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Thou canst secure us in the derrey yeh da'n jeh elley.---
Day of Temptation, and de- Foddee uss fendeil thin ayns
liver us from the Power of Laa yn Violaghey, as shin y
the Devil: To Thee, to livrey veih Pooar y Drogh-
Thee alone, be the Glory to spyrryd:---Hood's, Hood's dty
all Eternity. Amen.
lomarcan, dy row Gloyr fon

dy bragh. Amen.



Let fome one of the Family, that can read, say devoutly what followeth, the rest attending.



HE Lord hath brought fafe to the beginning of this Day; let us therefore give Thanks for this, and for all his Mercies.

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A'N Chiarn er chur fhin dy sauchey gys Toshiaght y Laa shoh; fhen-y-fa lhig dooin Booife y choyrt son shoh, as fon ooilley e Vyghinyn.

Let us pray, that we may Lhig dooin guee, dy vod live in the Fear of God, mayd beaghey ayns Aggle and continue in Love and Yee, as tannaghtyn ayns Graih Charity with our Neigh- as Giastyllys rith nyn Naboo



That his Holy Spirit may direct and rule our Hearts, teaching us what we ought to do, and what to avoid.

Dy vod y Spyrryd Casherick echeysyn nyn Greeaghyn y leeideil as y reill, gynsaghey dooin cre thisagh thin y yannoo, as cre veih lhifagh shin

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That the Grace of God Dy vod Grayse Yee ve dy may ever be with us, to kinjagh marin, dy niartaghey support us in all Dangers, Ihien to dy chooilley Ghade,


and carry us through all | dy nyn ymmyrkey trooid dy Temptations. chooilley Violagh.

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Dy jean y Chiarn ooilley nyn Obbraghyn onneragh y vannaghey, as shin y yannoo booiagh lesh Cre-erbee nee yn Ard-chiarail echeysyn goardrail nyn gour.

As dy vod mayd tannaghtyn nyn Sharvaantyn firrinagh dasyn yn Laa t'ayn jiu, as gys Jerrey nyn Seihll.

Son ooilley ny Bannaghtyn shoh lhig dooin dy crauee guee.

Then all devoutly kneeling, let Eisht ooilley tuittym fheese dy imlee er nyn Ghlioonyn, lhig da unnane gra:

one fay:

O Yee, liort's ta'n Seihll

ooilley er ny reill as er ny choadey, ta shin cur Booise imlee dhyt fon dty Chiarail Ayroil barrin; guee ort dy

GOD, by whom the whole World is governed and preferved, we give Thee humble Thanks for thy Fatherly Care over us; befeeching Thee to make us chur Tushtey firrinagh dooin truly fenfible of thy Mer-jeh ooilley dty Vyghinyn, as cies, and thankful for them. ❘ dy ve booisal er nyn fon.

Give us Grace, that we Cur dooin Grayse, dy vod may walk as in thy Sight, mayd gimmeeaght myr ayns making a Confcience of our dty Hilley's, lesh Cooinsheanfe Ways; and fearing to offend Thee, may never fall into the Sins we have repented of.

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vie reill nyn Raaidyn; as goaill Aggle dy chur Jymmoofe ort, nagh jyndaa mayd reefht gys ny Peccaghyn, er nyn son ta shin er ve arryffagh.

Niartee shin dy haffoo magh noi Miolaghyn y Theihll, yn Eill as y Drogh-fpyrryd;-Dy eiyrt er Leeideitys y Spyrryd mie ayd's;---Dy ve taftagh, 28



be ferious and holy in our Lives; true and just in our dealings; watchful o ver our Thoughts, Words, and Actions; diligent in our Business; And temperate in all Things.

May thy Blessing be upon our Perfons, upon our Labours, upon our Substance, and upon all that belongs to us!

Give us Grace, that we may honestly improve all the Talents which thou hast committed to our Trust: -And that no worldly Business, no worldly Pleafures, may divert us from the Thoughts of the Life to


Make us sensible and thankful for all thy Favours ---and mindful of the Wants of others.

By thy mighty Power defend us in all the Affaults of our Enemies: And grant that this Day we fall into no Sin, neither run into any kind of Danger; but that all our Doings may be ordered by thy Governance, to do always that is righte-1 ous in thy Sight,

crauee ayns nyn Mea;----firrinagh as jeeragh ayns nyn Ghellal;---kiaralagh harrith ooilley nyn Smooinaghtyn, Goan as Jannoo ;----jeidjagh ayns nyn Obbyr, as Jheelt ayns dy chooilley Nhee.

Lhig da dty Vannaght 've orrin hene,---er nyn Laboraght, ---er nyn Gooid, as er ooilley ny ta bentyn dooin!'

