and fall into Sin, I will, as foon | ny Gialdynyn mie shoh, as dy as I perceive it, beg God's Pardon, and be more careful for the Time to come. Now, if your Confcience can witness for you, that you piously purpose to live after this Manner, you may fafely go to the Lord's Table, and the Bleffing of God will go along with you. Go no farther till you have confidered these Purposes again; for they are to be 1 the Purposes of your whole Life, and of every Day of your Life. And then address yourself to God, that, thro' his gracious Assistance, they may make the most lasting Impresfion upon your Mind. The PRAYER. G huittym ayns Peccah, cha leah's vees Toiggal aym jeh nee'm Leih y hirrey er Jee, as bee'm ny s'kiaralee son y Traa ta ry heet. Nish, my oddys dty Chooinsheanse hene Feanish y ymmyrkey lhiat, dy vel oo dy crauee kiarail dy veaghey er yn Aght shoh, foddee oo dy fauchey goll gys Boayrd y Chiarn, as hed Bannaght Yee mayrt. Ny gow ny fodjey ec y Traa shoh, derrey t'ou ayns dty Chree er n'gholl harrish ny Gialdynyn shoh reesht; fon t'ad dy ve Gialdynyn dty flane Vea, as Gialdynyn dy chooilley Laa jeh dty Vea. As eisht gow dty Phadjer gys Jee, -trooid yn Chooney ghrayfoil echeysyn dy vod ad ve dy dowin fraueit ayns dty Chree. Y Yn PHADJER. EE ghrayfoil, 00 ta er choyrt dooin Saraghyn Racious God, who hast given us Precepts, and an Example to walk by, let as Sampleyr dy immeeaght the Remembrance of them lioroo, lhig da Cooinaghtyn be always seasonably present jeu ayns Traa my Eme ve dy with me. Give me Grace to practise them confcientioufly, To reverence my Betters, and all that are in Authority, and especially fuch as are ordained to pray for, and to bless, us in thy kinjagh marym.-Cur Grayse dou dy eiyrt daue dy cooinsheansagh, Dy chur Ammys dauesyn t'er my skyn, as dauesyn ooilley ta ayns Pooar,---as erskyn ooilley dauesyn ta er nyn gasherickey dy ghoaill Name. Name. Let my Love for Padjer er nyn fon, as dy vanThee, and for my Neigh-naghey shin ayns dty Ennym.--bour, keep me from all Acts Lhig da my Ghraih dhyt's, as of Injustice, or Injury to his da my Naboo, mish y reayll Body, or good Name : - veih dy chooilley. Obbyr dy Let me never wilfully vex Neu-chairys, ny dy Aggair y or trouble him; - Never co- yannoo da'n Chorp, ny'n Envet what is his, or envy his nym mie echey :---Ny lhig dou Profperity. May I ever be dy bragh er my Yioin eh y ready to help and comfort heaghney ny 'voirey;----Gyn all such as are in Distress.- dy bragh Saynt y chur da ny Give me Grace to be faith- ta leshyn, ny mooaraghey yn ful in all Things committed Vaynrys echey.---Lhig dou dy to my Trust:-That I may bragh ve arryltagh dy chur never pervert Truth and Juf- Cooney as Gerjagh dauesyn tice;-never propagate Slan- ooilley ta ayns Seaghyn.---Cur der, or raise evil Reports, Grayse dou dy ve treishteilagh nor ever tempt others to Sin. ayns dy chooilley Nhee t'er ny -Give me the Spirit of choyrt er my Churrym:Temperance and Chastity, Nagh jean-ym dy bragh cassey and grant that I may never Ynrickys as Cairys;---gyn dy provoke Thee by any Instance bragh cur Scammylt er y hoof Uncleanness, to shut me shiaght, ny drogh-ghoo y hrogout of Heaven, where no gal, ny dy bragh feallagh elley unclean Thing can enter.----- y violaghey gys Peccah.