CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. A.D. At Rome, Paul is suffered to dwell, under the care of a 65 67 70 96 We have here omitted the date of St. Paul's Epistles, as given Here ends the Book of the Acts, which is the last historical The dates of the Epistles of James, Peter, and John, we have Acts xxviii. Eusebius Mat. xxiv. This year Jerusalem (according to Christ's prophecy) is besieged, ANALYSIS OF THE APOCALYPSE, OR REVELATION. To complete the series of divine providences, we subjoin The three first chapters (after a short introduction) con- The inspired author then proceeds to the opening of the 70 270 304 to The opening of the fifth seal, represents the awful scenes The sixth seal evidently describes the fall of Paganism, The seventh seal produces a solemn pause, and a short &c. Rev. vi. 1-8. 12-17. Rev. vii. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. A.D. The first four trumpets predict the invasion of the several 337 The fifth trumpet introduces the Saracen invaders, like to Seven The seventh announces the approach of the millennium, From 1. The measuring of the temple, leaving the outer court 1600 to 1900 1260 days or years. 3. The true church persecuted, and Rev. ix. 1-12. Rev. 1. Rev. xi. 1, 2. 7—12. Rev. xiii. 11-18. The Lamb and his company on Mount Sion. An angel Rev. xiv. Seven angels appear in the temple with the seven vials, Rev. xv. 1-5. The vials are poured out; and the effects of the three Rev. xvi. 18th century. The four last vials are reckoned from the beginning of the 6-21. 1960 2000 The fall of Babylon, with which that of Mahometanism Rev. xvii. The lamentation of her friends.-The triumph of the Rev. xviii. Satan bound for a thousand years, which produces the to Rev. xix. Rev. xx. After this, Satan makes one more (his final) effort for the Conclusion of the book, and of the sacred Canon. Rev. xxi. 1-5. 6-21. AUTHORS PRINCIPALLY CONSULTED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK. Though we have constantly referred to the Authors we have quoted, it may not be improper to give a list of them in our concluding pages, and it may be useful to Students wishing to form a Biblical and Theological Library. ON THE WHOLE SCRIPTURES. Rev. M. Henry's Commentary, 6 vols. 4to. Dr. Adam Clarke's Comment. 8 vols. 4to. The Old and New Testaments chronologically arranged, with Notes, Indexes, &c., by the Rev. G. Townsend, M. A. Prebend. of Durham. 4 vols. 8vo. ON PARTICULAR BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The Pentateuch Annotations by the Job-Crit. Dissertations by the Rev. C. New Translation, with Notes, &c. by J. M. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Can ticles-Paraphrase and Notes by Bp. Patrick. 3 vols, sm. 8vo. Proverbs and Ecclesiastes - Translation and Notes by the Rev. G. Holden, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Ecclesiastes-New Translation, Notes, &c. by the Rev. A. V. Desveux, M.A. 4to. Canticles-A new Translation, and Notes, by Bp. Percy. ditto, by J. M. Good, M.D. F.R.S. Isaiah-Ditto, by Bp. Lowth. 8vo. Jeremiah-Ditto, by Dr. Blaney. 8vo. Ezekiel-Ditto, by Abp. Newcome. 4to. Minor Prophets-Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Summary View of the Prophets, by Dr. Jn. Smith, of Cambleton. 2nd. edit. 8vo. ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. Doddridge's Family Expositor, by Dr. Dod dridge. Royal 8vo. Hammond's Paraphrase and Annotations, folio. Wesley's (Rev. John) Notes on the New Testament, 2 vols. 12mo. The four Gospels-New Translation and Notes, with Preliminary Dissertations, by Dr. G. Campbell. 2 vols. 8vo. 1807. The English Harmony of Abp. Newcome, with Notes, &c. 8vo. 1802. The Apostolical Epistles, with a Commen tary and Notes, by Dr. Macknight. 4 vols. 8vo. 1809. To the Hebrews-Exposition, Preliminary / Exercitations, by Dr. John Owen, abridged by Dr. E. Williams. 4 vols. 8vo. Paraphrase and Notes on this Epistle, by A. M'Lean. 2 vols. 12mo. 1 Epis. of Peter-A Commentary by Abp. Leighton. 2 vols. 8vo. Revelation (or Apocalypse)-See the Authors referred to in the Introduction to that Book, p. 786, 7. AUTHORS PRINCIPALLY CONSULTED. BIBLICAL CRITICS AND DIVINES. Burder's, Dr. Samuel, Oriental Customs, Hunter's, Dr. Henry, Life of Christ, 8vo. 2 vols. 8vo. Ditto Literature, 2 ditto. Burgess, Bp., "the Bible and nothing but the Bible," &c. Cr. 8vo. Calmet's Dictionary, by C. Taylor, with Fragments, &c. 5 vols. 4to. Edwards, Dr. J., on the Excellency of Scripture, 3 vols. small 8vo. Pres., History of Redemption, 8vo. Notes; and other works. Fletcher's, Rev. J., Lectures on the Rom. Cath. Religion. 8vo. Hall's, Rev. Rob., Select Sermons. 8vo. Hall's, Bishop, Contemplations on the Old and New Testament. Harris's, Dr. T. M., Natural History of the Bible, 8vo. Horne's, Bp., Lives of Abel, Enoch, Noah, and St. John Baptist, 12mo.-Letters on Infidelity, by Ditto. Horne's, Rev. T. H., M.A., Critical Introduction to the Scriptures, new edit. 4 vols. 8vo. Hunter's, Dr. David, Observations on the History of Christ, 2 vols. 12mo. Jay's, Rev. W., Short Discourses, 4 vols. small 8vo. Jebb's, Bp., Sacred Literature, 8vo. Lardner's Credibility and Suppl., 15 vols. octavo. Lowth, Bp., Lectures on Hebrew Poesy, 2 vols. 8vo. Michaelis's Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, 4 vols. 8vo. Morrison's, Dr. R., Parting Memorial. 8vo. Newton's, Bp., Dissertations on the Prophecies, 2 vols. 12mo. Paley's, Dr. Horæ Paulinæ, 12mo. Pearson, Bp., on the Apostle's Creed, 4to. Robinson's, T., Scripture Characters, 4 vols. 8vo. Sharpe's, Granville, Esq., Case of Saul, and other Tracts. Cr. 8vo. Smith's, Dr. J. P., Testimony to the Mes siah. 2 vols. 8vo. Stackhouse's History of the Bible, 6 vol. 8vo. Taylor's, Bp. Jer., Life of Christ, 4to. Watts's, Dr., Sermons, 4 vols. 8vo. Witsius, Prof., on the Apostles' Creed, by Fraser, 2 vols. 8vo. Directions to the BINDER for placing the Maps, extra Sheets, &c. MAPS. Map I.-Illustrative of the Old Testament, to be prefixed to Vol. I. Map II.-Canaan (with a Ground Plan of Solomon's Temple), before Joshua. Map III.-Land of Israel in our Saviour's time, with a Ground Plan of Jerusalem, to be prefixed to the New Testament. Map IV. Illustrative of the Acts of the Apostles, to be prefixed to that book. SHEETS. All the sheets which follow this must be placed at the end of the Second Volume of the Old Testament, except only the Title and Preface to the New Testament. Printed by Mills, Jowett, and Mills, Boll-court, Fleet-street. |