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fuffer in this, in Submission | yn Aigney flaunyssagh echey. to his Will.

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syn, dy vod Jee, as dy jean eh, Lhiassaghey fondagh y yannoo 'sy Vea ta ry heet, son dty Egin, as dty Hurranse, ayns y Vea shoh.

Er-jerrey, Yn Currym ayd eh, dy ve booifal da Fee.---Yn Aght dy ve myr shen, ta dy yeeaghyn er dy chooilley Vyghin t'ou feddyn myr Gioot veih Jee;---Dy chooilley Ghaue t'ou shaghney, myr lhiastyn da'n Arrey, as da'n Chiarail flaunysfagh echeysyn;--Dy chooilley Smooinaghtyn mie, dy chooilley Chiarail vie, dy chooilley Chaa Son jannoo mie, myr Obbyr y Spyrryd mie echeysyn.

Smooinees as jean, as kiare myr shoh:----As bee eh cha dooghyssagh dhyt dy chur Booise da Jee fon ooilley Oardaghyn e Ard-chiarail, as te dhyt dy yannoo Aghin huggey son Bannaght erbee, smoo ymmyrchagh dhyt.

Nish fuirree ort tammylt--derrey vees oo er smooinaghtyn dy dowin er ny reddyn shoh, as derrey vees oo er hoilshaghey yn Ennaghtyn t'ayd jeu ayns y Phadjer shoh.


SHOH dy jarroo yn chied as

ard Sarey, Dy chur Graih dhyts, O Yee, lesh coilley nyn Gree; Son er shoh ta'n


pends our Salvation. But e- Saualtys ain lhie. Agh shoh ven this must be the Gift of hene shegin da ve Gioot jeh thy Grace :---For this Grace I dty Ghrayfys:- Son y Grayse now apply to Thee, to make shoh ta mish nish jannoo Agh my Love and Fear of thee the in hoods, dy yannoo my governing Principle of my Ghraih ort, as my Aggle royd, whole Life: That I may Ard-leeideilagh my Vea:---Dy always do what I believe will voddym kinjagh jannoo shen please Thee:That I may | ta mee credjal nee uss y wooiys: carefully avoid what I know ---Dy voddym dy kiaralagh will offend Thee :-----And that chea veih shen ta fys aym ver

I may live as having Thee the constant Witness of my Thoughts, Words and Ac


Jymmoose ort:---As dy vod-
dym my Vea y leeideil myr dy
beagh uss aym fon Feanish kin-
jagh jeh my Smooinaghtyn,
my Ghoan, as my Obbraghyn.

Give me a stedfast Faith in
thy Word and Promises; a
firm Trust in thy Power.
Let the Fear of thy Justice
keep me from Presumption,
and a Sense of thy Goodness
from Despair.
Defend me
from all those bewitching
Snares which destroy our Love
for Thee; from worldly ta stroie nyn Ghraih ort ;---

Cur dou Credjue firrinagh ayns dty Ghoo as dty Ghialdynyn; Treishteil shickyr ayns dty Phooar.---Lhig da Aggle roish dty Chairys mish y reayll veih Daanys, as Ennaghtyn jeh dty Vieys veih Mee-hreishteil. ---Jean m'y endeil veih ooilley ny Ribbaghyn cleaynagh shen

Cares; from all sensual and finful Pleasures; from Evil Company; from foolish Diversions, and from every thing that may make me forget, that Thou alone art worthy to be feared and loved: Grant me these Mercies for thy Son Jesus Christ his fake; - whose Love and Death we are going to commemorate. Amen.


veih Kiarailyn feihltagh; veih dy chooilley Eunys foalley as peccoil; veih drogh Hefhaght; veih Gammanyn ommijagh, as veih dy chooilley Nhee oddys cur orrym jarrood, dy nee ufs dty lomarcan ta feeu Aggle ve goit royd as Graih er ny choyrt dhyt: Giall dooys ny Myghinyn shoh er Graih dty Vac Yeesey Creeft; yn Ghraih as y Baase echey ta shin goll dy reayll ayns Cooinaghtyn. Amen.






'HIS is the second great
Command, and will re-

Your Duty to your NEIGH-Dty Churrym gys dty NABOO BOUR and YOURSELF.



quire the most solemn Resolutions you can make before s'troshey oddys oo, roish my


HOH yn nah Ard Sarey, as bee eh dty Churrym dy yannoo ny Gialdynyn

you go to the Lord's Supper.

Confider therefore whether you can fincerely resolve as follows:

hed oo gys Shibber y Chiarn. Smooinee rhyt hene er-y-fa shen vod oo dy shickyr goaill ort dy yannoo, myr t'ayns shoh currit royd:

I dare not, I will not, be indifferent how I lead my Life. -I know what God has commanded me, and I purpose fincerely to do it.

Cha lhoys dou, ny cha bee'm meerioosagh, kys nee'm my Vea y leeideil. Ta fys aym cre ta Jee er harey dou, as ta mee kiarail dy firrinagh y chooilleeney eh.

