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upon you, and despise not as ny jean beg y hoiaghey jeh the Goodness and Forbear- Mieys as Surranse-foddey Yee, ance of God, which is de- ta kiarit dy leeideil oo gys Ar. figned to lead you to Re- rys.


If you ask when you are My enys oo cre'n Traa tou to begin this neceffary Work, dy yannoo Toshiaght er yn Ob(if it is not already begun) byr ymmyrchagh shoh (manthe Answer is short: nagh vel Toshiaght hannah The very Moment you afk jeant er) ta'n Anfoor giare; the Question; and this, 'Syn eer Shallid shoh t'ou febecause, if you find an Un- naght y Question;-as shen, erwillingness in yourself to set yn-oyr, my t'ou gennaghtyn about it now, that Unwil- Neu-arryltys aynyd hene dy lingness will every Day in-gholl mygeayrt-y-mysh ec y crease: Very probably you Traa t'ayn, dy jean yn Neuwill never repent, unless God arryltys shen bishaghey dy by his Judgements, or by chooilley Laa: Feer laik nagh

the Sight of Death, shews you your fad Error, when it may be too late to be of any real Ufe to you.


gow dy bragh Arrys, mannagh jean Jee liorish e Vriwnyssyn, ny liorish shilley jeh'n Vaase, jeeaghyn dty Haghrynys treih dhyt, tra oddys eh ve ro-anmagh dy ve jeh Foays firrinagh


Now, if these ConfideraNish, my nee ny smooinaghtions affect your Heart, as tyn shoh goaill Greme er dty sure they will, if you have Chree, myr son shickyrys nee any Regard for your Salva- ad, my ta monney erbee dy tion, represent your Defires Chiarail ort fon dty Haualtys, to God in some fuch Words cheb seose dty Yeearreeyn gys as these following: Jee ayns lheid ny Goan shoh:



BLESSED be God, who by BANNIT dy

row Jee, ta lio

Ghrayse, as liorish

Grace, by the Voice of his Church hath Goo e Agglish er n'eamagh called me to Repentance! Dif- orrym gys Arrys! Soilfhee cover to me, O thou Search-dou, O uss ta ronfaghny Cree



er of Hearts, the Charge | aghyn, yn Coontey ta m'oi, dy that is against me, that I voddym toiggal as goaill-rish, may know and confess, and as treigeil ny Peccaghyn ta forsake, the Sins I have fallen mee er huittym ayndoo.--Cur into Give me that true dooys yn Arrys firrinagh shen Repentance, to which thou da ťou er n'ghialdyn Myghin hast promised Mercy and as Pardoon, dy voddym my Pardon, that I may amend Vea y lhiafsfaghey raad ta mee where I have done amiss, er n'yannoo ass y Raad, as nagh and that Iniquity may not bee Mee-chairys yn Toyrtmow be my Ruin. And, O aym.-As, O ufs yn Er-bannit blessed Advocate, who ever ta eddyr shin as Jee, ta dy livest to make Intercession bragh bio dy chosney Parfor us, I put my Caufe in- doon er nyn fon, ta mee coyrt to thy Hands; let thy Blood my Chooish ayns dty Laueyn, and Merits plead for me, and by thy mighty Interceffion procure for me the Pardon of my past Offences:That thou mayest say unto me, as thou didst unto the Penitent in the Gospel, -Thy Sins are forgiven;-fo that I may go with a quiet Conscience to thy Holy Table. Amen.

lhig da dty Uill as dty Hoilchinys loayrt er my hon, as liorish dty Phleadeil niartal fow Leih dooys fon ooilley my Pheccaghyn :-Dy vod oo gra rhyms myr dooyrt oo rish yn Arryssagh ayns y Tufhtal,-Ta dty Pheccaghyn er nyn leih dhyt;---myr shen dy voddym goll lesh Cooinsheanse sheeoil gys dty Voayrd casherick. A

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may afterwards glorify him by an Holy Christian Life,

And as he delivered the People of Ifrael from Bondage, not that they might do what was right in their own Eyes, but that, becoming an holy Nation, they might be an Honour to their Deliverer,---Deut. xix. 5. Even fo Chrift hath redeemed us from the Bondage of Sin and Satan, that he might redeem us from this present evil World, and purify unto himself a People zealous of good Works.

And as the former perished, that is, all fuch as did not answer the End of their Deliverance, so most surely shall we do, if we do not obey our Redeemer.

Your Duty to God, your Neighbour, and Yourself, you have known from a Child: -Be affured of it, you will meet with Temptations from the Devil, the World, and your own corrupt Heart, both to neglect and transgress the Commands of God.

It will be absolutely necefsary therefore, that you arm yourself betimes, both with holy Resolutions, and with this holy Ordinance, which you are

shoh, dy jean mayd veih'n Traa shen magh eh y ghloyraghey lesh Bea Chasherick Chreestee.

As myr ren eh Pobble If rael y livrey veih Bondiaght, cha nee dy row ad dy yannoo shen va cairal ayns ny Sooillyn oc hene, agh, erreish daue v'er jeet dy ve Afhoon casherick, dy voddagh ad ve fon Ard-ghloyr Dasyn ren ad y livrey.-Deut. xix. 5.-Dy jarroo myr shen ta Creeft er eaysley shinyn veih Bondiaght Peccah as Noid ny Hanmey, dy livrey shin veih'n Seihll vee-chrauee shoh, as dy chasherickey da hene Pobble jeean ayns Obbraghyn mie.

