dy bee ad shoh nyn Eiraght thickyr, mannagh bee eh He hath alfo obtained for us T'eh myrgeddin er chosney the Affsistance of an Almighty dooin Cooney Spyrryd OoilSpirit, to enable us to know, ley-niartal, dy niartaghey shin and to do, what is neceffary dy hoiggal, as dy yannoo shen, to fit us for Heaven and Happiness; And he has prevailed with God, that these shall be our certain Portion, if we are not wanting to curfelves. In one Word, Je-kyndagh rooin hene.---Ayns fus Christ hath entirely freed un Ockle, ta Yeesey Creest us from all Fears of what may dy bollagh er reaghey thin veih come hereafter, if it is not purely our own Fault. dy chooilley Aggle jeh ny oddys cheet ny lurg shoh, mannagh nee ooilley-cooidjagh yn Foill ain hene eh. Foddee yn Creestee floo yn The most unlearned Chrif. tian may know what is requi- fit toiggal cre ta e Churrym. red of him. The greatest Sinner may Foddee yn Peccagh fmoo depend depend upon Pardon on his Repentance. The weakest Christian may rely upon all necessary Affistance; and the meanest Chriftian is fure not to be overlooked. By all which you may perceive what Thanks you owe to * God for your great and good Redeemer, and for what he has done and fuffered for you-----which you will do well to express in fome such manner as this: The PRAYER. GIVE me leave, O God, to mention before Thee the jerkal rish Leih e Pheccaghyn, my t'eh goaill Arrys. Foddee yn Creestee s'annooinee ve shickyr dy vow eh dy chooilley Chooney ymmyrchagh; as ta'n Creeftee s'boghtey thickyr nagh bee beg soit jeh. Liorish shoh ooilley foddee oo toiggal cre'n Booise t'ou lhiastyn da Jee son dty Haualtagh mooar as mie, as fon ny t'eh er n'yannoo as er hurranse er dty hon.---As nee oo dy mie dy hoilshaghey eh ayns lheid ny Goan shoh. Yn PHADJER. CUR UR Kied dooys, O Yee, dy yannoo Imraa kionDeath of thy Son, and the in- goyrt rhyt's jeh Baase dty Vac, finite Blessings I have received as ny Bannaghtyn erskyn-earthereby :----Add this to all roo ta mee er gheddyn liorish: thy Favours, I beseech Thee, ---Cur dou shoh myrgeddin mathat I may never forget these rish ooilley dty Vannaghtyn elMercies;-Never forget to ley, ta mee guee ort, nagh jarbe thankful for them------But rood-ym dy bragh ny Myghinthat I may preserve the Re- yn cheddin; -Nagh jarroodmembrance of them in the ym dy bragh dy ve booifal Manner which he hath ordain- er nyn fon---Agh dy voddym ed---I thank Thee, O God, freayll Cooinaghtyn jeu er yn for that Word, in which thou Aght t'eh hene er harey---Ta haft caused these thy Mercies, mee cur Booise dhyt, O Yee, and his Example to be record- fon y Goo shen, ayn t'ou er ed.Make me truly sensible choyrt orroo shoh dty Vyghinof that Love which brought yn, as y Sampleyr echey, dy ve him down from Heaven; -- er nyn scrieu.---Cur Ennagh. And how fad our Condition tyn firrinagh dooys jeh'n was, which required such a Ghraih shen hug leth theese eh Sacrifice. May I learn by his veih Niau; ---As cre cha treih Patience, Patience, Humility, Self-deni-, as va'n Stayd ainyn, va feme al, and Resignation, what Virtues are most acceptable to thy Divine Majesty!----And may I take him for my Lord, and Master, and Teacher, and Example, and dedicate myself to Thee, and to thy Service, for his fake! Amen. SECT. VIII. The last Inquiry you are to make, is, whether you are in Charity with all the World. take lheid yn Oural.----Lhig dou gynsagh liorish y Veenid, yn Injillid, yn Smaght harrish hene, as yn Viallys echey, cre ny Grayseyn s'booifal ta da dty Ard-ooashley flaunyssagh!----As lhig dou eh y ghoaill fon my Hiarn, my Vainshter, my Er-ynsee, as my Hampleyr, as mee-hene y chasherickey hoods, as gys dty Hirveish, er Ghraih echey. Amen. CAB. VIII. y Yn Red s'jerree t'ou dy vriaght er y hon, ta, Vel oo ayns Giastyllys rish ooilley'n Seihll. M Ychione shoh, gow Taftey geyre, dy vel yn especial Notice, that the two great Ends of this Ordi- daa Ard-oyr, enmyssit ayns nance mentioned in Scripture are;- The First, To keep up the Remembrance of Christ's Death till his coming again.The Second, To be a folemn Token of our Communion with Jesus Chrift, and of our Union and Charity with all his Family. Scriptyr, fon yn Oardaghey shoh, t'ad;--- Hofhiaght, Dy reayll feofe Cooinaghtyn jeh Baafe Chreeft derrey yn Cheet echey reefht. Ayns y nah Ynnyd, Dy ve Cowrey casherick jeh nyn Sheshaghtys rish Yeefey Creeft, as jeh'n Unnaneys as y Ghiaftyllys ain rish ooilley yn * Lughtthie echey. Er yn Oyr shoh t'eh er oardrail, 'naght myr shegin da dy To this End he has ordained, that as all Christians, high and low, rich and poor, shall chooilley Chreestee, ard as inmake up one Body, of which jil, berchagh as bught, jannoo he is the Head :-----and one Fa- [seose un Chorp, jeh t'eshyn yn * Agglish. mily |