Bee'm, ayns y chied Ynnyd, biallagh da ny Saraghyn lowal ocfvn t'er my skyn, as erskyn ooilley dauefyn ta curmit lesh Kiarail my Annym. Ta mee dy fhickyr kiarit ayns ooilley my Ghellal dy chooinaghtyn er y Sarey t'er ny

I will, in the first Place, be obedient to the lawful Commands of my Superiors, and especially to those who watch for my Soul. I do fincerely purpose in all my Dealings to remember the Command given me by my Saviour,-----Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy- choyrt dou liorish my laualfelf.And therefore I will tagh, -Ver oo Graib da dty make a Confcience of doing Naboo myr dhyt hene.-.--As the leaft Wrong to any Man; shen-y-fa cha lhig my Chooin-of using any Deceit, or fheanse dou yn Aggair loo y Fraud, or Oppression; or of yannoo da Dooinney erbee ;taking Advantage of the Igno- dy yannoo Foalfaght ny Molrance, Mistakes, or Neceffity of teyraght, ny Tranlaafe; ny my Neighbour; knowing af- goaill Vondeish jeh Mee-hubfuredly, that he who wrongs tey, Marranys, ny Ymmyrch, his Neighbour does the great-my Naboo; dy shickyr toig


est Injury to himself. And | gal, dy vel eshyn ta jannoo Ag. if at any time I am convinced, gair da e Naboo, jannoo yn that I have done him any Aggair smoo da hene.-As Wrong, I will make him Satisfaction, as far as I am able, without being forced by Law, --To do unto others what I would they should do to me.

my yioym ec Traa erbee Toiggal firrinagh, dy vel mee er n'yannoo veg yn Aggair da, nee'm Lhiassaghey da gys Rere my Phooar, fegooish ve eginit liorish y Leigh,-Dy yannoo rish feallagh elley myr baillym ad dy yannoo rhym.

To this End, I will endeaAs dy yannoo shoh, nee'm vour to live peaceably and cha- my chooid share dy veaghey ritably with all People; -a- ayns Shee as Giastyllys rish dy voiding all Malice, and Re- chooilley Ghooinney;-shaghvenge, and Evil-speaking, and ney wheesh as oddym dy Contention, as much as possibly chooilley Ghoanlys, as Cooilleen I can. And I will speak the Olk fon Olk, as Cooyl-chaffid, as Truth at all times: and especi- Anvea.---As loayr-ym yn Irrinally when I am called to my Oath, whether it be for or against my worldly Interest.

ey ec dy chooilley Hraa: as erskyn ooilley tra vee'm eit gys my Loo, edyr eh ve tesh ny noi my Chosney seihltagh.


AS TO THE DUTY I OWE ΤΟ MYSELF,-----I am convinced, that-----my first and HENE,---Ta mee credjal ayns great Concern ought to be,--To take care of my Soul.

my Chree,---Dy lhisagh eh 've yn chied as y Chiarail vooar aym,---Dy ghoaill Kiarail jeh my Annym bene.

Shen-y-fa ta mee dy shickyr kiarail dy leeideil Bea chrauee, myr lhifagh Fer fo Briwnys baaish,---Dy ve sheelt, fock

I do therefore stedfastly purpose to lead a forious Life, as one under the Sentence of Death ought to do,---To be Sober, Temperate, and Chaste; yragh, as glen ayns cree; tra

that, when I die, I may be admitted into the Paradise of God, where no unclean Thing must enter.

To this End, I resolve to

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yioym Baafe, dy voddym ve goit stiagh ayns Pargeiys Yee, raad nagh vel Nhee erbee neughlen goit stiagh.

Er-yn-oyr shoh, ta mee kiakeep

keep a Watch over myself, that I may avoid all fuch Company, fuch Pleafures and Diversions, as may make me lose the Remembrance of Death, and the Account I must give.

I will endeavour to be content with my Condition, not coveting what is another Man's, neither envying the Prosperity, nor taking Pleasure in the Calamities, of my Neighbour.

And forafmuch as a Life of Idleness and Luxury is hateful to God, I will strive to do my Duty in the State of Life, in which his Providence has placed me; not flattering myself, that I do no Evil, when I do no Good in my Generation,----left the Sentence upon the unfruitful Tree be passed upon me,---Cut it down, why cumbereth it the Ground?

These Duties I will endeavour to perform, as a Proof of the Love and Reverence I bear to God, who is so good as to accept of my Repentance, and a fincere, tho' imperfect Obedience.

And if through Weakness, Temptation, or fudden Surprize, I shall be fo unhappy as to forget any of these Resolutions,

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As fon wheesh as dy vel Bea litcheragh, as Soaïlid, dwoaiagh gys Jee, nee'm streeu dy chooilleeney my Churrym, ayns y Stayd Bea shen, ayn ta e Ard-chiarail er my hoiaghey; cha'nee dy volley mee hene lesh Smooinaghtyn, nagh vel mee jannoo veg yn Olk, tra nagh vel mee jannoo veg y Vie ayns my Heeloghe, er-aggle dy bee Briwnys y Villey neu - veffoil currit orrym,--Giare sheese eb, cre'n-fa te goaill feofe room Hallooin?

Ny Curmyn shoh neem's streeu dy chooilleeney, myr Prowal jeh'n Ghraih, as jeh'n Arrym ta mee cur da Jee, eh ta cha mie as dy yannoo Soiaghey jeh my Arrys, as jeh my Viallys giare agh ynrick.

As my haghyrys dou trooid Annooinid, trooid Miolaghey, ny Doal - taittym, ve cha meevaynrey as dy yarrood veg jeh and

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