-Cur Give me Grace so to order dou yn Spyrryd dy Heeltys as my Conversation, that I may idy Ghlennid, as giall nagh jeanencourage others to live as becomes the Gospel of Jesus Christ; for whose Sake I beg to be heard, Amen. ym dy bragh oo y vrasnaghey lesh Sayntyn ny foalley, dy yeigh mee mooie afs Niau, raad nagh vod Nhee erbee neughlen goll stiagh.---Cur dou Grayse myr shen dy ymmyrkey my Vea, dy voddym feal. lagh elley y ghreinnaghey dy veaghey myr ta cooie da Sushtal Yeesey Creest, er yn Ghraih echeysyn ta mee guee dy v'er my chlashtyn. Amen. SECT. SECT. VI. CAB. VI. The next Thing you are to Yn nah red t'ou dy vriaght enquire into is, whether you have A LIVELY FAITH IN GOD'S MER CY THRO' CHRIST. Tow, N because so very much depends upon our having fuch a Faith, the Holy Ghost has given us all the Arguments, -all the Affurance, that our Hearts can defire. God so loved the World, that he spared not his own Son, (faith the Apostle) but gave him up for us all,-Rom. viii. 32. Can there be a greater, a furer, Pledge of the Love of God for his poor Creatures ?--He made him to be Sin (that is, a Sin-offering):-He delivered him to Death in our stead: ----Can we after this doubt of, or distrust, the Mercy of God? ayn ta, Vel CREDJUE BIOAL AYD AYNS MYGHIN YEE TROOID CREEST. N ISH, kyndagh dy vel wheesh lhie er lheid y Chredjue 've ain,---ta'n Spyrryd Noo er chur dooin dy chooilley Resoon,---dy chooilley Hickyrys, Greeaghyn y hirrey. oddys nyn Hug Fee lheid y Ghraib dan Theibll, nagh haghyn eh e Vac hene (ta'n Ostyl gra) agh livrey eh seose eh er ny fon ain ooilley, Rom. viii. 32.--Vod Gical finoo, Gioal shickyree y ve jeh Graih Yee da e Chretooryn boghtey ?---Ren eh eh y yannoo ny Pheccah (ta shen, ny Oural fon Peccah):-----Livrey eh eh gys Baase ayns yn ynnyd ainyn:---Vod mayd lurg shoh dooyteil jeh, ny Mee-hreifhteil y yannoo er Myghin Yee? Gow Tastey jeh'n Aght ta'n Noo Paul goaill dy niartaghey Observe the Method St. Paul takes to confirm our Faith, by giving us the nyn Gredjue, liorish coyrt strongest Proofs of our Ac- dooin ny Prowallyn s'troshey ceptance with God.God, dy vel Soiaghey er ny yannoo faith he, commended his Love j'in liorish Jee.---Ta Jee, as to us, in that, while we were eshyn, er hoilshaghey magh e Enemies, we were reconciled Ghraib hooinyn, fon choud as va to Him, by the Death of his shin ayns Stayd dy Noidys, my Son.---Much more, being recon-va shin coardit rish Fee, liorish ciled, we shall be saved by his Life,-----Rom. v. 10.----What may we not, after this, hope for from God? Baase e Vac.---Foddey smoo, myr ta shin nish goit stiagh gys Shee, vees mayd er nyn fauail liorish e Vioys, Rom. v. 10.------Lurg shoh cre nagh vod mayd jerkal rish veih Jee? Ayns Focklyn giarey, Ta Yeefey Creest er chionnaghey shin reesht veih Mollaght y * Leigh.---Ny brooidsyn ta Shee ain rish Jee, Rom. v. 1. She shoh ynrycan Undin nyn Gredjue, nyn Dreishteil, as nyn Shickyrys.---She eshyn yn Oural ain, In short, Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law.--Thro' him we have Peace with God.---Rom. v. 1.