were admitted into the Congregation of Christ's Flock,were restored to the Favour of God, and had the Holy Spirit communicated to you, for a Principle of a new and spiritual Life; in order to awaken you, and to direct and assist that natural Reason, with which God has endued all Mankind. But forasmuch as you have done many Things contrary to the Promise made in your Name, when you were baptized, and will stand in need of greater Degrees of Grace and Assistance, to enable you to refift the Temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, and to do your Duty in that State of Life, unto which the Providence of God shall call you: -You are therefore now called upon to be Partaker of the other Sacrament, That of the LORD'S SUPPER; by which, upon your fincere Repentance, you may obtain the Pardon of all your past Sins, and fuch other Graces as you stand in need of, to bring you to eternal Life and Happiness. Take care therefore, that you understand what you are called to as well as you are able, and God expects no more. dty ghoaill stiagh ayns Sheshaght Shioltane Chreeft,--troggit reefht gys Foayr Yee,--as Bree yn Spyrryd Noo er ny choyrt dhyt fon Undin as Toshiaght dy Vea noa as spyrrydoil; dy ghreinnaghey oo, as dy leeideil as dy niartaghey yn Refoon dooghyfsagh then, lesh ta Jee er choamrey ooilley Sheel naue. Agh fon wheesh as dy vel oo er n'yannoo ymmodee Reddyn noi yn Ghialdyn va jeant ayns dty Ennym ec dty Vashtey,-as dy bee oo feme towse smoo dy Ghrayse as dy Chooney, dy niartaghey oo dy hafsfoo magh noi Miolaghyn y Theihll, yn Eill, as y Drogh-spyrryd, as dy yannoo dty Churrym ayns y Stayd shen dy Vea, huggey nee Ard-chiarail Yee geamagh ort: - T'ou nish er-y-fa shen er dty chuirrey dy ghoaill Ayrn jeh'n Sacrament elley, SACRAMENT SHIBBER Y CHIARN; liorish shen my nee oo Arrys firrinagh y ghoaill, foddee oo Leih y gheddyn fon ooilley ny Peccaghyn t'ou rieau er n'yannoo, as lheid ny Grayseyn elley ta feme ayd orroo, dy leeideil oo gys y Vea veayn as Maynrys dy bragh farraghtyn. Shen-y fa gow Kiarail, dy hoiggal chammah as oddys oo [yn Oardaghey Casherick shen huggey t'ou er dty eam, as ny smoo cha vel Jee dy hirrey.--For For if you go to the Lord's Supper without confidering the Reafon of that Ordinance, and the very great Concern you have in it, without feeing the Neceffity and Blessing of a Redeemer, you will go with Indifference, and return without fuch Benefit as you might otherwife hope for. Son my t'ou goll gys Shibber y Chiarn fegooish Toiggal cooie ayd jeh'n Oardaghey shen, as y Cofney feer vooar ta ayd liorish, -gyn tastey ayd jeh Ymmyrch as Bannaght Ferkionnee, hed oo gys y Chreeftiaght lesh beggan Scansh, as chyndaa-ee oo veih fegooish lheid y Vondeish as oddagh oo er aght elley treifhteil er y hon. Dy haghney shoh lhifagh oo To prevent this you should seriously confider what Ac- fmooinaghtyn dy dowin er y count the Holy Scriptures Coontey ta Goo Casherick Yee have given us of the Conditioner chur dooin jeh'n Stayd ta we are in, both with respect to this Life, and the Life which is to come. That is,That we are by Nature Sinners: and that, as such, God cannot take Pleafure in us:-And that if we die, before we are restored to his Favour, we shall be separated from him, and miferable for ever. This will lead you to inquire, how the Nature of Man came to be thus disordered, and prone to Evil; for you must not imagine, that God, who is infinitely good, created Man in such a State of Corruption, as you now fee and feel him to be in; but that he must have fallen into this wretched Condition, fince