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FTER you have received, and are returned to your Seat, you may (as you have Time) continue your Devotions.

And remember, that now is the proper Season to beg of God the Graces and Blessings you most defire; whether for Yourself, for your Friends, ---or for your Enemies, who should always have a Place in your Prayers.

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Ayns y Cheeill, ny ec y Thie.


URG dhyt v'er ghoaill y Chreestiaght, as er hyndaa gys dty Seat, foddee oo, (myr ta Traa ayd) goll er dty hoshiaght lesh dty Phadjeryn.

As cooinee, dy nee nish y Traa cair dy ghuee gys Jee fon ny Grayseyn as ny Bannaghtyn smoo t'ou dy yeearree; edyr Dhyt hene,----da dty Chaarjyn, ny da dty Noidyn, ad lhifagh dy kinjagh v'er nyn enmys ayns dty Phadjeryn.

As ny bee ayns veg yn Imnea fon Goan cooie dy hoilshaghey Yeearreeyn dty Chree.

And be not under any Concern for fuitable Words to make known the Defires of your Heart. God is our She Fee nyn Ayr, as toiggee eh Father, and will understand | Smooinaghtyn e Chlienney, ga his Childrens Meaning, how-nagh vel eh cheet lhieu dy floaoil ever imperfectly expressed. dy ockley magh ad.--Ta fys ayd ----You know how the hum-kys va'n Publican imlee er ny


ble Publican was heard, tho' he said no more than-----God be merciful unto me a Sinner.

chlashtyn, ga nagh dooyrt eh arragh agh---Dy row Fee myghinagh dooys ta my Ghooinney peccoil.

The following Scriptures, Nee ny Scriptyryn ta mee and the Meditations upon nish cur royd, as yn Ynsaghey them, may help your Devo- cheet voue, cooney lesh dty tions, either now, or at any other Time, to obtain the Graces you stand in need of; ----To preserve in your Heart a Spirit of Piety;------Or to keep in your Mind the Vows that are upon you.

Phadjeryn, edyr nish ny Traa erbee elley, dy chosney ny Grayseyn ta Feme ayd orroo; ---Dy reayll ayns dty Chree Spyrryd dy Chraueeaght;----Er-nonney dy chummal ayns dty Aigney ny Breearraghyn t'ou foue.

A short Form of Thankf- Aght ghiare dy HoyrtBooife *.

giving †.

1 Theff. v. 18. In every thing I Theff. v. 18. Ayns dy chooilgive Thanks; for this is the ley Nhee cur-jee Booise; fon Will of God. She shoh Aigney Yee.

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and Praise for them; but, Olas Moylley cooie y choyrt er God, accept of this my Sacri- nyn fon; agh, O Yee, jean fice of Praise and Thanksgi. Soiaghey 'yannoo jeh shoh ving.----For this, and for all my Oural dy Voylley as dy thy known and unobferved Hoyrt-booife.---Er fon shoh, as Favours of Nature and of er fon ooilley dty Chenjallys Grace, I bless thy good Pro-er-fys as gyn-yss dy Ghooghys vidence; beseeching Thee to as dy Ghrayse, ta mee cur pardon my Ingratitude, and Bannaght da dty Ard-chiarail that I have paffed so many vie; guee ort dy leih dou my Occafions without obferving Neu-vooise, as fon dy vel mee and without acknowledging thy er lhiggey shaghey whilleen great Goodness to thy un- Keayrt fegooish Geill, y choyrt worthy Servant. For when da, as fegooish Goaill-rish, dty I confider my Dependence upon Vieys vooar gys dty Harvaant Thee. for my Life,-----for neu-feeu.-----Son tia ta mee my Prefervation, for my finooinaghtyn dy nee ort ta my Redemption, and for the varrant,---fon my Vioys,---fon Means of Grace and Salva- my Choadey,---fon my Livreytion which thou hast afforded ys veih Peccah,----as fon ny me, I cannot but be very Saafeyn dy Ghrayse as dy Hauthankful.-----As long therefore altys t'ou er stowal orrym, cha as I live, I will praise Thee---- voddym gyn ve feer vooifal.--Glory be to God my Crea- Shen-y-fa choud as vee'm bio, tor,Glory be to Jesus nee'm oo y voylley---Gloyr dy my Redeemer, Glory be row gys Jee my Er-croo,------to the HOLY GHOST my Gloyr dy row gys YEESEY MY Sanctifier, my Guide, and Haualtagh.---Gloyr dy row gys Comforter. All Love, all y SPYRRYD NOo ta dy my Praife and Glory be to God chasherickey, dy my leeideil, as Most High. Amen. dy my gherjaghey.---Dy chooilley Ghraib, dy chooilley Voylley as Gloyr dy row gys y Jee fmoo Syrjey. Amen.