As myr ren Pobble Ifrael cherraghtyn, ta shen dy ghra, Adfyn ooilley nagh ren ganfoor yn Oyr v'ad livreit er y hon, myrgeddin son shickyrys nee shinyn, mannagh bee mayd biallagh da nyn Ver-kionnee.

Dty Churrym gys Jee, gys dty Naboo, as Hood-hene, ta Toiggal er ve ayd jeh neayr's vou dty Lhiannoo:-Bee shickyr jeh, dy meet oo rish Miolaghyn veih'n Drogh-spyrryd, veih'n Seibll, as veih dty Chree Molteyragh hene, chammah dy yannoo Meerioose er as dy vrishey Annaghyn Yee. Shen-y-fa bee eh ymmyrchagh erskyn dy chooilley Nhee dhyt, nish ayns dty Aegid dy niartaghey oo hene, chammah lesh Gialdinyn crauee, preparing

preparing to go to, that you may be able, through the Grace of God, to go on in the Way of Salvation.

Now your Duty to God is, -To believe in him, to Fear, and Love him, with all your Heart and Soul; forafmuch as you stand indebted to him for all you have, or value, or hope for, in this, or the next Life.


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as lesh yn Oardaghey calberick shoh, t'ou nish aarloo er y hon, dy vod oo, trooid Grayse Yee, goll er dty Hofhiaght ayns y Raad dy Haualtys.

Nish shob dty Churrym gys Fee, Dy chredjal ayn, dy ghoaill Aggle roish, as dy chur Graib da lesh ooilley dty Chres as dty Annym; fon wheesh as dy nee dasyn t'ou fo Lhiastynys fon ooilley ny t'ayd, ny shen smoo t'ou foiaghey jeh, ny jer. kal rish, ayns y Vea sbob, ny'n Vea ta ry heet.

Do but consider how you Smooinee ayns dty Chree would behave yourself, if you kys yinnagh oo oo-hene y ym were but half so much o- myrkey, dy beagh oo ayns lich bliged to any Man on Earth; wheesh dy Lhiastynys da -How dearly would you Dooinney erbee 'fy Theihll;love him?----How often would Cre'n Ghraib jeean yinnagh oo you think of him? - How da?-Cre cha mennick as yinoften would you strive to nagh oo gimraa er?-Cre cha please him? How would mennick as veagh oo aggindagh you be grieved, if you should dy phleafal eh? ----Cre cha be so unhappy as to offend seaghnit as veagh oo, dy daghhim? How foon and ear-yragh dhyt ve cha mee vaynnestly would you beg his rey as dy chur Corree er?--Pardon to be restored to his Cre cha leah as cre cha jeean Favour? hirragh oo Leih er as dy ve goit ftiagh reefht ayns Foayr rish ?

Now, if you thus love God, it will appear in fuch Instances as these: You will have a very great Regard for every thing that belongs to him.---You will not use his Name to any idle or wicked Purpose.

Nish, my vees oo myr shoh graihagh er Jee, bee eh ry-akin ayns lheid ny Aghtyn shoh: Bee Arrym creeoil ayd da dagh Nhee ta bentyn da.---Cha gow yn Ennym echey ayns Fardail ayns Ccoish olk ny fardalagh

-You will religioufly ob- erbce. Nee oo dy crauee ferve ferve the Day confecrated to freayll y Laa t'er ny chashehis Honour and Service. rickey gys e Ooashley as c You will carefully attend the Hirveish. Nee oo dy kiaraHouse and Worship of God; lagh taaghey Thie as Ooashley -----And behave yourself with Yee; -As oo hene y ymmyrkReverence and Devotion, while ey lesh Arrym as Craueeaght, you are in his Prefence. You choud as t'ou 'fyn Eanish ecwill hear his Word with Atten- hey.-Nee oo geaifhtagh rish tion, and have a great Regard e Ghoo dy tastagh, as ver oo for his Ordinances, and for Ard-ammys da ny Oardaghyn the Perfons whom he hath ap- echey, as da ny Perfoonyn pointed to administer them. t'eh er phointeil dy hirveish

If you truly fear God, you will part with any thing as dear as a right Hand, or a right Eye, rather than prowoke Him, who can destroy both Body and Soul in Hell.


My ta Graih firrinagh ayd er Jee, nee oo fcarrey rish Nhee erbee ta cha deyr as dty Laueyesh, ny dty Hooill-yesh, roish my jean oo eshyn y vrasnaghey, oddys stroie chammah Corp as Annym ayns Niurin.

My t'ou credjal dy vel Efhyn Bun dy chooilley Vieys, gowee oo Padjer huggey gagh Laa.-As my t'ou cur dty flane Treifh teil ayns Fee, myr te dty Churrym dy yannoo,-nee oo ny

If you believe Him to be the Fountain of all Good, you will pray to Him daily. And if you put your whole Trust in God, as it is your Duty to do, you will endeavour to be pleased with oddys oo dy ve booiagh lesh all his Dealings with you.-- ooilley ny Aghtyn t'eh goaill You will never murmur at rhyt.---Cha jean oo dy bragh the Ways of his Providence, plaiynt er Raaidyn e Chiarail nor fuffer your Heart to fret flaunyssagh, ny furranse dty against the Lord. And ef- Chree dy hallagh noi'n Chiarn. pecially you will never at- ---As erskyn ooilley cha jean tempt to better or fecure oo dy bragh goaill ayns Laue your Condition by any evil Ways;----Believing assuredly, that God can and will make you full Amends in the next Life, for what you want or

dy yannoo dty Stayd-beaghee ny share, ny ny fhickyree, liorish Dellal neu-chairagh erbee; ---Credjal er son shickyrys, liorish ginjillaghey oo hene gys


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