he came out of the Hands of his Creator. shin ayn, chammah 'sy Vea shoh, as jeh shen ta ry-heet. Ta shen dy ghra, Liorish Dooghys dy vel shin Peccee: as myr ta shin Peccee, nagh vod Jee Taitnys y ghoaill aynin:As my yiow mayd Baafe roish my jig mayd ayns Foayr rish, dy bee mayd er nyn scarrey veih, as ayns Treihys er son dy bragh. Leeidee shoh oo dy vriaght, kys haink Dooghys Dooinney gys y Stayd varvaanagh shoh, as aggindagh er Olk; fon cha nhegin dhyt smooinaghtyn, dy ren Jee, ta erskyn-earroo mie, Dooinney y chroo ayns lheid y Stayd pheccoil, as t'ou nifh fakin as gennaghtyn eh nish dy ve ayn; agh dy nhegin da ve er huittym ayns y Stayd hreih shoh, lurg da v'er jeet afs Laue yn e Er-croo. A 1 And so the Scripture informs us.--In the third Chapter of Genesis, we have this following Account of the State of Man, Before, and After the Fall: That Adam and Eve, from whom sprang all Mankind, were created in the Image of God; that is, holy and innocent, having a perfect Knowledge of their Duty, a Command of their Will and Affections, and a Power, through the Grace of God, to do what they faw fit to be done. In this Condition they were placed in Paradise, in a State of Trial, with a Promise of im mortal Life and Happiness, if they should continue to Fear, to Love, to Honour and Obey their Creator; as also, with an express Warning of the dreadful Confequence of their Difobedience. Notwithstanding which Warning, they, through the Temptation of the Devil, tranfgreffed the Commands of God; and by doing fo, they did not only forfeit all Right to the Promife of eternal Life and Happiness, but also contracted fuch a Blindness in the Understanding, fuch a Disorder in their Will and Affections, as all their Pofterity feel to their Sorrow; and became fubject to Sin, and the Punishment of As myr shen ta Goo Yee ginsh dooin. Ayns y trass Chabdil jeh Lioar Genesis, ta'n Coontey shoh ain jeh Stayd Dooinney, Roish, as Lurg da tuittym ayns Peccah : Dy row Adam as Aue, jeu rug ooilley Sheelnaue, er nyn groo ayns Caflys Yee; ta shen, casherick as gyn - loght, lesh Tushtey firrinagh jeh nyn Gurrym, lesh Smaght harrish nyn Aigney as nyn Yeearreeyn, as Pooar trooid Grayse Yee, dy yannoo shen heeagh ad cooie dy ve jeant. Ayns y Stayd shoh v'ad soit ayns Pargeiys, er-chee dy phrowalad, lesh Gialdyn jeh Bea veayn as Maynrys, my yinnagh adtannaghtyn dy ghoaill Aggle roish, dy chur Graib, Ooashley as Biallys da nyn Ver - croo; lesh Raaue geyre myrgeddin jeh'n Jerrey atchimagh harragh er nyn Mee-viallys. Agh fon ooilley yn Raaue shoh, ren ad, trooid Miolaghey yn Drogh-fpyrryd, Saraghyn Yee y vrishey; as liorish shen y yannoo, cha ren ad ny lomarcan coayll dy chooilley Chairys gys y Gialdyn jeh Bea as Maynrys dy bragh farraghtyn, agh ren ad myrgeddin tuittym fo lheid y Deillid ayns nyn Dushtey, fo lheid y Vee-reiltys ayns nyn Aigney as nyn Yeearreeyn, as ta ooilley nyn Sluight gennaghtyn gys nyn Drimshey; Sin, 1 Sin, which is Misery and Death. as haink ad dy ve fo Reill as Kerraghey Peccah, quoid ta Treihys as Baafe. Mychione Dooghys as Mooadys y Pheccah shoh, she Concerning the Nature and Greatness of this Sin, we are to judge of it by the Great-gin dooin briwnys, liorish ness of the Punishment inflicted upon them and their Pofterity: -For God, being infinitely Just and Holy, could not inflict a Punishment greater than their Sin deferved. Now this was the Occafion of that universal Corruption and Wickedness, which you fee and hear of in the World, and which you cannot but, in fome Meafure, feel in your own Nature: For, as the Scripture informs