Cur dooin Grayse, dy vod mayd dy onneragh yn Chooid share y yannoo jeh ooilley, ny Talentyn t'ou er hreishteil or. rin: - As nagh jean Obbyr erbee seihltagh, ny Eunyssyn feihltagh erbee shin y chleayney veih smooinaghtyn er y Vea ta ry heet,

Cur orrin dy ve toiggalagh jeh as booisal fon ooilley dty Chenjallys, -as Ennaghtyn y ve ain fon Egin ny Ymmyr


Liorish dty Phooar niartal jean shin y endeil ayns dy chooilley Hoiaghey orrin jeh nyn Noidyn: As giall nagh duitt mayd jiu ayns Peccah erbee, chamoo nagh roie mayd ayns Monney erbee dy Ghaue; agh dy vod ooilley nyn Yan. noo ve oardrit liorish dty reills, dy yannoo dy bragh then ta cairal ayns dty Hilley.

May our gracious God Dy der nyn Yee grayfoil give us what is needful for dooin cre-erbee ta ymmyrchus, and Grace not to abule [agh er nyn ton, as Grayse nagh his Favours; and, withal, jean mayd Drogh-ymmyd y give us contented Minds! yannoo jeh e Vannagntyn; as myrgeddin dy der eh dooin Aignaghyn dy ve booiagh lesh ny ta ain!


Give us in this World the Knowledge of his Truth, and in the World to come Life everlasting! Amen.

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Dy der eh dooin 'fy Theihll shoh Tushtey jeh e Ynrickys, as ayns y Theihll ta ry heet y Vea dy bragh farraghtyn! Amen.

Lafht rooin, O Yee, cha nee cordail rish y Tushtey annoon ainyn, agh cordail rish flane Bree y Phadjer shen ta Yeesey Creest er n'ynsaghey

Understanding, but accord-
ing to the full Meaning of
that Form of Prayer which
Jesus Christ hath taught us; dooin.



UR Father which art 0 YR ain t'ayns Niau; in Heaven; Hallowed sherick dy row dty Enbe thy Name. Thy King-nym. Dy jig dty Reeriaght. dom come. Thy Will be Dty Aigney dy row jeant er y done in Earth, as it is in Thalloo, myr te ayns Niau. Heaven. Give us this Day Cur dooin nyn Arran jiu as our daily Bread. And for- gagh-laa. As leih dooin nyn give us our Trespasses, as Loghtyn, myr ta shin leih we forgive them that tref- dauesyn ta jannoo Loghtyn nyn pass against us. And lead 'oi. As ny leeid thin ayns us not into Temptation. But Miolagh; Agh livrey thin veih deliver us from Evil; For Olk. Son lhiat's y Reeriaght, thine is the Kingdom, and as y Phooar, as y Ghloyr, fon the Power, and the Glory, dy bragh as dy bragh. Amen. for ever and ever.



HE Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore. Amen.

Rayse nyn Jiarn Yeeley

Creeft, as Graih Yee, as

Sheshaght gherjoil y Spyrryd Noo dy row marin ooilley er fon dý bragh. Amen.


On Sunday Morning, let the Er Moghrey Jia-doonee lhig following Prayer be added to your daily Prayers.

LORD, who haft con-
fecrated this good Day

da'n Phadjer shob heese ve er ny ghra marih nyn Badjer. yn fon gagh-laa.

Hiarn, t'er chasherickey

yn Laa mie shoh gys dty Hirveish hene, cur Grayse dooinyn myr shen dy reayll eh, dy vod eh ve Toshiaght Shiaghtin vannee dooin; as nagh duitt veg jeh dty Vriwnyssyn orrin son y vrishey eh. Soie ayns nyn Greeaghyn yn Raa

to thy Service, give us Grace so to observe it, that it may be the Beginning of a happy Week to us, and that none of thy Judge ments may fall upon us for profaning it. Fix in our Hearts this great Truth, mooar firrinagh shoh, Nagh that here we have no abiding vel ain ayns shoh Ynnyd-vaghee Place, that we may feriously tannaghtyn erbee, dy vod mayd and timely provide for ano- dy creeney as ayns Traa kiarther Life; and grant that ail fon Bea elley; as giall dy this great Concern may make vod yn Obbyr vooar shoh cur us very defirous to learn our Duty, and to do what thou requirest of us. And blessed be God, that we have Churches to go to; that we have Time to ferve our Creator; that we have Pastors to teach us. The chillyn-anmey ain dy nyn ynLord profper their Labours, and give us Grace to profit by them; that they and we may enjoy an everlasting Sabbath with thy Saints in Heaven, for Jesus Christ's Sake, Amen.

orrin ve feer aggindagh dy ynfaghey nyn Gurrym, as dy yannoo ny t'ou uss dy harey dooin. As bannit dy row Jee, dy vel Kialteenyn ain dy haaghey; Dy vel Traa ain dy hirveish nyn Ver-croo; Dy vel Bo

saghey. Dy bishee yn Chiarn yn Laboraght oc, as dy der eh Grayse dooinyn dy gheddyn Vondeish lioroo; dy vod adsyn as shinyn Doonaght vees dy bragh farraghtyn y chofney, marish dty Nooghyn ayns Niau, fon Graih Yeesey Creeft. Amen.



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