---This is the only Foundation of our Faith, our Hope, and Confidence. He is our Sacrifice, our Mediator, our Advocate; the Knowledge of nyn Sheealtagh as nyn Vendeilwhich ought to remove all agh; as lhifagh Tushtey jeh Occafions of Despair and shoh scughey voin dy chooilley Fear, from the Displeasure Oyr jeh Mee-hreifhteil, as Agof God. gle veih Jymmoofe Yee. Indeed, if we should at- Dy jarroo, dy goghe shin tempt to go to God, with-orrin dy gholl gys Jee, fegooish out an Interest in Christ, we could hope for nothing but to be rejected; but when we go to him, as redeemed by his own Son,---and reprefent to him, as we do in this Holy Sacrament, what He has done and fuffered for us, we approach Him as intirely reconciled to us. But then you must remember, that he gave himself for us, and hath redeemed us from the Power of the Devil, for this End, that he may purify unto himself a People confecrated to his Service.. Confecrate therefore yourself Cairys y ve ain ayns Creeft, cha voddagh shin treishteil fon monney, agh dy v'er ny yiooldey voish; agh tra ta shin goll huggey, myr livreit liorish e Vac hene,-----as foilshaghey roish, myr ta shin jannoo ayns y Sacrament shoh, cre T'eh er n'yannoo as er hurranse er nyn fon, ta shin tayrn er-gerrey da myr dy flane coardit rooin. Agh eisht shegin cooinaghtyn, dy dug eh eh-hene er nyn fon, as dy vel eh er chosney shin veih Pooar y Drogh-fpyrryd, fon yn Oyr shoh, dy chasherickey da hene Pobble aggindagh gys e Hirveish.---Shen-y-fa jean oo hene y chasherickey gys * Leigh Voses. to to Jesus Christ, and with faith- | Yeefey Creest, as marish Abra ful Abraham stagger not at ham flane credjuagh ny jean the Promises of God: but Mee-hreishteil er Gialdynyn go to this Sacrament with a Yee; agh immee gys y Sacrafull Affurance of Faith, that ment shoh lesh flane ShickyrGod will pardon your Sins, ys dy Chredjue, dy jean Jee and give you all the Graces dty Pheccaghyn y leih, as dy you shall stand in need of. der eh dhyt dy chooilley -Only remember, that this Ghrayse t'ou ayns feme jeh.--Faith it felf is the Gift of Agh cooinee dy nee yn Gredjue God, and must be prayed shob hene Gioot Yee, as shegin for, for Christ's Sake; which Padjer ve jeant er y hon, er you may do after this man- Graih Chreest, shen oddys oo y yannoo er yn Aght shoh: ner: I The PRAYER. Yn PHADJER. guee ort, O Yee, Beseech Thee, O God, by A mee T that Love which moved liorish y Ghraih shen ren Thee to give thine own Son oo y veiyghey dy chur dty Vac for loft Mankind, give me hene son Sheelnaue caillit, dy a Faith in thy Promises for chur dooys Credjue ayns dty his Sake, as firm as thy Ghialdynyn er y Ghraih ecWord, on which my Faith heysyn, cha thickyr as ta dty is grounded:-And let me Ghoo, er shen ta my Chred. never presume upon thy gra- jue troggit:-As ny lhig dou cious Promises without fin- dy bragh Daanys y yannoo er cerely endeavouring to per- dty Ghialdynyn grayfoil, agh form the Conditions on which dy creeoil streeu dy chooilthey were made, and with-leeney ny Conaantyn orroo out being zealous of good v'ad jeant, as dy ve feer jeean Works, for which we were er Obbraghyn mie, fon yn Oyr redeemed. May the Re-shoh hooar shin Livrey-ys. membrance of my Saviour's Lhig da Cooinaghtyn jeh Love, and of thy great Mer- Graih my Haualtagh, as jeh cy, be ever seasonably pre-dty Vyghin's vooar ve dy kinfent with me, to keep me jagh marym, dy my reayll veih from Despair, and may my Mee-hreifhteil, as thig da my Faith in thy Promises sup- Chredjue ayns dty Ghialdynyn. port me at the Hour of m'y niartaghey ec oor y Death! G 1 |