us, Gen. v. 3. Adam begat his Children in his own Likeness; that is, with fuch a depraved Nature as his was then become. And now confider into what a fad Condition these unhappy Offenders had brought themselves, and remember that this is your own Condition, and the Condition of all their Posterity. The Law of Nature and Reason was still in Force, and could not possibly be dispensed with. At the fame Time they found by fad Experience, That, as St. Paul describes the fallen State of Man, there was Mooadys y Cherraghey hie er cur orroo hene as nyn Sheeloghe:---Son cha voddagh Fee, ta erskyn earroo Cairal as Casherick, Kerraghey s'trimmey y chur orroo na va nyn Beccah er hoil chin. Nish shoh va Oyr as Bun ooilley yn Olk as y Vee-chraueeaght shen fey-ny-cruinney, t'ou fakin as clashtyn jeh ayns y Theihll, as shoh cha vod oo agh gennaghtyn, ayns Ayrn, ayns dty Ghooghys hene:-----Son myr ta Goo Yee ginsh dooin ayns Lioar Genesis v. 3. Hooar Adam e Chloan ayns e Chaslys bene; ta shen, lesh lheid y Dooghys peccoil as v'eh hene nish ayn. As nish smooinee uss dy dowin er, cre'n Stayd hrimshagh va ny Peccee mee-vaynrey shoh er hayrn ad hene ayn, as cooinee dy nee Shob dtv Stayd hene, as Stayd ooilley nyn Sheeloghe. Va Leigh Dooghys as Refoon foaft ayns flane Bree, as cha voddagh eh er aght erbee ve currit dy lhiattee. Ec у Traa cheddin dennee ad liorish Prowal hrimshagh, myr ta'n Noo Paul cur Coontey jeh a • Law in their Members warring against the Law of their Mind; so that the Good which they would, they did not; but the Evil that they would not, that they did, Rom. vii. There could not sure be a Condition more deplorable than this: To live only to contract evil Habits; and by doing so, To increase their Guilt, To difplease their Creator,-and, To leave an Offspring as miferable as themselves. This therefore gave Occafion to God to manifeft another of his most glorious Perfections, that is, his infinite Goodness and Mercy. For God foreseeing this lamentable Condition into which they had fallen by departing from their Obedience, his Goodness had provided such a Remedy, as that neither they, nor any of their Posterity, should, on account of their Fall, be eternally miferable, except through their own Fault. He, therefore, in Consideration of a Redeemer, one of the Seed of the Woman, who should make full Satisfaction to the Divine Justice for their Tranfgreffion, and who should bruise the Head, or break the Power, of that Serpent, (the Stayd Dooinney ayns Peccah, Dy row Leigh ayns ny Oltyn oc caggey noi Leigh nyn Aigney; myr shen yn Vie bailliu, shen cha ren ad; agh yn Olk nagh baitliu, shen ren ad, Rom. vii. Son shickyrys cha voddagh Stayd s'trimshee na shoh y ve: ----'Sy Vea shoh ynrycan dy gheddyn drogh Qashyn; as lioroo shen,----Dy vishaghey nyn Beccah,----Dy chur Jymmoose er nyn Ver-croo,as, Dy aagail sluight nyn yei cha treih roo hene. Shoh er-y-fa fhen hug Oyr da Jee dy hoilshaghey [da'n Theihll] Ayrn elley jeh e Ghooghys smoo gloyroil, ta then, e Vieys as e Vygbin erskyn earroo. Son myr honnick Jee ro-laue yn Stayd hreih shoh, ayn v'ad er huittym liorish nyn Mee-viallys, va'n Vieys echey er chiarail lheid y Saase shen dy Haualtys, nagh blhiass edyr daue hene, ny da veg jeh nyn Sheeloghe ve ayns Treihys dy bragh farraghtyn, kyndagh rish yn Peccah oefyn, agh trooid yn Foill oc hene. Shen-y-fa er coontey Ferkionnee, Dooinney jeh fluight y Ven, yinnagh Lhiassaghey flane da Cairys Yee fon nyn Beccah, as vrooagh Kione, ny vrishagh Pooar, yn Ard-nieu shen (yn Jouyl) ren ad y violaghey gys Peccah; -Er coontey'n Sluight Devil) |