St. John xvi. 23. Verily, veNoo Ean xvi. 23. Dy firrily, I say unto you, What-rinagh, firrinagh, ta mee gra riu, Cre-erbee hirrys shiu er yn Ayr ayns yn Ennym aym's, dy der eh diu eh.

focver ye shalt afk the Father in my Name, He will give it you.


IN all Humility, O Heaven


YNS dy chooilley Injillid, O Ayr Flaunyssagh, ta this thy Son's most faithful mee cur stiagh fon Cairys gys

Promise, confirmed by his Oath-In his Name, and for his fake, I beseech Thee to give to me an Heart tru ly sensible of his great Love in paying the Debt due, by me, to thy divine Justice; and grant that the Merits of his Death and Sacrifice may not be loft upon me.

y Ghialdyn fmoo firrinagh shoh jeh dty Vac, jeant shickyr dooin liorish e Vreearrey.----Ayns yn Ennyım echeysyn, as er e Ghraih, ta mee guee ort dy chur dou Cree lesh Ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh e Ghraih vocar ayns geeck y Feeaghyn, va orrym's dy eeck, dadty Chairys flaunyssagh; as giall nagh bee 1 oilchinys y Vaafe as yn Oural echey caillit orrym's.

Give me a saving Faith Cur dou Credjue as Tuhtey and Knowledge; - A fincere oddys my hauail; Graib firLove for thee, and for thy rinagh orts, as er dty Ghoo holy Word;---An hearty De- casherick;---Yeearree creeoil dy fire to please Thee;---A Fear | dty wooiys;---Aggle dy chur of offending Thee ;----A Zeal Jymmoofe ort;---Graih jeean for thy Glory; and a great da dty Ghloyr; as Arrym Regard for every thing that mooar da dy chooilley Nhee belongs to thee. ta bentyn dhyt.

• Give me fuch a Love for my Neighbour as thou hast commanded: a due Regard for my Betters, and an utter Abhorrence of all manner of Fraud, Injustice and Wrong.

Give me a tender ConScience, a meek and quiet Spirit, a charitable, an humble, and a contented Mind.

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Cur dou lheid y Ghraib da my Naboo as t'ou er harey: Arrym cooie dauesyn t'er my skyn, as Dwoaie firrinagh da dy chooilley Vonney dy Volteyrys, dy Vee-chairys, as dy Aggair. Cur dou Cooinfhcanse veigh, Spyrryd meen as feagh, Aigney ghiaftyllagh, imlee, as booiagh lesh my Stayd bene.

Cur dou Ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh my Annooinidyn hene, Atchim roish Eunyflyn ny Foalley, Pocar harruh my Yeearreeyn, as Avgle jeh yn, Seihll, Las e Yallooyn.


Leave me not to my own Choices - Keep me from Pride, and from prefumptious Sins; From wicked Principles, and wicked Company; and from the Vices of the Age and Place I live in.

Ny faag mee dy reih er my hon hene---Freill mee veih Moyrn, as veih Roonid Peccah; ---Veih Drogh - chredjue, as Drogh-heshaght; as veih Peccaghyn y Theihll, as yn Ynnyd raad ta mee cummal...

Freill mee kinjagh ayns Cooinaghtyn jeh my Laa jer

Make me ever mindful of my latter End, and of the Account I must one Day rinagh, as jeh'n Choontey give of my Life and of the shegin dou un Laa y choyrt Talents with which Thou shalt jeh my Vea as jeh ny Talentyn entrust me.--And grant t'ou er hreifhteil orrym.---As that I may lead an innocent and a useful Life, by doing Good in my Generation.

Take Poffeffion of my Soul, until I am restored to thy divine Image, from which I am fadly fallen.

For these, and for all the Graces I stand in need of, I plead thy gracious Goodness, and my Saviour's Merits and Promise to all that ask in his Name: And I know thou wilt not deny me, because the very Will to ask these Mercies is from Thee, and thy good Spirit. Amen.

Rom. viii. 32. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall be not with him

giall dy voddym Bea gyn-loght as vondeishagh y leeideil, liorish Mie 'yannoo ayns my Heeloghe.

Gow my Annym ayns dty chummal, derrey vee'm reefht er ny chaghlaa gys y Chaslys flaunyssagh ayd's, veih ta mee dy trimshagh er duittym.

Er nyn fon oc shoh, as fon dy chooilley Ghrayse ta femoil dou, ta mee pleadeil gys dty Vieys ghrayfoil, as gys Toilchinys as Gialdyn my Haualtagh dauesyn ooilley ta geearree ayns yn Ennym echeyiyn: As ta Fys aym nagh jean oo mish y obbal, fon dy vel yn eer Aigney dy hirrey ny Myghinyn shoh cheet void's, as veih dty Spyrryd mie. Amen.

Rom. viii. 32. Elbyn nagh ren e Vac bene y haghney, agh livrey eh feoje eh er nyn fon ooilley, kys nagh der eshyn dooin


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